UPDATE: My (32m) best friend (34m) helped a woman (24f) cheat on the father of her child (1f)

A Reddit user (32M) shares an update about cutting ties with his best friend (34M) after discovering he helped a woman (24F) cheat on the father of her child. Despite attempts to communicate and resolve things, the situation worsened, especially when his friend was disrespectful on the anniversary of the user’s father’s death.
The Redditor made the tough decision to kick his friend out of his condo and has been without contact for 26 days. Since then, life has been improving, and the Redditor feels more confident and supported by other friends.
‘ UPDATE: My (32m) best friend (34m) helped a woman (24f) cheat on the father of her child (1f)’
I never thought I’d have to cut ties with my best friend, someone who had been by my side for years. But sometimes, the hardest decisions are the ones that end up saving you.
For months, I had been trying to repair what felt like a crumbling friendship. Through October and early November, I reached out repeatedly, hoping to have an honest conversation about the tension between us. But every time I tried, I hit a wall of indifference and sarcasm. I told myself to keep trying—after all, this was my best friend. Wasn’t that worth fighting for?
Then came the first anniversary of my dad’s death. It was already a heavy day for me, filled with grief and memories. Instead of support or even basic kindness, my friend made that day harder with their callous attitude. It felt like a slap in the face. That moment was my breaking point.
I realized I couldn’t keep giving so much of myself to someone who showed me so little in return. So, I made the painful decision to ask him to leave—not just my condo, but my life.
It wasn’t easy. Losing a friendship that had spanned so many years felt like ripping away a part of my own identity. For a while, I questioned if I had done the right thing. But as the days went by, I started noticing something incredible.
Without the constant negativity weighing me down, I began to feel lighter—freer. I hadn’t even realized how much I’d been leaning on alcohol to cope with the stress and hurt. Now, I’m proud to say it’s been 26 days since my last drink, and every day I feel stronger and more confident.
The most surprising part of all this? I discovered other friends who had been there for me all along. They weren’t loud or dramatic about their support—they were just steady, kind, and real. They’ve reminded me what true friendship looks like.
Looking back, I know I made the right choice. Letting go of that toxic friendship wasn’t just about cutting someone out—it was about making space for better things in my life, things I truly deserve. So here I am, moving forward, one day at a time. It’s not always easy, but it’s worth it.
Tl;dr: Kicked my former best friend out of my condo and out of my life. Found life to be slowly improving due to that decision
Take a look at the comments from fellow users:
[Reddit User] − It’s amazing how much more clearly we see things when we don’t have someone clouding our vision. In your case, you held your loyalty to your best friend above all, and then you were crushed to find out he’s not who you thought he was.
I’m sure if you reflect on your relationship with him, you’ll see other things you let slide that you probably shouldn’t have. The cheating thing was your proverbial line in the sand. Chalk it up to experience.
It wasn’t all bad. The relationship served you for that time, in the way you needed. It wasn’t a failure.. Keep Moving forward, and finding new friends. You’ll be amazed at how many good people are in the world that you haven’t even met yet.
Feral_Heartbeat − I’m in a similar process of trying to kick out a roommate/old friend that I have basically outgrown. She is SO ANGRY, all the time, and my home needs to be my sanctuary. She’s made it so unbelievably toxic. She’s pissed that I stopped smoking weed, and that I have been working towards education and getting a better job.
A real friend would be happy for me to have goals. I’m sure it sucks, and I’m sorry that it’s happening to you. But it’s good to get people with so little morals that he would help someone cheat out of your life. Here’s to the next chapter of yours. 👍
Pizzaisbae13 − You know you did the right thing. Curious to how much notice you gave him to leave? I’m sure he acted like an ass the entire time
Astrocyta − Exellent decision, I hope things continue to improve for you, and you get better friends!
bunnybry − Good for you! Once you change your surroundings, life can get much better! Congratulations on getting sober!
alionoffire − What do you mean helped her cheat? There seems to be no clarification to what that means
Apocketfulofwhimsy − I had a friend who was f**king a girl… and he was friends with her boyfriend. There are some moronic types that think only the person making the commitment are to blame. They are the person you should direct most of your anger at, sure, but the other person is still a steaming pile of s**t.
I stopped being his friend because that isn’t someone I want in my life. No reason to waste your time and energy on someone who has shown they have no regard for other people. They are trash, so good riddance =]
celia_of_dragons − Mazel tov on your 26 days of sobriety! That’s huge. I’m proud of you. Keep it up!
[Reddit User] − I also had a similar experience. One of my best friends had an affair with a married woman. They were both caught since it was being done at work and were fired. Husband of the woman found out and girlfriend of friend found out too. Both couples decided to work on their relationship, but my friend was still secretly seeking the other woman.
She ended up asking me for the woman’s new number and I said that I didn’t think it was fair that she was still seeking her out after her girlfriend gave her a second chance. She told me her relationship was none of my business, so I decided that I no longer needed her as a friend.
It is still hard right now to not talk to her whenever I see something she would like or find funny. But I think it’s for the best. Sometimes you just discover you have different morals and friendships are broken.
Weekly-Maintenance13 − Good for you have a merry christmas.now do the correct thing and tell that guy his girl cheated .. P.S.tell him she cheated.
Sometimes letting go of toxic relationships can be one of the hardest but most freeing decisions. Have you ever had to cut ties with someone you cared about for your own well-being? How did you handle the emotional aftermath? Share your thoughts below!