I (29F) dont know how to react to what my boyfriend (34M) told me

A woman (29F) faces a challenging conversation with her boyfriend (34M) after he expressed disappointment in how her family welcomed him during a visit. Despite being offered food and treated politely, he compared the experience to what he received at his ex’s home, leaving her annoyed and unsure how to react. Read her story below.
‘ I (29F) dont know how to react to what my boyfriend (34M) told me’
My boyfriend (34M) came to fetch me (29F) from my maternal granny’s place. When he came, everyone (cousins, granny, mum) were sitting in the living room waiting for him to come. When he came, we were still sitting and he came to sit besides me.
When he came, mys mum asked him if he will eat something. He said no but they keep insisting and he kept saying no. Despite that, my mum pulled me aside and asked me if he likes to eat sausage and she will sauteed some so that he can eat with bread.
Which she did and he ate that with everyone. Then we came home, he confessed that he did not like the welcome he got. He told me he expected them to make food or snacks already waiting for him.
This is the type of welcome he always got when he went to his ex’s place. He said even his sister does that and he will do the same when my folks come home. I was a bit annoyed. Is he right?
Here’s the input from the Reddit crowd:
Arthur_Two_Sheds_J − You sure he is 34 and not 14?
broadsharp2 − Sorry, different culture from me or not, at 34 years old he sounds like a jack ass.
cc_bcc − Is this a cultural thing? Why is he comparing you to his ex? He got fresh cooked food after saying no multiple times…thats insanely kind treatment of your family in my opinion. How is that not better than having food ready to eat for when he arrives places? He’s a grade A entitled j**k to me.
No-Technician-8971 − This did not go where i thought it was going lol. I was ready for him to be upset at feeling pressured to eat when he said no multiple times😂 He sounds like a j**k,
he wouldn’t have gotten food at our home after say no more than twice. Anytime we go to another family members home expecting to eat we always bring something, so who’s really the AH here. I’d say he is.
matchamagpie − I would lose so much attraction to my partner if they had that type of entitled mindset. He sounds immature and entitled. I’d be embarrassed to have him around my family again.
PabloDiego83 − Wow. Look for a new boyfriend. This one is broke and will take to much time to retrain.
Clashermasta24 − Dude really compared you to his ex? Does he compare you to his/your mother to your face as well? Why does he compare you to other people, doesnt he know you are a completely different individual with a completely different family? Sorry you have to deal with this behavior from a 35 year old.
Hes way out of line. He was showed hospitality and was ungrateful. So ungrateful that he basically spited your family. I think you can do better tbh. If he acts like this towards hospitality, Im willing to bet he has many other inherent character issues he should work on before engaging in a significant relationship.. I wish you the best.
AttorneyTime4707 − Sounds like you should let him go back to his ex.
Spinnerofyarn − Wait, wait, wait. He was offered food and refused it. Your mom then made food and included him anyway and he ate it, only to tell you afterwards that food should have been ready and waiting for him?
Then he has the gall to say his ex’s family had it right by doing that? Well, he can just go right back to his ex, then! He’s rude!
Snoo_59080 − This is not okay, this is entitlement disguised under culture.
Balancing cultural or personal expectations in relationships can be tricky, especially when families are involved. Was the boyfriend’s reaction justified, or should he have appreciated the gesture offered? How would you address such mismatched expectations in a relationship? Share your perspective below!
Have food ready and waiting for him? He is not the man of the house. What if your family dined at 5:30 and he comes at 7, should there be food waiting for him? I think not!! I did not know manners are cultural.