AITAH for telling my friend its her fault that she might have to move due to financial reasons, and that this was exactly what she voted for?

A Redditor shared a heated exchange with a friend over political differences that escalated when real-life consequences came into play. The argument arose after the friend, a Trump supporter, became upset about potential financial hardships stemming from international tariff disputes. The Redditor called out the perceived hypocrisy, using the friend’s own words against her, but now questions if they were too harsh. Read the full story below to see how the situation unfolded.
‘ AITAH for telling my friend its her fault that she might have to move due to financial reasons, and that this was exactly what she voted for?’
I (20F) am a Canadian attending university in the United States. One of my friends (20F) in university here is a decently large Trump fan. I’m not going to lie and say it hasn’t put a bit of a strain on our friendship, but it has never been anything that detrimental.
Well, today we were talking about Trump’s tariffs. I from the beginning made it clear it was a moronic idea and will only end poorly for Americans – even before the election I said there was no universe that Trump wasn’t going to make the prices go up and honestly probably cause a recession. She maintained that he only has Americans’ best interests at heart, and that he has a team of experts helping him, and wouldn’t do anything that wouldn’t benefit the economy.
I mentioned once how the tariffs could hurt our (the Canadian) economy and my concern that a lot of people in Canada are struggling financially already, and how it was ludicrous Trump would try and hurt his closest allies like that while basically threatening Trudeau to do the job of the presidency for him (stopping illegal immigration to the states) and she said “well, that sucks, but we have to put our people first”. Um, sure. I would just say, sure, maybe you’re right and this will all end great, we will have to just wait and see.
She is here on a full ride. I know she has been struggling financially a lot, and is from the NE. Well today we met up for lunch and I saw the news that my premier, Doug Ford, threatened to cut off power to millions of Americans in retaliation to the tariff threat. I laughed when I saw the post, and she asked me what was funny. I explained Ford’s plan to cut off energy to America, and that Canada provides the USA with *a lot* of energy, and how I was shocked Ford of all people was someone I was now rooting for.
She got very upset, because she would be someone who, if this happens, will have a skyrocketing power bill, which she says would force her to move somewhere else because she’s already counting pennies basically and can barely afford where she lives. I told her that that is probably not going to end up happening because Trump is spineless and will most likely back down, but also that this is exactly what she f**king voted for, and her fault.
She kind of muttered like “how could you not care about millions losing power” and I basically quoted her and said “well, *we* have to put *our* people first.” She got angry, and left, but later texted me that I was being a heartless, insensitive friend. I haven’t responded yet, because maybe I did push things too far, and was being insensitive when I laughed upon seeing the news.. AITAH?
Here’s what people had to say to OP:
Al_Marchione20 − Goes around comes around, NTA.
twoturntablesanda − Many people in these comments need to understand that paint chips, while being chips, are NOT meant for snacking on.
No-Swimming-3599 − NTA. A lot of people are going to regret their MAGA vote.
HalfVast59 − Have you seen the meme of the headline saying “I never thought leopards would eat *my* face” says woman who voted for leopards eating people’s faces party?. Find that meme and send it to her. It’s OK to let politics intrude in relationships. The fact is that politics is important in the lives of real people. Your friend is discovering something called “consequences,” and being reminded that this is a consequence of the political choice she made is good for her.. NTA.
ContestOk782 − yta, it’s understandable to be frustrated, but that’s a pretty harsh way to put it. maybe there’s a more compassionate way to talk about it.
AwayeKevin − Absolutely not, MAGA voters will find out soon enough…
amw38961 − I’m a black American….I knew this was going to go down lol. He has never had people’s best interest at heart and he basically told them that, yet they still voted for him and ran around shouting that he was was “making America great again”. I honestly STILL can’t comprehend why ANY woman would vote for him based on his own words and actions.
not_to_a_computer − No you are not the AH she’s getting what she voted for idiocy.
thewanderingent − NTA. And wow, she clearly desperately needs that education. Maybe some classes on economics, sociology, and history would serve her well.
Stormtomcat − Y T A for remaining friends with someone like that. You’re 20 and in university : making new friends will never be easier (thanks to time and occasion). NTA for your schadenfreude. Trump emboldens the worst in people, not only in his own country, not only in voters. There are plenty of politicians and citizens in my own European country who don’t hesitate to announce they want to emulate him.
This post is nothing but bashing our President. I didn’t think reddit was so political.