Should I [40F] report my niece [17F] to the police?

A mother wrestles with the decision to report her niece, Rachel, to the police after an alleged deliberate act left her daughter, Laura, injured and unable to pursue her passion for boxing. The family is divided—Rachel and her parents insist it was an accident, but years of bullying make this hard to believe. Should the mother seek justice for her daughter, potentially jeopardizing Rachel’s future? Read on for the full story.
‘Â Should I [40F] report my niece [17F] to the police?’
My parents are going away for Christmas, so before they did they hosted an early Christmas party at their home, which my whole family went to including me my husband and our 16 year old daughter Laura.
My sister and her daughter Rachel were there too. She’s a year older than Laura and they don’t get along. In fact we try to avoid them as much as we can due to amount of times that Rachel has upset and tormented Laura. Rachel is naturally very smart and is always top of her class, and is also very pretty.
While I’ve always been happy for her and wished her the best, these things have constantly been used to excuse her. My sister even went as far as to accuse Laura of lying because she is jealous of Rachel’s looks and talents.
Laura took up boxing last year and has progressed really well. She’s going to compete at a higher level next year and her coach is extremely proud of her. My sister has insisted that the boxing is nothing more than ”a phase” and has gone out of her way to downplay it in favour of her daughter’s academic stuff.
At my parents place Laura went to sort out some presents under the tree, and Rachel followed her. She was wearing stiletto high heels, and when Laura had her hand on the floor Rachel stamped on it. She was in agony.
We went to the hospital, and after a follow up visit to the doctor today Laura needs extensive physio, and will not be able to box for an indefinite period. She’s in floods of tears because of this.
I was raging at my sister, who is so deluded that she insists that it was an accident. I’m sorry, but after years of calling Laura u**y, stupid, fat and anything else she could think of do you really expect me to believe that this was an innocent mistake? Rachel for her part put on the crocodile tears for everyone, and only her parents believed it.
My husband wants to tell the police and I do too. I warned my sister about this, and she broke down crying too, saying that her daughter’s teachers have encouraged her to apply to the top universities because they think she’s got a good chance of getting in, and that if she ends up with a criminal record then that will be ruined.
No sympathy from me. Frankly Rachel took something that my daughter loves away from her and left her in huge amounts of pain. She shouldn’t just have her chances ruined, she should get locked up. I know it sounds awful of me but she did an awful thing and needs to face the consequences. Laura is utterly heartbroken and Rachels parents won’t punish her.
Here’s the input from the Reddit crowd:
WayneHowAreYouNow − You should have immediately reported it to the police, although in my experience, they won’t do a thing about it. Definitely file a police report. Even if nothing comes of it, it’s on record and can be used against the s**iopath when she does it again to someone else.
purplegirl1511 − Yep. Call them today. This girl needs a reality check fast.
lowteck − either she agrees to go 3 rounds in the ring. or. you file the police report
tysontysontyson1 − Not to be contrarian, but what proof do you have that it was intentional? Did you see it happen? Did your daughter (or was she looking the other way)? Filing a criminal complaint is a really big deal.
I’m not saying she didn’t do it intentionally, and I’m not saying you shouldn’t pursue this… but, it’s not something to do rashly. And from what you posted, it sounds like the only reason you think it was intentional is because she has said some mean things about your daughter previously. Has she ever been physical with her?
Demarinshi01 − Honestly I would report her. Now is your daughter, who is to say she won’t continue to be a b**ly, especially in this day and age. If she bullied the wrong kid in college who knows what can happen. It also sounds like your niece needs to learn consequences to her action. If it isn’t stopped now, who knows what can happen. Report her right away.
fabledangie − The police aren’t going to care or do anything about a situation easily written off an accident. It’s your job to protect your child. Why do you keep bringing her into situations where you know she will be bullied and tormented, according to your own words? You still didn’t say anything in your post about cutting your sister and her family out of your life. Refuse to attend events where they are. See your parents separately. Protect your child.
[Reddit User] − Call the police. She went to far.. (Also, update us if you can!)
peppercruncher − after years of calling Laura u**y, stupid, fat and anything else. Why don’t we talk about this one? The cops are not going to fix that you have enabled Rachel over all the years. The cops are not the surrogates for the things you should have done – and the cops are not surrogates for what you have to do in the future. You just want to hide behind them, so you don’t have to deal with punishing Rachel yourself.
iamthemadz − I would most definitely report it, however do not expect it to go very far. Not saying I agree, but to an outsider can sound like she is just jealous of her cousin and and used an accident to make a frivolous claim and since your niece will most likely deny it, it will likely be considered just hearsay.
[Reddit User] − 1. What the f**k are you doing bringing your daughter around people, who according to your own posts, have been both physically and mentally a**sive to her? What is wrong with you?
2. You sound jealous as f**k about Rachel. You spent multiple paragraphs complaining about her. Let me provide a piece of advice when you speak to anyone else about this – you leave most of that s**t out. It’s not only fairly irrelevant, it just makes you look petty.
3. The police won’t do anything unless you have some evidence that this was an intentional act. Otherwise, Rachel’s parents will just say “Laura put her hand on the floor and while trying to help Rachel accidentally stepped on it”.
You have no proof that the hand was stepped on purpose and intent is required for criminal charges of battery. No DA is going to prosecute a minor for unintentionally stepping on someone’s hand in their own home. So if you want to report it because it makes you feel better, go ahead – but you are literally wasting your breath if you do.
4. So your best course of action is to sue them in civil court for the medical bills/pain and suffering. That’s easily proven and provides compensation for the injury. Because the cause of the injury is not in dispute, it’s a very easy case.
And it should have the secondary effect of making sure you never associate with them again, which YOU SHOULD HAVE DONE BEFORE IF YOU WEREN’T A S**TTY PARENT. As for Rachel, you have to figure either she’ll go to far and get hers one day or she’ll grow up. But this isn’t going to be that time.
This story highlights the complexities of seeking justice within a family. Should Rachel face legal consequences, or is there a way to resolve this without further dividing the family? What would you do in this situation? Share your thoughts below.
Don’t expect the police to fight your battles for you. There are always two sides to a story and you have no concrete evidence of deliberate assault. Just steer clear of them if this is as bad you say.
I’d say like the report. Have the police interview Rachel to scare the it out of her. But don’t press charges. You’ll get the point across