My wife asks for a bite or drink of every single food item I ever plan to ingest. AITA for finally saying no?

A Reddit user shares a humorous yet frustrating dynamic in their relationship: their wife (32/F) insists on taking a bite or sip of every meal or snack they (29/F) prepare, often in a playful toddler-like voice. Despite offering to cook or order extra food for her, the wife always declines, only to request a share of the user’s portion once it’s ready. After repeatedly accommodating her, the user finally said no during a recent meal. While the wife jokingly accused them of hating her, it was clear her feelings were genuinely hurt. Now, the user wonders if they were wrong to draw the line.
‘ My wife asks for a bite or drink of every single food item I ever plan to ingest. AITA for finally saying no?’
My 29/F wife 32/F likes to asks to taste my food. Every. Single. Time. I. Eat. I’m not talking about going out to eat and trying something new, I’m talking about if I pour myself a bowl of cereal, if I buy a lemonade, if I’m eating a pint of fruit flavored ice cream…SHE HATES FRUIT.
And let me say here, I have absolutely no problem sharing. I think sharing food with one another can be cute and intimate. And I’m not making myself food without offering to cook for her as well, so it’s not like I’m purposely excluding her. I started saying if she wanted extra just let me get another so she can have some too, but then that’s too much. I offer to cook a bigger portion, but she refuses. But then once I sit down to eat….asks for a bite. And if I order/cook extra, then i “shouldn’t have done that”.
It’s also not just regular asking, she says “I WANT BIIIITE” in like a whiny toddler voice. At first it was kind of cute and endearing but I finally reached my limit. We ordered dinner and I asked THREE TIMES to make sure I shouldn’t get more. I go to eat. “I want biiiiite”. I just said no this time. Now she jokingly says I hate her and must want a divorce. I know she’s trying to be facetious and lighthearted but I can tell it actually hurt her a bit.
I want to share my food with my wife but she makes it feel like I’m trying to feed myself around an ACTUAL toddler atp anyone that has kids probably knows exactly what I’m talking about. I told her I don’t think she should stop asking me to share, but to recognize my side. So AITA for not sharing with my wife reddit? Should I just s**k it up and make my wife happy? Or am I justified in saying no?
Here’s the feedback from the Reddit community:
peakpenguins − It’s also not just regular asking, she says “I WANT BIIIITE” in like a whiny toddler voice.. Ew. NTA.
Potential-One-3107 − The preschool teacher in me wants to respond. “I hear your words. You want a bite, but that’s not a choice right now. You are eating your food and I am eating my food. Asking again will not change my answer. I am all done talking about it” It’s really icky to feel the need to talk to an adult that way… NTA.
kotirohiakai − I would get annoyed too… if I asked you repeatedly and you said no and without fail you eat my food, I would be tight. Also, I can’t stand baby voice, that was the cherry on top for me. I understand it happening sometimes, but all the time would pmo. NTA.
Longjumping_Desk3205 − NTA. The toddler talk would turn me off too. It’s almost like she’s seeing how far she can push you.
Spirited_Complex_903 − NTA.Damn, that’s got to be frustrating. I’m not sure if you realize this, but this is a power and control thing for your wife. It’s almost like she’s marking her territory. Which is so insanely childish and nonsensical. She’s married to you for Pete’s sake. Let her know in no uncertain terms that you will no longer allow her to do that.
I think marriage counseling would be really beneficial for you both. Seriously. Was she like this before you got married? Just curious. Your wife unfortunately sounds m**ipulative too if she’s actually going straight to divorce and her assuming that you hate her by saying no . She’s got some serious issues that individual counseling would be really good for her.
Majestic_Daikon_1494 − I used to see a bloke who did the baby voice, I ignored it at first and then one time just said “do you have any idea how revolting it is that you do that?” it stopped, but to be fair we didnt see much of each otherwards, which was okay becvause to be honest someone behaving like a child is a really big turn off.
elsie78 − NTA. That’s absolutely annoying of her to do this so often.
beet3637 − Two can play her game. Ask her a bite of everything she eats as well.
Silentsparkk − NTA at all. Its great that u wanna share but shes being super extra abt it. The baby voice thing wuld drive anyone crazy. It sounds like shes not respecting ur boundaries even tho u’ve tried to compromise. Its ur food, u get to eat it in peace lol.
bdbones4 − Not the a**hole but you waited way too long to let her know how you feel. By not setting the boundary when it first started to bother you, you let your wife feel it was a fun little give and take between the two of you.
Wow the level of cringe this is wow it’s incredibly ick you married her like are people that desperate she’s acting like a kid not a wife how stupid id legit agree I want a divorce I want to date a woman not a whiny kid how brain damaged is she cause you deserve better plenty more people in the world who will act mature not like this thing