AITAH For Kicking Out a Pregnant Lady From My Birthday Party?

In this situation, a man (27M) had a surprise birthday party planned by his mother. His cousin (26M) and his cousin’s pregnant wife (26F), with whom he has a tense history, were invited. The cousin’s wife had previously lived with the man during college and was accused of stealing money from him, leading to their strained relationship.

During the party, while catching up with his cousin, the wife made a rude comment, telling him to stop being nosy about their lives. Shortly after, she announced that they would be doing a gender reveal at his birthday party without asking for his permission. The man refused, and when his cousin brought in the balloon for the reveal, he grabbed it, ran outside, and let the balloon fly away. He then kicked them both out of the party. Many guests left, and his family criticized him for ruining the gender reveal, labeling him a bad person. Now, he is left questioning whether he was in the wrong.

AITAH For Kicking Out a Pregnant Lady From My Birthday Party?

I 27 M had my birthday party 2 weeks ago.My mother had planned a surprise party for me at my house since she has a spare key.She invited my 26 M cousin and his 26 F pregnant wife.I don’t have anything against my cousin but I do with his wife.For some backstory my cousin used to live with me when he was in college.In his third year of college he met his now wife.It was all fine until in his last year of college his girlfriend moved in with us.For the first weeks it was all right but then she started coming into my room and stealing my money which I confronted her about and she said that she hadn’t done it.This kept on for two more weeks until I kicked them out and since then me and my cousin haven’t talked much other then in his wedding.Now back to my birthday party me and my cousin were catching up with each other it was all going good until I said how has yours and your wife’s life been after the wedding he was going to respond until his wife said stop being nosy that’s none of your business and I said well sorry.After that I walked away I was talking with my mom and saw my cousin leave to his car and come back in with a big balloon and his wife said listen up everybody I have an announcement to make we will be doing our gender reveal here and I said no you won’t she said you can’t stop me bring the balloon.As my cousin is walking to her I grab the gender reveal balloon out of his hand run outside and let the balloon fly away without popping it.After that I walked back in and kicked them out of my party and my cousin screamed at me because I round his gender reveal and his wife is crying and half of the guests leave and say I’m a bad person for what I did.I haven’t talked to them since and my family thinks I’m a bad person for what I did.So aita?

Here’s what people had to say to OP:

littlegingerfae says:
Yeah, there’s a 2nd cousin in my family who we haven’t seen since she forcibly got her 10 year old daughter addicted to hard drugs. In fact, she’d be getting a reddit-redacted kinda welcome if any if us ever saw her for what she did to that little girl. Needless to say, she’s fuckin uninvited from Thanksgiving.

BobBelchersBuns says:
Omg we had a parent try to hijack my daughters very expensive trampoline tenth birthday party. We were about to sing and a mom sidled up to me and was like it’s my sons birthday too can-

I cut her off and said that’s nice and lit the candles lol

NarrowAd4973 says:
Especially since this was in OP’s home, that the mother just has a key for. So the only one that could legitimately give permission is OP.

Edit: OP said in a follow up post that the mother did not know about the gender reveal.

NarrowAd4973 says:
I’m not so sure there was a better way to handle it. By the time OP realized what they were doing, the balloon was already in the house. At that point, all she needed to do was pop it, and she’d have gotten what she wanted. Grabbing it, taking it outside, and letting it go was the only way to prevent that (they could still do it in the front yard), besides stuffing it in a trash can and popping it there.

Any attempt to talk them out of it likely would have resulted in her saying “Oh yeah? *Pop I’m having a !” Based on how she was described and what OP said she said, she would have popped the balloon right over OP’s furniture just out of spite.

MyDogIsSoWeird says:
NTA they can have their OWN gender reveal party. To hi -Jack someone else’s is so self centered, rude, e*titled, tacky and pathetic. Especially without asking.

Honestly loved the end – grabbing the balloon and letting it float away LOL. Screw them, go check to make sure your valuables are still where they should be.

Empty_Letterhead9864 says:
Should have scooped it up in a dust pan and threw it over the choir teachers desk and say glitter bomb. When she yells at you just say “what? You shown it was acceptable behavior by not punishing the person who originally did it but the person it was done too. I thought you were teaching us to be bullies.”

Edit for spelling

Shara8629 says:
BAHAAHAHAHAHA! That was so awesome!

She steals money and limelight. They both sound equally unhinged- we’re very lucky that they found each other before they muddled the gene pool of normal humans.

I dont think id give them a 3rd opportunity to steal from me though, probably best they dont come back, especially when you arent home. Make sure your mom understands clearly going forward.


raspberryharbour says:
Imagine the reverse. She’s having her d*mbass gender reveal party, and right in the middle you announce “SURPRISE! It’s actually my birthday party!”

A bunch of your friends pile in, you start cutting a cake, everyone starts singing Happy Birthday.

That would be absurd

Was he wrong for standing up for himself and his party, or did he overreact by ruining the gender reveal? What do you think about the cousin’s wife’s behavior? Feel free to share your thoughts below.

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