WIBTA for kicking my girlfriend out and leaving her stranded in a foreign country after finding out she cheated?


A 24-year-old man is grappling with the discovery that his 23-year-old girlfriend cheated on him multiple times while they were in a long-distance relationship. The revelation came just before her return flight, and he’s debating whether to kick her out and leave her stranded in a foreign country or simply drive her to the airport. He feels deeply betrayed and conflicted about how to handle the situation. Read the original story below to see the full context.


‘ WIBTA for kicking my girlfriend out and leaving her stranded in a foreign country after finding out she cheated? ‘

I’m (24M) and I’ve been with my girlfriend (23F) for 3 years now. She’s an international student who I met while enrolled at a university in my home country. We clicked and started dating soon thereafter. We dated until I ultimately graduated and moved to a different city. Meanwhile, she returned home for further studies and we were in a long distance relationship for a significant portion of this year.

While long distance, we would talk daily, have a phone call almost every night and there were constant mutual assurances of love and commitment. I’d help her with her studies, talk with her family occasionally, and everything went smoothly for the most part. For the holidays, I flew her to my city so we could reunite for a bit before she returned to her studies.


I’ve taken her on dates, taken her shopping, explored the city with her and have a full itinerary of fun activities we can do. It’s been pretty much what you’d expect the typical young couple to do. I thought we were wildly in love and aiming to build a future together. Of course it all came crashing down spectacularly.

I woke up this morning to a barrage of messages and screenshots from an unfamiliar number. It’s all damning. It confirms that she’s cheated on me multiple times while in her home country. There were texts talking about her needing to take emergency contraceptives, missing her period, possibly needing an a**rtion, and so much more.


Some of it is so sickening I can’t even believe that this is the same woman I’ve come to know for years. It makes me question whether I ever even really knew her, or if I only knew the parts of her that she wanted me to know. I don’t even know what I feel right now. It feels like I’m lucid dreaming. Part of me is furious, incandescent with rage, really. Another part of me is just dead.

Her flight for home leaves tomorrow, and I’m torn between waking her up and confronting her now, or just waiting until she’s departed before blocking her and forgetting her existence. I don’t know. It just perplexes me that after all this time of being committed and loyal to her, this is how she chooses to behave.


Reddit, I’m strongly contemplating kicking her out and leaving her stranded. Another part of me just wants to drive her to the airport and send her away tomorrow, never speaking to her again. WIBTA if I choose the former option? I don’t even know how to feel right now..

Here’s the comments of Reddit users:

Fit_Friendship_3836 −  Be happy someone told you this. Otherwise you would raise someone else’s child. Forward her all the messages and say nothing. She knows to way to the airport.


Justthislazy −  Tell her to get an uber or something. I wouldn’t bother with wasting my gas. Camping out at the airport for a while isn’t going to kill her. NTA

TouristImpressive838 −  Go in now and start packing up her s**t. When she asks why, tell her she knows why and would better spend her time figuring out where to go. Then, tell her to get dressed and put her s**t outside. Be armor plated dude, crocodile tears, s** bombing, psychotic raging, insults, shaming….ignore all of it.


She may have been pregnant, more than once, with this a**hole. You may be sporting a f**king STI that shithead injected.her with. You don’t owe her a f**king thing, especially not courtesy. If you paid for her ticket, get the money.from her.

The_Motherlord −  I just want to make certain I read correctly. You said she’s 23 years old, not 2-3 years old? She’s an adult. You would not be abandoning her anywhere. She made a decision to get on a plane and found her way to the airport on her own, a 23 year old does not need you to hold her hand until TSA screening to find her way back.


Unless you think she’s at serious risk of tripping and falling head first into someone else’s lap. You have 2 choices. Forward her all the texts and leave or wake her and have a showdown and leave. Congratulations! She already knows she’s pregnant and you’re the father. She’s going to “discover” she’s pregnant in 3 weeks and swear it’s yours.. Good luck.

NopeNinjaSquirrel −  Confront her first, talk to her. Be 100% sure the texts are real and not some jealous ex or guy whose advances she declined that’s trying to get back at her for turning him down (because yes, people actually do that, so many simply can’t accept no for an answer).


If she did indeed cheat, tell her to pack her bags and leave: either get an earlier flight or find herself a hotel for the night. If she didn’t, block the number that sent you those texts and show them to your girlfriend so that she knows exactly what’s going on and could possibly try to discover who is behind it.

curiousjosh −  YWBTA if you didn’t check her phone first. Could be cheating, could be someone really jealous trying to break you up. Super easy check… ask to look through her messages and see if you can see those messages, otherwise… could easily be photoshop too. Tell her what happened, give her the chance to show you her phone. If she says no, makes excuses, or tries to turn it on you as jealousy, then it’s probably real.


Rhoenlicious −  Definitely NTA. You’re handling this way better than most people would. I mean, dropping her at the airport and cutting her off is the classy exit, but leaving her to sort her own mess after that level of betrayal? Completely understandable. You don’t owe her a cushy ride home after she disrespected your trust like that. Do what feels right for you, but whatever happens, she’s not your problem anymore.

iknowsomethings2 −  NTA. Kick her out. She’s an adult, she can make her way to the airport herself. (Unless you are in a rural area). You owe her nothing.. Get STD tested.


Traditional-Trade795 −  make sure the content of the messages is real before going bananas. check her phone. if that doesnt work, confront her and see how she reacts. demand to see her phone. see if things check out. if she was cheating, to the streets with her and ghost her ass

jpepackman −  Do what is best for you. I would wait until she’s gone and arrived in her country then let her know that you know about her infidelities and the two of you are finished. No drama, no arguing, crying, or bad situations if you do it prior to her departure.


What would you do in this situation—confront her now, or let her go and never speak to her again? Is leaving someone stranded in a foreign country justified in this kind of emotional turmoil, or would it make you the bad person? Share your thoughts and advice in the comments!

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