I told my child’s friends parents about something, AITAH, or would you have done it?

One person from Reddit shares a delicate situation in which they expressed concern to a friend’s parents about possible inappropriate behavior involving their child. The concerned parent worries that their child’s friend might be receiving inappropriate pictures on Snapchat, keeping location services on, and engaging with an adult.
Although they wanted to respect their child’s privacy, they felt it was important to inform the parents for safety reasons. Now, they’re questioning whether it was an overstep. Read on to see what happened.
‘ I told my child’s friends parents about something, AITAH, or would you have done it?’
Here’s how people reacted to the post:
YessikaHaircutt − Nta, they can decide how to deal with it from here. Also, I’m proud of your kiddo for telling you
Grn_Fey − Sextortion and s** trafficking are huge issues related to Snapchat use
tonyrains80 − If there is potential danger, then of course you did the right thing. Let’s just hope the parents of the other teenager keep it confidential. NTA
f1ight1ess_bird − NTA. You did the right thing. I would want to know if my 14 yo child was in this situation as well. There are a lot of dangerous people out there. It’s always better safe than sorry.
ThatGirlSince83 − NTA. I’ve been in a very similar situation. When my daughter was 13 she had a friend that was going through some pretty big things. She told my daughter one night that she had eaten a bunch of edibles. My daughter came to me very upset and worried for her friend.
She didn’t want me to tell her friend’s mom but we discussed why it was the right decision. The mom was so grateful that I reached out and the friend understood why my daughter told on her.
Always go with your gut and think about what you would want other parents to do if it were your child and do that. Even if the parent doesn’t believe you or gets mad at least you’ve done your best.
FarmhouseRules − NTA. You could be saving her from who knows what.
JTBlakeinNYC − NTA. I would be so incredibly grateful if it were my child. Thank you!
No_Worth_4140 − NTA. Having a daughter myself i would appreciate another parent reaching out if they saw or heard something that concerned them.
Smorganmeow − I would absolutely want to know this- this is literally why community and knowing your child’s friends and their parents is so important. So glad your child felt comfortable enough to come to you!
CarryOk3080 − If that was my daughter I would want to know. Luckily I was the parent that knew everything because I was the parent they came to. Hopefully, the other parents are receptive to it and get to the bottom of it. If not you may have to limit your child’s interaction with the girl good luck!
Was this an overstep, or do you think the parent did the right thing by reaching out for the safety of the children involved? Would you have approached it differently? Share your thoughts in the comments!