AITAH for calling the person who cut themselves a slice of my daughter’s personalized birthday cake that was in the shared fridge at work a worthless piece of s**t??

A Redditor shared their outrage over a coworker cutting into a personalized birthday cake meant for their daughter, which they had temporarily stored in the shared fridge at work. Despite repeated issues with stolen food, they didn’t anticipate anyone taking from a clearly customized cake.
When they discovered a slice missing, they confronted coworkers and vented their frustration by calling the culprit a “worthless piece of s**t,” which didn’t sit well with their boss. The situation has left them wondering if their reaction was justified. Read the full story below.
‘ AITAH for calling the person who cut themselves a slice of my daughter’s personalized birthday cake that was in the shared fridge at work a worthless piece of s**t? ?’
It’s my daughter’s birthday this weekend. I had to pick up her birthday cake yesterday before work so I put it in the shared fridge with the intention to take it home when I knocked off. Although we have had a few incidents with stolen lunches, I didn’t think it would be an issue. It was a custom made birthday cake with my kid’s name on it afterall.
So you can imagine my shock when I went to retrieve my lunchbox from the fridge and noticed that someone had cut themselves a slice of the cake. I lost it and went around questioning everyone and no one admitted to it. No one saw anything either and there aren’t any cameras in there. I loudly said that whomever the culprit was, they were a worthless piece of s**t but my boss didn’t appreciate that.
Here’s how people reacted to the post:
Inevitable_Pie9541 − NTA. Who DOES that? Absolutely unmistakably a special cake from a bakery for an occasion. That s**fish p** knew it wasn’t theirs, ruined it, knew they were ruining it, didn’t care.. People are awful.
Creepy-Stable-6192 − Your boss can not appreciate it all he wants. Someone stole a piece of cake from you. I would file a formal complaint.
peeingdog − Your boss ate the cake.
NixKlappt-Reddit − NTA. Stealing a birthday cake, that’s the rudest thing I can imagine. I would snoop around every desk to find a plate that smells like the cake.. Edit: <3 Thanks for the awards. <3
CocoaAlmondsRock − Your boss is either a t**ef or a worthless piece of s**t himself.. Complain to HR.
_IslandOfMisfitPets_ − NTA. Everyone who is saying “BuT iT’s A sHaReD fRiDgE” needs to remember that the FRIDGE is shared, not the FOOD. And a child’s birthday cake should be pretty obviously off limits.
And everyone who is saying “BuT yOu ShOuLdN’t HaVe CuRsEd” needs to really put themselves in OP’s shoes. If they had to bring the cake to work, they likely are on a time crunch with life and work and birthday plans.
They might not have time or money to replace the cake. I know that, as a kid, I would have been really upset if my birthday cake had a chunk missing out of it. The emotional outburst is not ideal but is an absolutely understandable response.
Mechya − NTA, they ruined a child’s whole cake. Tell your boss instead of getting mad at your anger, do something about the workplace theft that is taking place. If they want to then they can buy the cake off you and share it with the whole workplace, but the fact is that you are out a full cake because someone committed theft at your workplace.
I’d actually offer to apologize for my harsh words if they paid for the cake, but my apology would definitely be along the lines of “I’m sorry that I used harsh words, it really upset me that you ruined my child’s birthday cake and I couldn’t hold in my anger knowing how heartbroken she was going to be”.
HeyitsJonesss − NTA nobody admitted to because they know they are a piece of s**t. You were just stating facts
Alternative-Stock968 − They didn’t just take a slice of cake. They stole a whole cake from you (and your kid). If some unknown knuckle-dragger touched it, the whole thing is unusable.
Gohighsweetcherry − Give your boss the invoice and tell him you want compensating for the cake and it needs to be paid for by the company unless he finds who did it and they pay. Outrageous.
Was their reaction an understandable response to a thoughtless act, or did they go too far by calling out the culprit so harshly? How would you handle such a situation in a shared workspace? Share your thoughts below!