AITAH for refusing to let my cousin into my house after he stole $2000 worth of games from me when he was a teenager?


A Redditor shared a story about refusing to allow their cousin into their home after a decade-old incident where the cousin stole $2,000 worth of video games from them as a teenager. Despite the Redditor’s frustration, their family insists they should move on since the cousin was a child at the time. However, the Redditor feels unresolved due to their mother’s role in covering up the theft to protect the cousin. Read the full story below to understand the family dynamics and the lingering tension over this incident.


‘ AITAH for refusing to let my cousin into my house after he stole $2000 worth of games from me when he was a teenager?’

Ten years ago, I let my cousin into my house when he was 16. Every one of my video games he handled that day was missing the next day. He took the discs from the cases and who knows what happened to the discs after that. Some of those games were rare and out of print.

As soon as my mother found out I told his father, my uncle, about this, she called my uncle up and told him that because I was a diagnosed Aspie, I did not really know my cousin stole the games from me. My cousin got away with stealing from me because of that. My mother later admitted she knew she lied to my uncle because she was worried that my cousin being grounded all summer would be bad for his mental health.


Now I have a house and I refuse to let this cousin into it until he apologizes for stealing from me. My family is telling me I am being childish because he was a child when he stole from me, but I think he learned it was safe to steal from me thanks to my mother’s intervention. How should I handle this?

Here’s what Redditors had to say:

SnarkyBeanBroth −  NTA. He should not only have to apologize, he should have to make restitution. Your cousin, your uncle, and your mother are all AHs.


fly1away −  An apology is the very least you should be asking. How about $2000 worth of payback. Plus an apology. At the very least. Has he no shame? Can’t believe he hasn’t even apologised or made some excuse.
I’m sorry you had to go through that. Why don’t you ask your family if they’ll mind if you steal $2000 worth of their stuff. It’d be childish to mind, right?

And wow, your mother is a piece of work. Absolute NTA. Stand your ground! Hope you have managed to rebuild your game collection.


ElonDiddlesKids −  NTA. I wouldn’t allow the rotten cousin or your trashbag mother in the house either. F**k both of them with a pinecone.

[Reddit User] −  He wasn’t a kid. He was 16. Don’t let him near your house.

Alternative_Deer_402 −  You: 0% a**hole. Cousin: 100% a**hole. “Family”: 110% A**hole

livelovehikeaz −  Stand your ground. He was a minor, but as a sixteen year old, he should have known better and certainly known right from wrong. Protect your home which should always be a safe haven. It doesn’t matter that it’s been ten years. The fact that he’s never apologized says he hasn’t evolved into a decent human being. NTA.


Edited to add that your mom is terrible for her behavior. I also want to add that as someone who has worked extensively with kids all over the spectrum, I have yet to meet one without an exceptional level of intelligence. Your mom is wrong on all accounts.

worndown75 −  No, next question?


Ethan91234 −  Im confused, did your mother tell your uncle that your cousin stole from you or not? Does the cousin or your extended family know the reason why you dont want him in your house? Nonetheless, your house your rules, if you are not comfortable with someone being there, then you have the every right not to invite them.

See_VI −  So your cousin being grounded is bad for his mental health but you facing injustice, theft and having nobody trusting your claim and knowing your mother doesn’t have your back is good ? Your mother didn’t want to create waves in the extended family by disregarding her child. Her choice. Now you want to enforce your boundaries : no t**ef in your house. Your choice. Period.. NTA.


Knickers1978 −  NTA
So you’re Asperger’s and they wonder why you can’t let it go? Sometimes I think (often) people with special needs are smarter than most of the so called normals. Don’t let it go. If it were me, he’d have to apologise and pay for replacements, but I’m a bitter old girl who hates thieves and loves gaming🤷‍♀️
Edit to add: sorry, neurodivergent. I’m still stuck on old definitions. I didn’t want to edit out the mistake, though, otherwise the following comments wouldn’t make sense😊

Was the Redditor justified in maintaining this boundary until they receive an apology, or should they let the past go given how much time has passed? How would you handle a family member’s betrayal and the lack of accountability? Share your thoughts and experiences in the comments below!


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  1. Wendy 3 weeks ago

    How does anyone steal 2,000 of anything in noticed. Why wasn’t your mom worried about your mental health?
    I wouldn’t let her in my house either.