AITAH for refusing to let my sister (23F) stay with me after she ruined my engagement party?


A young woman (20F) hosted an engagement party, only to have her sister (23F) interrupt her toast with a shocking announcement that she was pregnant. Later, the sister admitted she fabricated the pregnancy to garner attention because she felt left out. Furious, the woman asked her sister to leave,

but now the sister wants to stay with her to avoid returning to their parents’ house. Despite family pressure to “be the bigger person” due to her sister’s emotional struggles, she refuses, feeling her sister’s actions were inexcusable. read the original story below…


‘ AITAH for refusing to let my sister (23F) stay with me after she ruined my engagement party?’

So I (20F) got engaged to my boyfriend (24M) last month, and this weekend we had a little engagement party at my parents’ house. It was supposed to be super chill—just close friends and family, nothing crazy. My sister “Emily” was there, and for context, she’s been going through a rough breakup recently.


I get that she’s upset, but she’s been making everything about her lately. Anyway, during the party, my fiancé and I were making a toast. As I’m literally in the middle of thanking everyone for coming, Emily interrupts me to announce she has “some news.”

Everyone stops and looks at her, and she just goes, “I’m pregnant!” The room went dead silent because, first of all, she’s not dating anyone right now, and second, she said last week she didn’t want kids. My mom immediately starts crying (happy tears, I think?) while I’m standing there like… seriously?


After the party, she admitted she made it up because she “felt left out” and wanted some attention. I was furious and told her she needed to leave because this was my moment, and she ruined it. Now she’s begging to stay with me because she doesn’t want to go back to our parents’ house, but I told her no.

She’s calling me heartless, and even my mom says I should “be the bigger person” because Emily is struggling. But like, how is it my problem she decided to fake a pregnancy at my engagement party? AITAH?


Here’s what people had to say to OP:

cats_is_best −  NTA. Even if she hadn’t ruined your engagement party, you have no obligation to let her stay with you.

markbrev −  NTA. Why does the wronged party always have to be the ‘bigger person’? F**k that noise, send her back to your mom’s.


BeachinLife1 −  Tell your **mom** to be the “bigger person,” and Emily to GTFO.

madpiratebippy −  NTA She bit the hand that feeds. She was a j**k and ruined a special moment for you because she needs therapy, it’s not your job to keep putting up with her weird s**t. This goes WAY BEYOND struggling with a breakup and is heading into “therapy for sure, personality disorder as a contender” territory.


Does she have a history of not being able to handle not being the center of attention or ruining important events? That’s actually diagnostically significant for some personality disorders.

OdessaSunrise −  Nah, you’re not the A. Your sister faked a pregnancy for attention at your engagement party. That’s not just struggling—that’s main character syndrome on steroids. She’s 23, not 13, and she needs to learn that actions have consequences. Your house isn’t a rehab for bad decisions. Stay strong, and congrats on your engagement!


Equal_Factor_6449 −  NTA.  Actions have consequences. 

CaptainBeefy79 −  NTA. Why is it always the victim who needs to be the bigger person and just let it go? Why can’t we ever just blame the AH and force them to lay in the bed they just shat in?


External_Expert_2069 −  You aren’t leaving her on the streets. She has another place to live. This is on her completely…. She admitted that she just wanted attention and it didn’t matter that it was at your expense. Has she even apologized? NTA

KittenAndTheQuil −  NTA ew to both your sister and mom for enabling/ encouraging her! She can move in with your parents. She probably wants to try and sabotage your relationship.


ConvivialKat −  This has to be fake. Because, if it’s not, your entire family are complete and utter a-holes

Should someone be expected to offer refuge to a sibling who intentionally disrupted a significant life event? Is setting firm boundaries justified in cases like this? what do you think? share your thoughts below!.


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