I(M/24) think I made a huge mistake in breaking up with my ex(F/20) 3 months later.

A Reddit user shared their regret after breaking up with their girlfriend of over two years, realizing they made a mistake only after she moved on with someone else. The user initially ended the relationship to experience being single but soon found the single life wasn’t what they expected.
They’ve tried reaching out to their ex, expressing their feelings and regret, but she’s set boundaries, asking for space to move on. Despite these challenges, the user struggles to let go and wonders if there’s a way to win her back. Read the full story below to explore the emotional complexities and the responses from the community.
‘ I(M/24) think I made a huge mistake in breaking up with my ex(F/20) 3 months later.’
I was with Britney for two and a half years. I liked many things about her. She had a good sense of humor, we like the same music and all of the same video games, she’s hot, she gave me cool gifts. She was always there for me. Around a year and some change into the relationship, I started an internship. Not only did I have an internship, I had a job, and school.
This lead me to having long days from 8AM-12AM/2AMish. I had no time to see anybody. Luckily, Britney lived a few blocks away. So I’d hang out with my friends after work, then pick her up around 3 or 4AM, depending whenever I was done. I started to get tired of being in a relationship. Everything she did annoyed me. I started feeling obligated to hang out with her.
I thought as soon as my internship was over, I’d rekindle the candle and things would be fine again. It didn’t work out that way. I’d cancel plans and do things with my friends. Because I got used to the night time hang outs. We’d just hang out at my house later that night anyway. I didn’t talk to her for days.
Every time she asked if I was okay, I’d tell her I was because I never learned how to communicate well. Finally, September came. She tried to talk to me about her concerns in person and I didn’t give much of an input. Other than telling her she had nothing to worry about. I left to go hang out with my friends.
Later that night, she texted me saying that it’s so hard to communicate because I always avoid the things she says. That she wants to know what’s wrong because she cares about us. That it feels like I only hang out with her because I’m obligated to. So, we meet up. I tell her how she’s perfect for me, but I don’t want to be in a relationship anymore.
I’ve been in relationships since I was 16, and have never gotten a chance to be single. She says she understands and would rather not be in a relationship with someone who isn’t giving 100%, and that she won’t hate me. We break up. I go out with my friends a lot. I try talking to other girls. But being single isn’t what I thought it would be like.
I’m not drowning in vagina. Girls don’t like me. I think we needed a break, not a break up. I was getting so annoyed of her, and if I had time off I’m sure it would’ve worked out. Cue to a few weeks later, and I see her in another city with a new guy. Her new boyfriend. We trade items at a show later in the week and I don’t talk to her.
I turned around and walked away before she could say something. I regret it immensely. I told her how I feel. Things aren’t the same without her. She completed me. She was so good for me. And I wasn’t the best for her. I was really s**tty to her for a good majority of the relationship because I always assumed she’d be there.
I told her that she haunts me and how my bed feels so empty now. That there’s so many things I wanted to show her. And that I can change. I can learn how to communicate and treat her like the princess she is. A few days later, she called me. She asked if I really felt that way and if so why couldn’t I say anything early? I was so happy.
A few days later, she texted me saying that she couldn’t do this anymore and she was done. That she found somebody who treats her very well and that she will never hate me but that she can’t deal with me anymore. I still texted her for a few weeks. Telling her I miss her. How could she jump from one relationship to the next?
She was always insecure about my ex and I because my ex always posted about me(Even until now) and my ex hangs out with a lot of my friends. She always thought I moved on too soon from my ex and would regret being in another long term relationship. Yet she does the same s**t. Like everything we’ve built was nothing but quicksand.
Once again, she told me she couldn’t do this anymore. That me texting her is mentally draining and isn’t good for my health either. That she is trying to move on but I keep contacting her. That she didn’t just decide to go into another relationship, but happened to meet somebody. She pointed out how I told her that we were never getting back together.
I’ve seen her family, and her, a few times since we broke up. I saw her alone at a show last week and walked up to her. She was civil with me, and I asked if she wanted to move up in the crowd. We went through the crowd together, but I lost her as soon as the show started.
I saw her again when I was leaving, and asked if she wanted to travel home with me and my friends, but the coat check line was long. So she just left. I know she still cares about me. I don’t think she’ll last with her boyfriend. What can I do? I regret leaving her.
See what others had to share with OP:
Jay_Sharp − You’re being incredibly selfish. Stop harassing her. You can’t undo the mistakes you made in your previous relationship. The best you can do is learn from them and move on.
armchair_anger − Jesus, you’re selfish. You broke up with her because you were bored of being in a relationship, you struck out when you were single, and wanted to run back to her. You’re treating it as a personal offense that she *dares* to have a new boyfriend after you broke up in order to chase after other women.
You then proceed to keep harassing her to try to “win her back”, and that she’s “scared to trust you”, when in reality, you’re her creepy ex who won’t leave her alone. Grow up, accept the fact that you threw a good thing away to chase after new women which didn’t pan out. Too bad, learn from it. Christ, I hope this is the troll post it seems like.
robchaos − Take it like a man. Learn from your experiences, use it to become a better person, and move on.
Meow99 − You fucked up. Now the only option you have is to learn from the past and apply it to the future. Treat your next girlfriend right and don’t be a such a d**che. Oh, and quit contacting your ex.
PWNASAURAUSREX − You get on with the rest of your life and don’t dwell on your mistakes. She left you because you treated her poorly and the grass wasn’t greener on the other side. Sometimes you don’t know how good something is until it is gone, and by that point, it is too late.
You’re stuck in what could have been, but honestly, you would probably slide back into similar habits and nothing would really change. You would be wise to give her space and learn to stand on your own two feet in the mean time (nobody completes you…you need to be wholesome by yourself before you can fully give into a relationship).
clairebones − You broke up with her, and treated her pretty badly before doing so (not bothering to see her etc). She’s moved on, she can do better than someone who only wants her when he can be bothered. Stop contacting her, leave her alone and concentrate on getting over her.
SoMuchMoreEagle − Be single for a while and find out who you really are as a person. I’m sorry to be harsh, but it sounds like you have a lot of growing up to do, even at 24 years old.
You are going to have to accept the fact that you broke up with Brittany and she’s with someone else now.
Even if she still cares about you, you really hurt her. How can she be expected to trust you again? You didn’t realize how great she was until she was gone. She deserves better than that. It’s time to move on and leave her alone.