Slowing things down with guy (25m) I’ve (24f) been seeing?

A Redditor shares the joys and challenges of a budding romance, worried that the rapid pace might lead to burnout. She’s been dating a guy for over a month, and while the connection feels perfect.
She fears that moving too fast could jeopardize their future. She seeks advice on how to gently slow things down without damaging the relationship. Read her story below.
‘ Slowing things down with guy (25m) I’ve (24f) been seeing?’
We’ve been seeing each other a bit over a month. Things have been more than perfect. I’ve never liked somebody this much literally ever. It’s been so amazing truly. I pretty much feel like we both are head over heels for each other and we have both just really progressed the pace of stuff due to our feelings for each other.
I’m now realizing just how much time we’ve been spending together and I’m realizing I want to cut it back a bit solely for protecting what we have. In my past I’ve noticed that when things start way too fast, they crash and burn just as quickly.
While the connection we have had is much better than anyone from my past, I don’t want this to happen on his side or for it to randomly happen for me as well. We are spending the night with each other twice a week now.
I was with him for 24 hours the past day and we finally slept with each other last night. I’m just really worried that by being together this frequently this early on that things might not work out. He’s voiced to me that he is a bit c**ngy, as am I.
And that’s fine but I think that maybe the relationship would have more luck if we start being clingier a little farther down the line. At the same time, I don’t want to draw back or ask him if we can slow down a bit and it freak him out and make him think I’m not interested.
We’ve both been really hurt in our past and I want to make sure that I approach this in a way that is healthy and well communicated in order to protect things which is my overall concern for the entire thing in the first place. Does anybody have any advice on how I could go about this or what I should do in this context?
Take a look at the comments from fellow users:
Zandarino − Just try to match his energy, and if/when he slows, then you slow up a little as well. If you pull back now just out of principle it risks putting him in doubt.
miyahedi21 − Your path is one of self-sabotage, if you’ve made peace with that, do you.
Balancing feelings and pacing in a new relationship can be tricky. Have you ever felt the need to slow things down with someone you deeply cared for? How did you approach it, and what advice would you give for maintaining clear communication and preserving the connection? Share your insights below!