AITAH for telling my MIL she’d have to d*e first?
A Reddit user shared a story about a tense moment with their mother-in-law (MIL) during the pregnancy of their daughter. The user had always planned to name their daughter after their late mother as a tribute, but when the MIL suggested naming the baby after her, the user responded with a blunt remark, saying she’d have to die first.
This comment led to some tension, but the user now has a good relationship with their MIL, who even praises how well they treat her. To learn more about the situation and the reactions it sparked, read the full story below…
‘ AITAH for telling my MIL she’d have to d*e first?’
This was back when my wife and I were expecting our daughter “Steph”. A little back story. My mother died when I was 7 years old and from a very early age I thought that if someday I have a daughter I’d name her after my mother.
My MIL early on in the relationship didn’t really like me because she thought I wasn’t as polite and “respectful” as my wife’s Ex. He used to hang out with MIL, complement her often, buy her flowers and basically treat her like a matriarch. I on the other hand was polite but very reserved and private.
I would say hello and have a small chit chat with her but nothing significant. Again this was because I knew she prefered the Ex. My wife was fully onboard with the tribute to my mother and because she left our daughter’s naming completely up to me I decided the middle name would be my wife’s name.
My wife and I were discussing this when my MIL chimed in. She got up and said, why don’t you name the baby after me.” Without hesitation I answered that it’s something I would consider but she’d have to die first. You know, since the name was a tribute to my deceased mother.
She basically shut up after that and never brought it up again. Just so you know we get along great now. She tells people that I treat her better than her own son.. So AITAH?
Here’s what people had to say to OP:
AlwaysHelpful22 − What does her son do, smack her around?
Wise-Relative-7805 − NTA how thoughtless can she be?
Agreeable_Nothing_58 − NTA and honestly she was very presumptuous to suggest naming your child after her
DawnShakhar − NTA. You certainly put her in her place! All that comparing you to your wife’s ex was aggression. You definitely showed her she is not in control of the dialogue
Altruistic-Twist5977 − This seems fake
BLUNTandtruthful58 − NTA justifiedÂ
SammySamSamSamm − It’s not her business what you name your child. NTA
lapsteelguitar − You earned her respect with that comment. Good for you.. NTA
Plane-Reason9254 − So not taking her s**t shut her up . Wow! Interesting approach but it worked
queen_of_potato − NTA.. regardless of whether living or dead, why would you name a child after someone you don’t have the most loving and respectful relationship with?? I’m sorry your MIL is like that
Do you think the user’s response was justified given the sentimental value of the name, or was it too harsh for the situation? How would you have handled this conversation with a mother-in-law? Share your thoughts below and join the discussion!”