My (24M) girlfriend (24F) basically cheated on me with my best friend (25M) of 11 years

A Redditor shared a deeply personal story of betrayal involving his girlfriend of two years and his best friend of over a decade. As their actions unfolded, he discovered secrets that shattered his trust in the two people he relied on most. Read the full story below to see how he’s grappling with heartbreak and uncertainty.
‘ My (24M) girlfriend (24F) basically cheated on me with my best friend (25M) of 11 years’
I need your help folks. Im not in the greatest mindset and i dont really have anybody to talk to, so im turning to you guys here. Also, throwaway because they both browse reddit. So ive been dating this girl for about 2 years now (We’ll call her X), we also work together. My bestfriend (Who we’ll call Z). Everything was going pretty well up until a few weeks ago. They would get off work at the same time and go to another bar with mutuals to have a couple drinks.
Which would then lead to them hanging out at his house without me (i work mornings, they work nights so i cant really stay out too late). I trusted him with my heart that nothing would happen, so of course i was cool with it. Couple weeks go by, X revealed to me that she had “feelings” for him, but promised me nothing happened between them and she will work on herself and us. Heartbroken and confused, i brushed it off as a hit to the relationship, but i wanted to push onward and let her redeem herself.
Fast forward to a couple days ago, Z tells me that they had both went out a couple times a week to the bar and X had slept over on the couch a few times, and she had been trying to make a move on my bestfriend. Of course i trusted his word over hers, as i have known him for almost half of my life and weve been through alot. So today at work, one our mutual friends who is pretty close to Z revealed to me that Z and X had also traded nudes and cuddled on the couch.
Z had told him out of guilt one day when he was almost blackout drunk. I approached X as i am getting ready to leave while shes getting ready to go aswell, that i cant trust her anymore, and left before i said anything i would regret. Dumbfounded and heartbroken yet again as neither X or Z had told me the truth and i had to find out from a MUTUAL friend what really went down. Im left with with NO trust left with my bestfriend and my potential Ex and i dont know where to start.
Shes blowing up my phone and keeps insiting she loves me, and avidly shifts blame between her being drunk, and her being stupid, and i keep ignoring it. I dont want to talk to her or anything. I want to talk to z but i dont even know if i can talk to him, let alone look him in the eyes. The 2 people im supposed to trust the most in my life right now and they single-handedly destroyed that in a fraction of the time ive spent building it. Im incredibly lost right now and i dont even know where to start.
Here’s what people had to say to OP:
[Reddit User] − X revealed to me that she had “feelings” for him, but promised me nothing happened between them Shes blowing up my phone and keeps insiting she loves me, and avidly shifts blame between her being drunk, and her being stupid. She’s literally contradicting herself. She did 0 effort to fix her relationship with you but instead, kept seeing Z while she’s very aware of her feelings for him. That’s literally ASKING for s**t to go down. Nothing to do with being drunk or stupid, it was all premeditated.
Don’t let her fool you to believe otherwise. The moment she realised she had feelings for him, she should’ve kept her distance from Z immediately to make sure it wouldn’t progress into her doing s**t like this. Instead, she entertained the idea and cheated. That’s no “accident”. You don’t have to meet your friend if you don’t want to. You can straight up ghost them both. They don’t deserve you.
[Reddit User] − These people should not be in your life. You deserve better.
rocco1256 − Just end it dude. Walk away. Meet new people and make new friends. That was incredibly disrespectful.
[Reddit User] − Potential ex?. She must be already-ex.
tuna_fart − D**p them both mercilessly. What is there to possibly say to either of them?
apinkparfait − You know the third party that told you the truth? This is the ONLY person worth it of keeping in your life. Both ex gf and ex friend are trash, just block them and let everybody else knows why.
Kebar8 − 1. This needs to be the end. She is not worth it.
2. You don’t owe either of them any more of your time, so if you do not want to go for these drinks with your ex bestie you are more than welcome to cancel or delay it and wrap your head around it.
3. Loyalty and respect to me are paramount, there’s a lot of thought that goes into sharing nudes and keeping it a secret. So personally they would be dead to me.
4. I’m so sorry this has happened tbe only benefit is that this has happened now before you were married or had started a family.
5. Focus on the things you want to do ❤️❤️
Itoldyouso888 − They are meeting at his house and cuddling, also sending nudes. Why would you send nudes if you are meeting and not having s**. I’m sorry, but there’s been some serious sucking and humping going on at your friends house. Think about it, they send nudes, drink alone at his house. I would d**p em both. That is serious betrayal. They are both liars and she is a cheater as well.
Nhareeu − They completely betrayed your trust and honestly, these aren’t the type of people that you need in your life. Being drunk is definitely not an excuse or pass at cheating. All the actions that made it reach that point are a culmination of things that shouldn’t have happened in the first place. I hope you reevaluate where these people stand in your life.
Doctor_Lucario − Trash behaviour from trash people.. Cut them off and work on yourself.