AITAH for pulling a mother aside and telling her that her son should not be smacking women’s back sides?

A Reddit user recounts an incident at a Christmas party where a 7-year-old boy slapped a woman on the backside twice, causing discomfort for both the woman and the user. After witnessing the act and feeling shocked by the lack of reaction from the boy’s mother, the user pulled the mom aside to address the inappropriate behavior, suggesting she speak to her son about boundaries and respect. However, the mom dismissed the concern, and now the user wonders if they overstepped by addressing the situation publicly. Read the full story below.
‘ AITAH for pulling a mother aside and telling her that her son should not be smacking women’s back sides?’
I (27M) went to a Christmas party today, and there was a situation that bothered me, and I just want to know if I handled it poorly. At one point during the party, a 7-year-old boy walked up to a woman, who was not his family, and slapped her on the backside twice. He smiled and walked away as if it was no big deal. I was pretty shocked by this, especially since the woman didn’t seem to know how to react.
I went up to the kid’s mom and pulled her aside to tell her about the situation. She kind of brushed it off and gave excuses, saying that the kid is just a “jokester” and that he does that to her all the time. I told her that I didn’t think it was appropriate behavior for a 7-year-old to be smacking women’s backsides, especially a random person, and that she needed to have a talk with him about boundaries and respect.
She didn’t seem too receptive and got a bit defensive, but I was firm in expressing my concern. Afterward, I started second-guessing myself because I wonder if I overstepped by telling her how to parent her kid in such a public setting. So, AITA for pulling the mom aside and telling her that her son shouldn’t be doing that?
Let’s dive into the reactions from Reddit:
Tricky-Nikkee − Absolutely NTA! That kind of Mother is what’s wrong with Men who grow up believing that they can be inappropriate and claim to, “just be joking”.
Specialist-Leek-6927 − NTA, this is the mother that when her child gets arrested for SA, put in prison, and on a list, will claim to have never seen it coming, and that he was always such a cheerful angel.
Low_Parsley_2689 − NTA. If that kid thinks such behaviour is normal, it will get him in trouble later on in life. Trying to prevent future instances of SA claims is not a bad thing!
Academic-Ladder2686 − NTA this is why men behave badly when they get older
noonecaresat805 − Nta. Some people shouldn’t have children.
mysteriousdarkmoon − NTA, if it was a toddler learning behaviours it might be a bit premature, but this child is 7? Then they’d be at school and know what is/isn’t appropriate.
Fit-Particular-2882 − NTA. This is giving Mother of a future Brock Turner energy.
Coffee-Lvr − You are absolutely not the A-hole. Allowing a 7 year old to act like this can quickly lead him to think he can run for President. Seriously, though, you are NTA.
jlaine − It’s a damn good way as a parent to end up in a lot of awkward situations. At least you warned her, lol.
74Magick − Oh he would have got a smack in the backside in return all right. No home training!. NTA.