Girlfriend has 250k in student loans?

A Reddit user shared their decision to break up with their girlfriend of three years after learning she had $250k in student loans and no clear plan to address them. Despite her dream of becoming a teacher, her approach to the debt as “our problem” left him feeling like the relationship was more of a burden than a partnership. Read the full story below to see how finances and differing values shaped their tough decision.
‘ Girlfriend has 250k in student loans?’
26M have been dating my girlfriend for 3 years, I found out she has 250k in student loans, in 6 months her payments are going to start and realistically they are going to be around $2800 a month, she has a bachelors degree in education and ideally wants to become a teacher.
Realistically salary wise she would be making around $50k a year she is in the process of looking for a job, I work in finance and currently make $100k a year, objectively she is an extremely attractive woman but displays no motivation to pay off her loans, I’ve asked her about it a few times before but she brushes it off like it’s no big deal and displays no motivation to pay it off.
That it’s “our debt” and we’ll address it at a later date, so to make a long story short I dumped her, fundamentally I can’t deal with that kind of dead weight in a relationship and think that ideally your significant other should be there to build you up not bring you down, AITA?
Here’s the input from the Reddit crowd:
draynaccarato − $250k in debt for a bachelors degree is insanity. That’s all i have to say about that.
CalmTrifle − “Our debt?” And only a girlfriend? You dodged a bullet. NTA.
PatentlyRidiculous − NTA. She was looking for a magic wand to erase her mistakes. YOU were that wand. $250k loan to make $50k per year? That’s just dumb.
GAB104 − NTA.She’s not trustworthy, and you don’t have the same ideas about how to manage money. That’s more than enough reason to discontinue a relationship.
1. She incurred $250K debt to become a teacher? Where did she go to school?
2. She kept that debt secret for almost three years.
3. She shows no concern about paying it off, because
4. She considers it y’all’s debt, not hers alone, and you’re not even married.
prcullen1986 − NTA. This will only get worse with credit cards and other types of debt.
RiffRandellsBF − Tell her to get a government job. Doesn’t matter which government. So long as its government and full-time, she can apply for an income sensitive public service loan. Payments will be capped and after 120 payments, if there’s any left it’ll be forgiven. Not kidding.
RLLCCR − I could understand $75k or something but $250k is beyond any kind of rationale for a bachelors.
NotUrSaviour − She saw you as potential ATM. You did good in dumping her. Also do NOT hook up with her again, unless you want a baby-trap situation.. NTA.
Hiitsmetodd − 250k to become a teacher is quite possibly the dumbest thing she can do. Please please tell her to explore other options. She will be in debt her entire life unless you step in.
DoubleDipCrunch − run for your f**king life.