Coldplay Stunned By 12-Year-Old Autistic Singer Huillo’s Performance In Mexico

Coldplay brought a 12-year-old boy named Huillo from Mexico onstage during their concert in Mexico City, and the story behind the performance is incredibly touching.
When Huillo was just six years old, his father filmed him at a previous Coldplay concert in Mexico, where the young boy, who has autism, was overcome with emotion and cried as the band performed their song “Fix You”.
Upon their return to Mexico City, lead singer Chris Martin expressed that the video of Huillo was the most impactful they had ever seen, surpassing any music video they had created.
Martin then invited Huillo to join them onstage to sing his original song called “Different is OK”. The moment was captured and can be watched below.
Martin shared that Huillo is an exceptional young man who uses music to understand the world, emotions, and people. After hearing one of Huillo’s songs, Coldplay asked him to come and perform it with them.
The performance took place at the Foro Sol stadium, which can accommodate up to 65,000 people, and the entire crowd chanted Huillo’s name as he took the stage.
Huillo confidently sang the lead vocals and played the piano, seemingly unaffected by the massive audience watching him. The band provided an acoustic arrangement to support his song.
The lyrics of “Different is OK” convey the message of forming meaningful relationships while embracing and celebrating the unique qualities that make each person different.
When the performance was shared on social media, it got much attention. On YouTube, the video has amassed nearly 4 millions views and 4K positive comments.
One viewer expressed one’s feeling, saying, “This is amazingly beautiful and so touching. A message that everyone should hear.
A huge thank you goes out to everyone that took part in the collaboration and production in the making of it. Very touching.”