Update: I [25m] won 2 tickets to the Super Bowl. My girlfriend [25f] is very upset that I’m taking my brother [31m] and not her.

A Redditor who won Super Bowl tickets found themselves in the middle of a relationship conflict. Their girlfriend was upset about not being chosen to attend, despite the brother’s pivotal role in winning the contest. After attempting to resolve the situation, things took an unexpected turn, leading to a surprising conclusion. Read the full update below.
For those who want to read the previous part: https://aita.pics/SThVQ
‘ Update: I [25m] won 2 tickets to the Super Bowl. My girlfriend [25f] is very upset that I’m taking my brother [31m] and not her.’
Thanks everyone for the advice. It was very helpful. This was a very stressful and long few days. I’m just glad there seems to be a resolution. I had tried talking to my girlfriend and she was still clearly upset.
I approached the conversation as many people said keeping an understanding that she was more disappointed than controlling and would come around. Unfortunately she was being unreasonable. She said “I could go” but that doing so would hurt her a great deal and that she would need some time to reevaluate things.
I should have just ended things with her there but I was so sick of these tickets by this point that I didn’t even have the heart to go even if I did decide to end things with her. As suggested by some of the comments here, I called up the radio station and asked if it was at all possible to transfer the tickets to my brother so he could go with his wife.
They were totally understanding and awesome about it and said they were sorry I couldn’t go but they were glad to put the tickets in my brothers name for me. I was just glad to have it behind me at that point.
I told my girlfriend what I did and that I was staying here and she said that I was “being dramatic” and “immature.” She said that I transferred the tickets to my brother just so I could “win” the argument and look like a martyr. It was at this point I reached my breaking point. I calmly told her this relationship was over.
I wasn’t even mad at this point just confused that a person I thought I knew could act this way. She said she was gonna break up with me because of the way I handled this anyway so breaking up with her “didn’t matter.”
My brother immediately told me I dodged a bullet and glad that she was out of everyone’s lives. My brother’s wife was totally cool about me using her ticket and didn’t even question it even after I’m technically taking back my gift to her. They insisted that I go with my brother and it was their idea.
So now I’m the guest of my original tickets that I won. Happy to say I arrived in SF a few days ago and am having the time of my life. My girlfriend didn’t unfollow me on social media and I’m posting as many pictures as I possibly can. Thanks everyone!
Check out how the community responded:
[Reddit User] − This sounds like she is in middle school. Don’t put up with her games and go to the Superbowl with your brother and have a dam good time.
[Reddit User] − Although it’s not required, I would highly recommend getting your SIL a spa giftcard or something of that nature. An “experience” of her own.
She did you a huge favor when she didn’t have to. I don’t know if she’s a football fan or not, but giving up that experience is a big deal IMO either way. I think doing something nice for her would go along ways.
Tshirt_Addict − Welcome to the Bay Area! Glad you’re having fun in our corner of the world. I agree with your brother. And I think being here with your brother is going to make better memories than it would have with your ex. Sister-in-law is also cool for understanding this.
If you haven’t done so already, try and take in the Tech Museum if you have the chance before you leave. A nice history of tech in the Valley, plus a true IMAX theater that is currently running Star Wars TFA.. Be cool!
REKT-it_Ralph420 − I have a feeling that she was only going to stay with you for the Super Bowl and d**p you after the free trip. To her, this breakup amounted to little more than losing a bet.
TehScrumpy − “You can’t d**p me, I’m dumping you, I was going to do it anyways, so the story is that I broke up with you!”
SirSpaffsalot − My girlfriend didn’t unfollow me on social media and I’m posting as many pictures as I possibly can.. Sweet justice.
[Reddit User] − Your (ex)girlfriend is a materialistic, immature child. She did you a favor.
I_don_t_even_know − Owww man you gonna have so much fun! The golden SB, possibly Peyton’s last game, enjoy it to the fullest!
DRHdez − Lady justice boner of the day. Your ex sounded horrible. I’m glad you got to go with your brother, have a blast!
[Reddit User] − Man! Two wins! Seriously. I know breaking up sucks, but you don’t want to be with someone who just drains the joy out of you.
This update shows how conflict can sometimes reveal deeper issues in a relationship. Do you think the Redditor made the right call by sticking to his original plans? How would you handle such a situation? Share your thoughts below!