AITAH for refusing to share my meal with my sister after she insisted she did not want me to order any food for her?


A Redditor recounts a tense moment with their sister, who insisted she didn’t want food when offered but changed her mind after seeing the meal delivered. The conflict escalated when she tried to take a plate of pasta that the Redditor had clearly ordered for themselves, leading to an argument about boundaries and fairness. Read the original story below to see how the situation unfolded.


‘ AITAH for refusing to share my meal with my sister after she insisted she did not want me to order any food for her?’

Sister is visiting at my place. I was getting delivery pasta for myself, I asked her if she wanted any (as opposed to cooking herself something, I have plenty of food at home and she is free to use any ingredients in my fridge and cupboards), she said “no thanks.” I insisted that once I ordered food, it would be too late for her to have a last minute craving, she insisted she did not want any pasta. I said okay and ordered for myself.

For context, I am a big man and I eat a lot. I got two servings of pasta carbonara and one serving of garlic bread, but it is ALL for me. I did not buy extra “knowing she’d want some eventually” as my sister came to assert. I got TWO plates of pasta FOR ME ALONE.


Anyway, the food arrives, I start unpacking MY pasta, she looks over my shoulder and comments it looks appetizing after all. I remind her that it’s all for me, and this woman, I swear, she tells me that there’s two plates, two people in the house, so naturally we should have one plate each, and she just GRABS ONE for herself.

And when I snatched the plate back, she dared to act all offended and shocked. I repeated again, BOTH plates are FOR ME because I NEED TWO PLATES to be full. She starts berating me, calling me selfish, asking how I can in good conscience keep two full plates for myself and leave nothing at all for her.


I repeated that if she wanted food, she should have told me while I was ordering, I would have happily added her order ON TOP OF my two plates, so I could have my full meal and she could have hers. I would have paid for her meal, no questions asked. Instead, she insisted up and down that she did not want any food from DoorDash so I ordered MY order and nothing for her, so these two plates are mine to eat, period.

She finally admitted that okay, it was wrong of her to reject my offer to buy whatever her order might have been, and she apologized, and I was ready to be done with this, but she immediately followed it with “Whelp, there’s no helping it now is there? We’re not changing the past.


So, since we both want food and there’s two plates, we’re getting one plate each, yeah?” which annoyed me even more than if she didn’t give me a performative “I was wrong, sowwy big bwo” pretend-apology before hitting me with “anyway, let’s compromise by me having my way uncontested, and you bending over and obeying me at your own detriment for no upsides whatsoever.”

I put my foot down and said no, it’s final, both plates are mine, you can boil a pot of water and make yourself pasta if you’re in a pasta mood, there’s dry pasta in the cupboard. I took all the food into my bedroom and locked the door and ignored her trying to talk to me through the door until after I finished eating. She eventually made herself instant ramen instead. She hasn’t stopped complaining and blaming me all day. AITAH?

Check out how the community responded:

Inevitable_Pie9541 −  NTA. I cannot *stand* people who pull this nonsense.

HotPaleontologist661 −  She just learned that if you play stupid games then you get no pasta


perpetuallyxhausted −  Why the f**k didn’t she just door dash her own food after you got yours?

Just-End-6408 −  Nah, you’re not the a**hole. She said no like 10 times, so that’s on her. You don’t get to claim someone else’s food just ’cause it looks good after the fact. She can chill and make her own pasta.


angelsweetiex −  Honestly, you told her from the start and she said no, so like, it’s your food. She can’t just change her mind last minute and grab your stuff. She should’ve spoken up when you asked. If she’s hungry, she can cook her own meal. You did nothing wrong!

babyllovely −  Honestly, your sister was being hella extra. You asked her, she said no, so you got what *you* wanted. She can’t just change her mind after seeing your food and act like she’s entitled to it. You’re not an a**hole for sticking to your plan. She should’ve thought about that before rejecting your offer.


Key_Advance3033 −  NTA. I absolutely despise people that behave like this. Even if they think they aren’t hungry, they will be. Just order your own god dammed meal. I’m so proud of the way you handled it.

l3ex_G −  Nta I don’t understand why people don’t just accept they made a mistake and figure it out instead of annoying the people who knew better. It doesn’t matter how much food you ordered. I order 2 portions sometimes planning one for the next day and people still think it’s free food for them.


Ok_Childhood_9774 −  NTA. Choices have consequences, which I hope she learned.

CJCreggsGoldfish −  How old is this infantile pest?

Do you think the Redditor was right to stand their ground and keep their meal, or should they have shared with their sister to avoid further conflict? How would you handle a similar situation where someone changed their mind after rejecting an offer? Share your thoughts below!


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