HAPPY UPDATE: 7 Months After Learning My Wife Can’t Have Kids, She’s Still Struggling – Should I Consider Divorce?

A Reddit user shared a heartfelt update about his wife’s journey to overcome grief after learning she couldn’t have children. Initially contemplating divorce.
He found a breakthrough through an emotional letter that reignited their connection. With therapy, a trip to Japan, and plans for the future, the couple is rebuilding their relationship. Read the inspiring story below.
For those who want to read the previous part: https://aita.pics/DuojT
‘ HAPPY UPDATE: 7 Months After Learning My Wife Can’t Have Kids, She’s Still Struggling – Should I Consider Divorce?’
Hi all. First off, I want to apologize for not responding to every single post reply or PM. I am genuinely touched by the sheer amount of support I received and I spent quite a few hours crying my eyes out as I read your messages and well wishes.
The night after I wrote my original post, I wrote my wife a short letter (thank you /u/Witchy_Woman420 for the idea) that went something like this: “Dear \[Wife’s name\], I love you more than you can imagine and the most I want in this world is for you to be happy.
I understand that as a man I probably have no idea how intense the pain that you are feeling is. I’m doing my best to help you but the fact that you won’t help yourself is taking a toll on our marriage.
I honestly cannot continue living like this for much longer and our marriage is in jeopardy if you don’t make an effort to get better. However, I want to get over this bump together and start working in the right direction together. I’m ready to talk whenever you are.. With all my love,. \[My name\]”. .
I put the letter on top of her laptop and went to bed. The next morning (March 16th), I woke up a bit earlier than usual to fix her a double helping of her favorite breakfast: blueberry pancakes, bacon, scrambled eggs, and fresh squeezed OJ. When I walked into the bedroom with her food, I saw her reading my letter.
When she saw me, she put the letter down, got out of bed, threw herself into my arms, and started crying. Full on, Niagara Falls level crying. I hugged her tighter, told her “I love you so, so, much”, and started crying too. I honestly don’t know how long we stood there hugging each other and crying.
It could’ve been 10 minutes, it could’ve been an hour, I didn’t care. When she stopped crying, she promised me that she would go to therapy. Reddit, you guys don’t know how thrilled and proud I was when I heard those words.
She then asked me if we could go on a trip to Japan because in her words “I really need to leave this f**king house for once and get some fresh air.” I was so f**king proud of her when she took the initiative in planning our trip.
She’s always been a methodical, organized person and as she booked the flights and hotels I saw in her eyes the same spark that made me fall in love with her 8 years ago.
We just finished packing for the trip and she fell asleep with the faintest of smiles on her face not too long ago. We have a 5AM Uber to catch, a trip to enjoy, and both therapy and dog-shopping sessions lined up when we return. We’re not quite out of the tunnel yet, but we can see the light at the end.
Here’s the comments of Reddit users:
KeiSatsuki − So… Did you drop her food or did it just disappear from existence?
turnipxprincess − This was so wholesome. I’m so happy for both of you, and you’re being a wonderful husband to her. I hope you both enjoy Japan !
buckythirteen96 − I’m so pleased for you buddy! Don’t forget that surrogacy and adoption are always options as well! Kids aren’t miraculously better just because they’re fruit of *your* loins, there are plenty of kids in need of loving homes already and it sounds like yours is one.
EDIT: omg ty for the silver, mysterious stranger! My first silver ever – my first anything ever! EDIT 2: Gold as well! This is crazy, thank you sm!
krystiannajt − Man I got dust in my eyes.
kkumaran13 − There are tears in my eyes! I’m so happy that you guys are working it out together! Maybe i’m biased because i was adopted but adoption is a great idea!
[Reddit User] − That is amazing, you guys truly have something special. Please cherish it.
[Reddit User] − Fiction
hockeystew − This whole thing seems kind of fake, guys.. reread both posts and they just look super written and cheesy. Idk maybe I’m full of s**t
BrojackCoorsman − I can’t believe how many people are posting about their emotional reaction and saying enjoy Japan and all this stuff.. Here is the sad reality:. There is no wife.. There is no marriage. There is no “fresh squeezed orange juice”.
Like what the f**k man, at least be more believable. This is the worst kind of karma farming. This guy is without a doubt some strange neck beard character who made up a bunch of nonsense. Shame on you OP.
lotyei − Alright, I’m just going to call it. This sounds extremely fake. Really fake. Anyone who’s been in a similar situation or in an adult situation can’t possibly believe that the depression of being unable to borne a child can be fixed by a letter that OP just happened to be gracious enough to put online.
And after reading this letter, his wife just somehow, magically, overcomes her depression and flings herself into his arms and has a cathartic cry.
Not to mention just the extraneous, unnecessary storytelling details on this post that comes across as cliche and overly sweet. Come on. This sounds like how a 15 year old thinks marriages and adults work. I’m calling bs.
Do you think the user’s heartfelt letter and persistence were the key to saving his marriage? How would you handle a deeply personal crisis like this in your own relationship? Share your thoughts below!