Can’t wait until Thursday….My(48M) wife(44F) is going to be SHOCKED?

A devoted husband went on an emotional journey to replace his wife’s cherished wedding band after it was cut off due to rheumatoid arthritis. Through incredible effort, he tracked down the original jeweler’s family, who recreated their rings as a beautiful gesture of kindness and legacy. Now, he’s seeking the perfect way to surprise his wife with these deeply meaningful new bands. Read the heartwarming story below.
‘ Can’t wait until Thursday….My(48M) wife(44F) is going to be SHOCKED?’
So, wife and I have been together 17 years. We are still stupid for each other, and she is the absolute love of my life, best friend, confidant, and co-conspirator. About two years ago she started having joint aches and pains, and some minor swelling in her hands, wrists, ankles, etc.
So off we got to the GP, who gives us a consult to a Rheumatologist. Come to find out, she has rheumatoid arthritis, no worries, she starts treatment. Fast forward to a month ago, when our North Texas weather decided to go full mental, and start changing temps and rain/weather by the hour it seemed.
She woke up after overnight temp changes and thunderstorms, and her hands were HUGE, worse, her small petite fingers looked like sausages. And even though she had been previously warned about this, had slept in her wedding ring.
So, off to the doctors office….where they had to cut off her ring. So, now for the bad, our rings were special ordered from Ireland and custom designed, and have words in Gaelic around the exterior of the ring, negating any type of “repair”, and they were designed and made……17 years ago.
She was absolutely GUTTED. I assured her we would figure it out, and it wasn’t a big deal, but I could tell, to her, it was. Begin Sherlock Holmes Mode. I googled until I couldn’t google anymore. I was able to find that the original jeweler had closed up shop 10+ years ago just due to age. I searched some more. I finally found his personal Facebook page, and I message him, and wait……and wait……
I finally get a response from his daughter, that she had noticed a pending message on her Da’s page, and that he passed away just six months ago. I express my condolences, and she asks what was the purpose of my inquiry. I go into this long diatribe about what had happened, etc. She tells me she understands, and is so sorry about what had happened.
Fast forward a couple of weeks. I get a message on Facebook from an unknown person, until she explains this was the daughter of the jeweler. She explains that she went through all her dads designs and looked up the approximate dates, and thinks she found the drawings, details, and MOLDS in her dads things, and wanted me to confirm.
She sent pictures, and I confirmed that YES – THOSE ARE OUR RINGS! She said she would get all of this to us as soon as possible, and asked for our address. I open my email this morning to find tracking information, and pictures. OF OUR RINGS.
She went ahead and had her BROTHER, who had taken over her fathers business make our wedding bands again, in her original size, and two extra in two larger sizes in case her condition causes her fingers to swell/change, and mailed them out to us, at no charge. I asked why they did both as mine was fine, and she said it would not be fair that my wife had to have a new ring, and I was allowed to keep my old one.
She told me we needed to put our original set away, and to enjoy our new wedding bands. I asked about compensation, and she said she was honored to keep her dads work and spirit alive. Our “New” Wedding Bands will be here Thursday. Trying to think of romantic way to present her with them as she has NO IDEA any of this took place.
\*Edit – I rarely keep anything from her, but didn’t want to tell her I was trying only for her to be ultimately disappointed. The absolute hardest thing for me from now until they arrive will be to NOT tell her as we tell each other EVERYTHING.
So now I not only need to figure out HOW to do this, but NOT to spill the beans until then. (Our friends nicknamed us Mickey and Mallory as well as Marshall and Lilly from “How I Met Your Mother”, because we literally tell each other everything)
\*Edit 2 – I thought about taking her to our local favorite restaurant, where I actually proposed to her, she’s a nurse (VA Nurse – how we met 18 years ago), and so ALWAYS goes to the bathroom to wash her hands prior to ordering, when I originally proposed, I waited until she got up to wash her hands, dropped her ring in her wine glass, and….”waited”… thinking of a repeat.
\*Edit 3 – And to those of you saying “I” am awesome, not in the slightest. SHE is my world, she brought two sons to this add water family that were my pleasure to raise, and are now my best friends. She is the reason I breathe, and supported all of us when I went back to school to achieve my two doctorates to advance my career. She is my hero. I wake up every day to earn her all over again.
This was one small thing I was able to do to bring her happiness, her joy is why I have a heartbeat. And I don’t give a good flying f\* at a rolling donut if I seem sappy. If a man isn’t allowed to get sappy over his wife, he shouldn’t have one.
TL;DR Wife had to have rings cut off due to swelling from arthritis, I went Hardy Boys and found original jeweler, who had passed away, daughter found original molds/order, and recreated rings without my knowledge and mailed them out. Was seeking advice on how to give her the new wedding bands..
Here’s the input from the Reddit crowd:
butchyeugene − Your idea of recreating the first proposal is PERFECT!!!!!!!!!!!!! She will be so surprised…. This is so cool.. I’m excited for you 🙂
tiny_doughnut − How about you tell her the story you just told us? (PS 😭👌).
Step 1: Arrive at dinner, tell her about the story you’ve been dying to tell her, then show her the designs that the daughter sent to you as you tell it (this by itself is already so incredibly sweet).
Step 2: Order drinks to give your aunt/uncle plenty of time for some subtle/candid initial reaction pics as you tell the first half of the story.
Step 3: When your wife leaves to wash her hands, complete the ring swap as you originally planned (plot twist!), but maybe put your ring in too so you can replace your rings together?.
Step 4: When she returns to discover the ring, complete the story, etc etc.
Step 5: Sell the story rights to Hallmark/Lifetime because damn that’s the most heartwarming story I’ve ever heard on reddit.
However you decide to unveil it, what an amazing story and surprise, thank you so much for posting! By the sounds of it I’m not the only one whose day has been made by reading this. I’ll definitely keep an eye out for updates!
Edit: Holy cow, 2 gold and silver?! Thank you kind strangers! I arrived at work this morning (AUS time) to have a fellow redditor run up to show me this post, seeing the gold and silver was an absolute shock and a pretty funny way to start the day! Thank you!
bunnydelight − Oh the wind must have kicked up a dust storm here 🙂
[Reddit User] − Sorry guys, had to delete/edit. A mutual friend was reading reddit and once they saw this post with our known “motto”, she knew EXACTLY who it was….she’s going to keep it “Mum” but told me to edit so it wouldn’t be so noticeable.. I copied what I wrote and will put it in the “update” Friday Night/Saturday Morning.
oksure2012 − Upvoting specifically for “still stupid for each other” Isn’t that all any of us ever dream of?
StarFire_23 − If this is true… This is such an amazing story. I hope you get a reaction as amazing as this whole thing
FL_Outlander − Oh my gosh dude that’s so amazing. I really needed to read something like this today. What a great story and I’m so happy for you guys! Please update us when you give it to her!!!
buggybabybumperboats − Why are my eyes sweating?
wanderingrose07 − This was the best thing I’ve ever read. If possible, I would try to recreate the original proposal as closely as possible. Alternatively, if you have any talent for slight of hand, you could ask her for the old ring, wave you hands and present the magically fixed ring. Alternatively, you could slide the new ring on her finger in the morning before she wakes, so she’s just like “wtf!” When she wakes up.. Good luck keeping the secret!
Acts of love like this remind us of the power of thoughtfulness in relationships. What creative or romantic gestures have you experienced or dreamed of doing for someone special? Share your ideas or stories in the comments below!