UPDATE : I (46F) have hurt my daughter (16F) by giving her friend(16F) a few books?

A 46-year-old mother updated her situation after receiving advice about her relationship with her 16-year-old daughter. After spending quality time together, including baking and cozy movie nights, the daughter came out to her, revealing that she and her friend are actually a couple.
The daughter had been unsure about coming out and had been dealing with tension in her relationship. The mother and father are now offering their support in a subtle yet meaningful way by providing a safe space for their daughter.
For those who want to read the previous part:https://aita.pics/PunWx
‘ UPDATE : I (46F) have hurt my daughter (16F) by giving her friend(16F) a few books?’
I want to start by thanking everyone for the thoughtful advice and perspectives I received. It really helped me see things from a different angle. After reading the responses, I decided to focus on just spending more quality time with my daughter and showing her that I’m here for her, no matter what.
She loves to bake, so we spent some time baking together, and we had some cozy movie nights as well. Slowly, I noticed her tension easing. The comments that had been lingering between us began to fade, and she started to seem more relaxed and happy again.
Yesterday, while we were baking, something unexpected happened. She came out to me. At first, I didn’t want to make a big deal out of it; I sensed she wasn’t ready for me to overreact. So I simply told her that I loved her and carried on with our baking. We didn’t rush the conversation, but later, we talked more.
She shared with me that she and her friend were actually a couple, and that her girlfriend had wanted to come out, but my daughter hadn’t been ready yet. It turns out they’d had a fight before I gave her the books for her friend, and that had caused some tension. Their relationship is now in a bit of limbo, as she doesn’t feel prepared to come out to the world.
To show her that we support her no matter what, my husband went ahead and ordered a small pride flag for her room. The world is a bit chaotic right now, but we want her to have a safe, private space where she can truly be herself.
Here’s the input from the Reddit crowd:
CptBloodyObvious − Captain Bloody Obvious says: You’re good parents.
[Reddit User] − I wish I had you as my mother. No I’m not gay but to take the time to learn from others on how to take care of your daughter lovingly is a really good trait and she is lucky that instead of you responding back in kind or from a place of negativity, you are responding with love.
Iprofessionalstudent − Ah, so her comment about wanting to read those books was accurate. Maybe re-purchase the LGBTQ+ ones again so she can read them?. Excellent parenting!
lilarose8 − I love hearing stories like this. My son came out to me at 15, I’m so glad he felt comfortable opening up to me. It’s so hard being a gay teenager, the world can be such a cruel place. But at least when they get the love and support at home, it makes it a little bit easier.
Cptn_Jib − I have a feeling your husband suspected this and didn’t want to out his daughter but didn’t know what to do. Good work on the support baking and movie nights, I’m sure she loves you guys very much.
Wipe_face_off_head − Way to go, mom! Sounds like you handled that perfectly. Your daughter is lucky to have parents such as yourselves.
Angela626 − A pride flag for her room!! You two are wonderful, supportive parents! Keep up the great work💜💜
IftruthBtold − These kinds of stories always make me really happy, but also a little jealous. I wonder how different my life would have been if I’d had parents that supported me when I came out. She’s lucky to have you both.
[Reddit User] − I hope to be a mom one day. Every time I come across a post like this with excellent parenting I try to log it away in my memory bank as a standard to strive for. Your daughter is very lucky to have you.
patatasconsal − You are great parents 💕