AITAH for trying to remove ex-wife from Costco membership?

After a contentious financial disagreement following their divorce, a man (separated since 2020) decided to remove his ex-wife from his Costco membership after she declined to contribute to the renewal costs. While it was a practical decision for him, she seemed surprised by his move. Is he wrong for taking her off the membership? Read the original story below…
‘ AITAH for trying to remove ex-wife from Costco membership?’
I separated from my ex-wife in 2020. Since then, I’ve kept her on my Costco membership and other shared memberships, as it didn’t cost me anything extra to do so.
However, recently, things have changed. After a Child Support Hearing and her claim that some payments I made in the past.
She told the judge that certain payments I made weren’t child support—they were just “gifts” in her eyes. At the time, I was about $11K behind in child support (it’s been paid off now, after 13 months). Since then, I’ve started to follow the court order to the letter and have become more strict about financials.
For example, I now request half of medical bills from her when I used to cover them entirely. Now, Costco’s renewal is coming up in January. I asked her if she planned to either: 1. Contribute half the cost of the membership or. 2. Get her own membership. Her response was essentially, Why should I pay half if I don’t get any perks? I’ll just get my own membership.
I told her, “Fair enough. I’ll remove you the next time I go to Costco.” I also suggested she get an Executive Membership for $130 if she wanted the perk of getting a check from Costco, reminding her that I have the regular Gold Membership and don’t get any cashback. So, AITA for removing her from my Costco membership?
Here’s the input from the Reddit crowd:
SolitaryTeaParty − NTA. Why give your ex “gifts,” especially since she’s saying she can get her own membership?
lapsteelguitar − I’d have done it long ago. Don’t forget Netflix and other subscriptions. Boot her from those as well.. NTA
Potential-Region8045 − NTA, she’s your ex, you don’t need to share memberships years later, she even said she’d get her own. Easier to just separate accounts going forward.
Western-Gazelle-106 − NTA… Cut her off all memberships and plans. She’s your ex. You need to have clear boundaries with her.
18k_gold − If you have the executive membership that gives you cash back. Then keep her on it as long as you get the cash back, this way you benefit from her using it and it isn’t costing you anything. You both make out. If you have the regular one and you don’t want her on it and they aren’t taking her off the membership. Cancel the membership wait 30 days then re-sign up for it or switch over to BJs for a year then back to Costco.
JJQuantum − NTA. Cut her out of everything.
cozywit − Not even your ex wife is calling you an a**hole? What the f**k is this post?
Whuhwhut − Why are you even worried about this?
Constant_Host_3212 − NTA, no. And if Mother of your Child is going to get all pissy “that wasn’t child support, that was a gift” “you paid the entire medical bill of your own choice, that isn’t counted as child support” then don’t give her a thing extra.
Goddessdepollo − NTA why would you be? I don’t understand posts like this
Is removing your ex from a shared membership petty or just practical after a divorce? What’s the right balance between staying generous and setting boundaries? Share your thoughts below!