AITA for suing my ex?

A Reddit user shared their decision to sue their ex, a YouTuber, after the ex publicly accused them of emotional abuse in a video. The lawsuit, while financially draining for both parties, ended in the user’s favor.
However, they faced backlash from friends for continuing to link the court decision in the ex’s comment sections, which led to a decline in the ex’s viewership. The ex blamed the user for ruining their life, and friends accused the user of taking things too far.
‘Â AITA for suing my ex?’
So I dated a YouTuber. We went out for about a year and it was alright but they were so emotionally invested in their channel that they constantly neglected me and made me feel like I wasn’t a priority. Not really important why we broke up, but we broke up.
Then I get a bunch of messages from friends about 3 months later telling me to go to their channel. I’m pretty much done with them but I do and I realise they made a video about me where they claim I was emotionally abusive.
I continued to get messages from strangers telling me how awful a person I was and how they hoped I died through various means.. So I sued my ex. It ruined them. I knew they were financially in a bad spot and they likely couldn’t afford court fees but the case dragged.
They made a video about not being able to afford court costs and such and how it was going to ruin them. After which a bunch of friends started telling me to just let it go and move on but I had sunk money into the case as well. It wasn’t cheap for me either so I didn’t just let it go.
Eventually the judge ruled in my favor and I received a total of nothing from my ex…… But it meant I could link to the result in the comments section of every video she tried to frame me as the bad guy because in our state, court proceedings are public record.
Suddenly her viewership dropped and she blamed me for ruining her life. A bunch of my friends said I went too far and should’ve just taken the court win and left her alone.. Was I the a**hole?
Here’s what Redditors had to say:
[Reddit User] − NTA – Actions have consequences. Her “content” could have ruined YOUR life, but nobody thinks about that huh?
redditiscraptbh − NTA. The ex shouldn’t be using a private relationship for youtube views, and deserves everything they got.
2Tosties1Poutine − NTA. Don’t feel badly, part of enforcing a libel or slander suit is to publicize it so that the public record is corrected.
[Reddit User] − Something tells me that why you broke up might be kind of important to the story
[Reddit User] − NTA- that’s called liable. You were 100% in the right to sue her Edit: it’s been said multiple times now. It is not libel it is slander. Y’all can stop correcting it now it has been explained. Please read subsequent comments.
StephenBanana − This s**t is so fake it isn’t even funny
Alseids − Info: did you consider that she saw your behavior in the relationship as emotionally abusive and examine your actions to be sure? I’m not saying what she did was right. There is a possibility though that she genuinely believes your relationship was abusive.
bufallll − uhhhhh… bro is there a chance you might have been actually abusive though? everyone here is saying NT.A but there’s really no context about what your relationship was like. what were some of the things she claimed you did/how do you refute that? INFO
[Reddit User] − INFO: why’d you break up? I think it could matter. You gloss over it and idk of it’s because you might look bad or because it really doesn’t matter.
Also, what did you do that she saw as emotionally abusive? You never explain whether or not you were actually emotionally abusive.
ETA: YTA for not answering my questions, which frankly makes me think you’re hiding something and know you were actually emotionally abusive and also forced your poor ex to go through the mental trauma of a court case in addition to your abuse.
[Reddit User] − Op based on how you come off responding to others on this thread and the lack of information you put in your post YTA.