UPDATE: AITAH for hating my wife’s creepy “hobby project”?


First, please read my original post: https://aita.pics/souRW

Anyway. Jesus CHRIST. Firstly, appreciate all of the concern and NTAs. It gave me the courage to approach her and tell her that while I may have overreacted by threatening our marriage, I think it is a creepy thing to do. She apologized and said she would get rid of the board. I thought we were good.


‘ UPDATE: AITAH for hating my wife’s creepy “hobby project”?’

The article has the final update at the end.


Literally two days later. TWO DAYS LATER. Sh\*t hits the fan. Our happily married next door neighbor finds a woman’s bra under the bed that does not belong to her. It doesn’t take long for the whole neighborhood to find out. Well, my wife is giddy, like jumping up and down for joy.

She shows me the board (which she still didn’t trash like she promised) and of course the husband was marked with yarn meaning he was likely to cheat. She told me the board was accurate after all and maybe she should keep her hobby around.


I was definitely suspicious, so I looked at the board again later. It looked different from the last time I saw it before the latest scandal. Instead of the yarn connecting to another neighbor, the cheating husband’s yarn connected to a post-it with a question mark.

Firstly, it was the only question mark there and I SWORE it wasn’t there last time I saw the board. So either she changed it after the cheating to prove a point, or slightly before it happened, which made me even more suspicious either way.


Now I felt like I was the detective and I was going crazy. I went over to the cheating husband’s to ask a few questions. The wife was staying at her parents so it was just the two of us. I asked him if he actually did it and he said no, he would never. Then I asked if my wife had been over recently. He said one day while you were at work his wife asked her to water a plant they had while they were both away and told her where the key was, so yes.

I immediately raised an eyebrow. I asked if he still had the bra and he was getting nervous and told me not to get the wrong idea. I said don’t worry. He still had the bra and I looked at it. It was my wife’s, but one I knew she almost never wore because it was from a lingerie set I bought her one Christmas she said was uncomfortable. I told my neighbor I needed to talk to my wife and ran out but I told him not to worry.


I approached her with the bra and asked her what was going on. She played stupid but I told her to cut the BS. I asked if she had either cheated on me with him or planted it there, either way she was in trouble. She confessed to planting the bra and said it was to make me admit her hobby was “valid” or something. I flipped on her. I said this was worse than her cheating on me because instead of ruining just our marriage she ruined our neighbors’ AND ours.

I demanded she call the wife and admit to everything, even sending pictures of the board. I even showed the reddit post which actually helped convince her my wife had planted it rather than cheated with her husband. Well they made up but now I have no idea what to do. I am barely speaking to my wife and it is only a matter of time before the entire neighborhood figures this out. I seriously need advice.


Final update: https://aita.pics/HArIU

These are the responses from Reddit users:

Cool_Description8334 −  I honestly refuse to believe this is real. Your wife is actually nuts. This is insane behavior to have.


-organic-life −  Show us a picture of the board if this is real.

TurbulentTurtle2000 −  Please let this be fake. Please?


Caspian4136 −  Jesus, you expect us to believe this is real??

TeuthidTheSquid −  There’s zero chance that this is real, but it was a fun read anyway so “A for effort” I guess.


StormyDye −  Sooooo I’m kinda hoping this is fake, but if it’s not, then you might want to start documenting everything and file for divorce before she starts “planting” stuff on you.

blucougar57 −  One word. **DIVORCE**. I’m sorry but your wife deliberately interfered with someone else’s marriage, to the point where it could have been ruined, just so she could ‘validate her hobby’. She did not validate it. What she did is inexcusable imo.


Which-Nectarine-7851 −  While hard to believe all these people posting “fake” fail to realize that there are legitimate crazy people in this world and not just a few of them.

Much-Assignment6488 −  Is this a plotline from Desperate Housewives? 😄


MikeReddit74 −  This is too stupid to be real, but in the off chance that it is, d**p the wife.

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