My husband is reluctant to be intimate with me after I was in a major accident…. An Update?


A Reddit user shared an uplifting update about her journey to reconnect with her husband after a traumatic accident caused strain in their intimacy. Through marriage counseling, individual therapy, and open communication, the couple has made significant progress in rebuilding their relationship. They’ve rekindled their physical connection, and their emotional bond is stronger than ever. Read the heartfelt update below.

For those who want to read the previous part:


‘ My husband is reluctant to be intimate with me after I was in a major accident…. An Update?’

Hi everyone. First of all, I want to say I was absolutely blown away by the outpouring of love and support I received on my first post. I never could have imagined it would blow up like that and I received so many thoughtful and kind comments and messages from strangers.


That being said, when I wrote that, I was in a weird place. Physically I had mostly healed but I was determined to shove down any emotional trauma because I was so exhausted from the previous months of work trying to heal my body. I wanted to be alright, and I wanted my marriage to be the same as it was before the accident.

My husband and I just attended our third marriage counseling appointment and I’m very happy to report the exercises and worksheets we’ve been given are helping rebuild the husband/wife relationship instead of the caregiver/patient relationship which has been present for the last 5 months. My husband just had his first individual therapy appointment a few days ago and I have mine next week. In short, we’re putting in the work.


We’re also having s** again! Like, *a lot* of s**! I feel silly bragging about that to the internet at large, but it makes me so happy that we’ve figured out that part of all this. Prior to the accident and really throughout our whole relationship we’ve been so ridiculously into each other, it was rare we even skipped a day. I missed having that connection to him and he was clearly hurting too.

Anyway. I just thought everyone deserved an update ♥️♥️♥️♥️. 


See what others had to share with OP:

rougecomete −  I’m so so pleased to hear this. Reading your first post made me tear up a little and I’m thrilled you’re doing better (and getting all the s**!). The kind of love you have is the kind poets write about. I wish you and hubs all the healing and happiness.

TimeToCatastrophize −  Brag away! I’m glad you guys are doing well; thanks for the update. ❤️


whutchamacallit −  Hey OP. I’ve been thinking about your post. I am so, so glad to hear you guys have reconnected.. It varies for everyone but I understand intimacy being a huge part of your emotional needs in your relationship.

I’m curious what you’d care to share about your husband’s perspective/breakthrough/etc on this? I think it’d be helpful for some to hear whatever you care to share and if not or too private tooootally understand.


imaginaryfemale −  I mean this not at all ironically – congrats on the s**!

littlejaebyrd −  Rereading your first post, your edit to update that first post, and then this update, and I have to say that I am SO happy for you two. It is amazing how you are healing physically, and how you both are healing mentally, and especially how you have been able to do it **together**.


Sudden changes in life can be terrifying to the point where we subconsciously hide our trauma to the point where even we ourselves don’t realize it.
I am so happy that you have each other, and am sending you all the good vibes, albeit as a random internet stranger, to you both. Much love, random stranger! Keep healing! Edit: fixed typos, “thw” to “the” and “qhere” to “where”

Jeseune −  I am so happy for you! Thank you for the update ✨


Officialdarkfish1 −  Yay! I don’t know what else to say but that’s cool beans.

dancingonsaturnrings −  So glad to read this update! It is inspirational to read about you two putting in the work and getting back into it [pun intended]. Cheering you on this journey!


abbycadabby606 −  Was so excited to see this update – keep on keepin’ on!

saltybruise −  This is the heart warming /relationships post of the day.


Have you or someone you know worked to rebuild intimacy after a challenging life event? What strategies or support systems helped the most? Share your experiences or insights!

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