Update: AITA for refusing to cook after my BF tried to “critique” my cooking with a literal PowerPoint presentation?

Hey, Reddit! So, it’s been a wild ride since I posted my original story about my (now ex) boyfriend’s infamous PowerPoint presentation critiquing my cooking. I can’t thank you enough for all the support, laughs, and even the outrage on my behalf. Buckle up, because here’s the follow-up you didn’t know you needed.
First, please read my original post: https://aita.pics/TiJiY
‘ Update: AITA for refusing to cook after my BF tried to “critique” my cooking with a literal PowerPoint presentation?’
After reading your comments and taking some time to process what happened, I decided that our relationship needed a serious talk. I sat him down to discuss how his presentation came across as not just unfunny, but pretty disrespectful. You know, typical mature relationship stuff.
Well, what does he do? He smirks and goes, “Oh, I was prepared for this!” He actually grabs his laptop, connects it to the TV again, and presents me with another PowerPoint titled “How to Take a Joke: A Comprehensive Guide.”
Yes, folks, he made a whole slideshow explaining why I needed to learn how to “chill out” and “appreciate humor.”
Slide 1 featured a meme of a clown putting on makeup with my name plastered over it. Slide 2? A bullet point list titled, “Why Your Overreaction is Hilarious.” Slide 3 was titled, “How I’m Clearly the Comedian in this Relationship.”
At this point, I was too stunned to speak. But then he pulled out Slide 6: “Things You Can Do While Not Cooking (Because You’re Mad).” The audacity, right? It was as if he really thought he’d win me over with this next-level presentation. Spoiler alert: he did not.
So, I did what any rational, PowerPoint-loving person would do. I made my own. I stayed up all night crafting a presentation called “Why It’s Time to Move On: A Farewell Guide.” It had everything: flowcharts mapping his incompetence in the kitchen, pie charts illustrating my happiness before and after “The Great Presentation Debacle,” and my personal favorite—Slide 9, a GIF of Gordon Ramsay yelling: „GET OUT!”
This morning, I sat him down and went through my PowerPoint with the same energy he had given me. His reaction was priceless. He started with that same smirk but lost it somewhere around Slide 4: “Top Ten Reasons You’re Moving Out Today.” By the time I got to the “Resources for Finding Your Own Apartment” slide, he was packing a bag.
Now, before anyone worries, yes, he did actually leave. And no, I didn’t even have to threaten him with Slide 12, which was just a photo of me blocking the Wi-Fi router. So, yeah, we broke up, and I’m single, happy, and cooking meals for myself without any critique except my cat’s judgmental stare. And to those who said I should make a “breakup PowerPoint,” just know your wish has been fulfilled…
I still can’t believe how all of this went down over the course of one single weekend. But I now feel pretty good about myself. Thanks for all of your comments and support! PS: Oh, and fun fact, some of you were right: he actually is a business consultant, so making PowerPoint presentations is quite literally his day job. I guess he took “bringing work home” to a whole new, unwelcome level..
Here’s the input from the Reddit crowd:
Any_Pollution3875 − I’m not sure if this wasn’t the outcome he wanted originally, given his behavior.
esarge112 − This might be a “how much can I get away with before they break up with me” scenario.
No-Personality5421 − Your post was good enough that at least 2 people ripped it off within 24 hours of it being posted lol.
CountRex − Prepare another PowerPoint: “Reasons why we’re not getting back together”, just in case. He sounds like the type to self justify his buffoonery, and attempt to get back with you
2dogslife − In most relationships, having a sense of humor is considered important. What folks ALWAYS forget is that humor can vary wildly in what some folks find amusing, hysterical, or off-putting.
Also, I did a college paper on the use of “humor” and b**lying – at the end of it all, if you’re not laughing, it wasn’t funny and it was meant to be b**lying, degrading, insulting, or some other put down. I mean, some folks cannot read a room, but he was two for two with firing you up and not making you laugh. Sometimes, it’s better to be alone.
GullibleNerd88 − I posted a comment on the last post she should do a slideshow but the only difference is with the Gordon Ramsey picture, I wanted her to use the phrase f**k off. 😂 still proud!!!! May your ex use his PowerPoint skills in figuring out why his girlfriend would break up with him 😆
DamnitGravity − You need to make a PowerPoint for your judgemental cat.
3Heathens_Mom − NTA. OP you get my absolute respect for giving back exactly what you were given. I am sitting here grinning ear to ear for you. I’m sure the look on his face was priceless.. Reminders in case:
– change the locks even if you need to pay a charge. You do NOT want to come home to find his snarky little face sitting in your home.
– change all your passwords for any apps including purchasing ones. – if you ever let him use your credit or debit card for purchases report those cards as compromised and get replacements.
– if you haven’t suggest to considered locking your credit with each of the bureaus after you review your free credit report with each. Any more I think m it’s a good thing for everyone as it prevents bogus accounts that require an actual credit check from bring created in your name. Best wishes to you OP and happy cooking!
Poperama74 − Can’t say I caught the original story, but damn, this one is funny and f**k. This is exactly how I’d get my own back by playing their own game to see how they like it 🤣🤣
uttergarbageplatform − this is so obviously a fake story at this point, but i appreciate the efforts of chatGPT for writing it.