AITAH for calling my girlfriend childish and telling her to leave after she intentionally destroyed a gift that I got for my little sister?


A Reddit user grapples with whether they were wrong to call their girlfriend childish and ask her to leave after she intentionally broke a gift meant for their younger sister, whom they recently took in under challenging circumstances.

Tensions rise as the girlfriend struggles to adjust to the new family dynamic, leading to a dramatic confrontation. Read the full story below!


‘ AITAH for calling my girlfriend childish and telling her to leave after she intentionally destroyed a gift that I got for my little sister?’

My girlfriend *Megan and I stay together. She had a fight with her parents and asked if we could move in together so we did. Not too long ago, I had to take my little sister in. I can’t disclose much except the fact that I was her only option.


When we had the talk about me having to take my sister in, Megan did not like the idea. She told me that I was too young to have such a responsibility, what will happen when we get married and have our own kids, our place was too small etc but didn’t outright say she had an issue with it.

I obviously couldn’t turn my back on my sister so I went ahead with it despite her reservations. Although my sister has always been friendly to Megan from the moment she met her, Megan is always just indifferent. And it sucks because my sister really admires her and enjoys talking to her.


I just thought maybe they don’t connect because of my sister’s age. A month ago I bought my sister a switch, she has always wanted one and all her friends have it. I figured she deserved it as she does well at school, helps with chores and is generally a well behaved kid.

She loved it and she has been taking good care of it. Megan wasn’t happy when I bought it, she actually sulked. She would borrow the switch incessantly and my sister would not say no maybe because she was afraid to? but Megan would use it so much that it felt like it belonged to her.


My sister never said anything, she would just patiently wait for her turn. Sometimes Megan would use it even when my sister was at school saying that she gets bored when I’m at work. All this made me uncomfortable, so I asked her to please tone down on the switch as it’s unfair on my sister, it was her gift.

Megan agreed although it was clear that she was upset, she gave us the silent treatment for the rest of the night. Last week when I came back from picking up my sister from school after work, we found her switch broken.


And that’s putting it lightly, it looked like it was deliberately smashed. My sister was distraught. When I asked Megan wtf happened, she told us that she accidentally dropped it and it broke.

It was obvious that she was lying and when I pointed that out and all the other times where she seemed to have an issue with an eleven year old for no reason, she got annoyed and told me that everything was fine until my sister moved in.


I called her childish and asked her to please pack her bags and go back to her parents house because I need space and time to think. This only made her more annoyed but she eventually left.

Her best friend texted me last night to tell me that I was an a**hole for kicking Megan out because on top of everything else, I know how rocky her relationship with her parents are. Does this make me an AH?


Here’s what the community had to contribute:

[Reddit User] −  Nta. She sounds vindictive. You deserve better

Sebscreen −  NTA. She isn’t your wife, she does not get a say in your decision to take your sister in. And she is quite frankly a despicable person for b**lying and intentionally hurting an eleven year old who looks up to her.


On top of that, she sounds like a terrible partner too. You work and let her live rent free and she does nothing all day but play on the switch and b**ly your sister? And look at that…

The first time you stand up to her BS and she already ran to her friend vilifying you. D**p her like radioactive waste. And tell her friend to eat glass; if she cares so much, she can take on the insufferable burden that is your ex.


MeMeMeOnly −  Gee, I can’t imagine why your GF has a rocky relationship with her parents. You need your put an ex- in front of girlfriend.

Thallannc −  Wait, her relationship with her parents is rocky? I’d never have guessed.


Deo14 −  My brothers tolerated no disrespect to me. When a car-pooling buddy complained about having me in the car on the way to high school, my brother said “you can find another ride if it’s a problem”. Bro never even took his eyes off the road.

Clean_Factor9673 −  Megan is not the one. She’s jealous of a child to the point she hogged, then broke her Switch.. You don’t need her in your life.


NoSatisfaction6_6 −  NTA. From some comments I saw you make she brings LITERALLY NOTHING to your relationship. 1. She’s unemployed and pays no rent. 2. Has beef with an 11 year old. 3. Broke your sister’s property on purpose. 4. Wouldn’t even admit to the truth on the first ask, aka she lied to you on purpose

5. I’m going to assume she probably lied about the reason she has issues with her parents and it’s because she’s a lazy ass and they were getting tired of her self-absorbed BS. You deserve better. Drop her ass op and show your sister some good love, I hope she feels okay.


SteelHandLuke −  Take her to small claims court if she won’t replace the Switch.

thebaronobeefdip −  After reading this and your comments, Megan is a vindictive leech. Keep her b** ass kicked out and focus on your sister. Megan’s just a parasite and a little threat to your sister and her relationship with you. There’s better women out there.


SnooDonkeys2480 −  Definitely NTA! Not only would I have kicked her out. I would have also made her pay for a replacement. Your girlfriend sounds very immature. It’s better you’re apart.

You and your sister don’t need that. You sound like an amazing brother! Not only that, her friend texting you was highly inappropriate. She has no business getting involved.


Was the Redditor justified in prioritizing their sister and asking their girlfriend to leave after her destructive actions? How would you balance relationships and responsibilities in a similar situation? Share your thoughts and advice below!

For those who want to read the next part :


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