I (31F) think my husband (29M) and my sister (28F) are too close for comfort?

A Reddit user shares her concerns about her husband and sister becoming “too close for comfort” after the sister moved back into town and started working with her husband. Subtle but unsettling interactions between them during a family Christmas gathering have left her feeling uneasy and questioning their behavior. Read the full story below.
For those who want to read the following part: https://aita.pics/xWdEI
‘ I (31F) think my husband (29M) and my sister (28F) are too close for comfort?’
8 months ago, my sister (28F) moved back into town. A small backstory: She has not lived here in 10 years, as she originally left for college and never came back. We grew apart, we talked maybe once a year, and I haven’t seen her physically in 4 years.
I’ve (31F) been with my husband (29M) for 8 years, married 3. She has met him twice in the entire duration of my relationship with him. He’s a quiet and serious man, who only opens up in front of me and a few of his select friends.
She was struggling to get a job here, so I thought I’d be a good person and ask my husband if he could maybe help her find a job at his company since they work in the same type of field. Fast forward to current times, they actually work in the same department now.
He’s been acting more closed off towards me lately, but he claims everything is fine when I ask him what is wrong. We had our traditional family Christmas meal yesterday, and at first he tried to get out of it. This is not something he’s ever tried to do, and I was very confused by this.
After some convincing, he finally agreed to come along. My sister pulled him aside a few times, and they were in a very deep conversation, as if the rest of us didn’t exist. When I approached them every time, they both would jump a little and when I’d ask what they were talking about they would say “a work project that’s near deadline”.
I was feeling a little off about their behavior, but the one thing that got me the most was at one point he got up to go get himself another drink…she was sitting in a chair that was next to the kitchen door, so he had to pass her to go to the kitchen.
When he was near her, she put her hand up / reached towards him, and he caressed her palm and lightly grabbed her fingers as he walked past her. She looked up at him with a big smile, he looked down at her and nodded his head. As soon as he was out of sight, she turned her head towards me and smirked at me.
When it was time for dinner, there was a main dining table that seats most of the guests. There was a second table that could seat an additional 4 people. She sat down at the side table, away from everyone else. I got my plate and sat down at the main table, but saw that he sat down at the side table with her.
I told him there was a seat next to me, and he told me he wanted to sit where he was at. I decided to join them, and they went from actively talking to each other to just sitting in silence while we ate. I later asked him what that hand touching was about, and he said “It’s just a high five”.
I said it didn’t look like a high five, and he said that’s all it was. I’ve never had any reason to suspect him of cheating, but this has me feeling on edge. I’ve been battling with myself to investigate further…another thing is that he doesn’t focus that strongly when he and I talk, it’s always just short answers and light hearted.
They were having some intense conversations, where he was hanging on her every word and giving her in depth responses. Would this make you feel like something is going on?
There were several instances where they were both on their phone texting at the same time as well, and glancing at each other sometimes. That could be nothing, but after everything else – it made me feel uneasy.
Here’s the feedback from the Reddit community:
[Reddit User] − A touch like you describe alone is solid evidence, all of the other stuff just confirms it. They are having an affair, keep your cards close to your chest while you get proof.. then see a solicitor… I’m so sorry.
Celera314 − Lawyer first. Don’t let on that you are concerned until you have reviewed your position, protected assets, etc.
ThomasEdmund84 − While the touch was the disgusting icing on the gross cake (so sorry OP) I think the fact your husband was desperately trying to get out of family dinner (they knew it would be hard to hold up the façade) it pretty much a dead giveaway, there is zero reason for them to have been trying to avoid and yet also be so in depth in convo
guntonom − 100% they are cheating. I’d get a ring doorbell and a couple of home cameras, start tracking it. ~~I’d also tell your parents your suspicions.~~ wait until you have evidence before doing this.
Start collecting all evidence you can and get a divorce attorney. I’m not sure what part of the world you are in but some places, If you can prove infidelity, you get a lot of the bargaining power in the divorce hearings.
R0l0d3x-Pr0paganda − Get all text chats records, phone records.. Hire a private 🔎 investigator. Prepare for heart break and a divorce.
intoon − Op I’m so sorry. They’re having an affair, and she wants more. She wants him to choose her. That’s why he didn’t want to go. This is why she smirked at you watching him caress her hand like they’re in a gd Jane Austen novel.
Go through the phone records and see who he kept texting during dinner, I’d bet my kids college fund it was her. Hire the PI. Consult an attorney. He’s going to try to hide as much as possible since you showed distrust earlier.
Disastrous_Ad_8561 − They are cheating and your sister is a real C you next Tuesday kind of gal.
SavageTaco − You have already gotten some great advice in this thread. All I have to say is be analytical about it. Remove the emotion as best you can. Don’t confront him about it, get evidence, confirm your suspicion, and seek legal counsel.
If you have shared accounts, prior to dropping the bomb, take your share. Get absolutely everything in order before letting him know that YOU know. I’m sorry you’re in this position. You’ll get through it, just be smart. Good luck OP.
funnysillyperson − Your own sister? Well you know her best. My sister would throw my husband out in the cold if he ever came onto her. She’d probably divorce him for me. If your sister is sleeping with your husband, she sucks. I am so sorry.
dreadfulwater − Time to get your stuff in order. Start proceedings and then once that is in motion and you’ve finalized things legally, make sure his place of employment knows by way of anonymous communication.
No harm in exploding that relationship as you walk away in slow motion facing the camera. F**k em both. Good luck. Out there is someone who won’t f**k you over wondering where you are.
These observations raise questions about boundaries and trust within relationships. Is this an innocent connection or a sign of something deeper? How should she address her concerns without jumping to conclusions? Share your advice and thoughts below!