AITA. MIL gifting us 5 timeshares in her will costing us $9500 annually. We asked her not to do this and she lost it ?

A couple was alarmed to learn that their mother-in-law (MIL) intends to leave them five timeshares in her will, which come with an annual administrative cost of $9,500 and a perpetuity clause. Not wanting the financial burden, they politely asked her to reconsider.
Despite their respectful approach, she became furious, calling them ungrateful and refusing to change her will or transfer the timeshares to someone else before her passing. With no monetary inheritance and MIL in debt, the couple is left questioning if they handled the situation wrong.
‘ AITA. MIL gifting us 5 timeshares in her will costing us $9500 annually. We asked her not to do this and she lost it ?’
My mother in law is “gifting” us 5 timeshares in her will in which the administrative amount will cost us $9500 annually. We are not interested in owning timeshares nor are we interested in paying that much in admin costs.
We asked an attorney and he said it is expensive and a hassle to try to get rid of the timeshares; so we politely and respectfully asked MIL not to leave those to us in her will. She absolutely lost it and was extremely upset saying we were ungrateful and that she is refusing to change her will;
we asked if she would be willing to go ahead and transfer the timeshares to someone else before her d**th, but she refused. AITA? Edited to add: There is a perpetuity clause on these timeshares. She’s not leaving my husband or I any money. She has lots of debt. Only leaving us the timeshares.
Take a look at the comments from fellow users:
borisslovechild − NTA. Unless she is leaving you with enough money to cover the cost of the $9500 in perpetuity, this is in no way meaningful way a gift. Maybe a lawyer from the appropriate jurisdiction can weigh in but I can’t see how MIL can effectively transfer a debt to another person without their consent.
I am always suspicous when people get ‘extremely upset’ in situations like this. She knows this is BS and is upset that she’s being called out on it. I would be curious to find out what else is being gifted and to whom in her will. It feels to me that MIL is trying to pull a fast one.
There’s more going on here but OP has no obligation to dig deeper, all they have to do is refuse this ‘gift’ and shut down all future discussions. I’d just wait. Pretty sure the truth will come out at some point and it won’t be a pretty story.
Traditional-Bag-4508 − Yeah, no. My parents were going to do the same. When my father passed away, I knew my mother was never going to use her three weeks a year. I tried to swap them out for closer locations etc… waiting lists for up to 5 years…
they were paid off (only the annual fees needed to be paid, around $4.5K for three weeks a year) originally we paid the first three years, only went to one time share week, 22 (round trip) hour drive. Not worth it for us. Tried to have them rent those weeks… who knows if they did.
Tried to sell them, no luck. I just let it lapse, stopped paying the annual fees. Ignored all notices. It would have cost us over $15k to cancel through a time share cancellation company. NOPE Time shares are not a gift They are a true BURDEN
wlfwrtr − NTA Talk to your attorney again. In most places even if something is willed to you doesn’t mean you have to accept it. Let MIL know you plan to refuse it or gift it to an organization, preferably one she doesn’t like.
GoatMom1998 − Time shares are NOT a gift! They are burdensome financially and logistically. You are NTA for Not wanting to be bogged down by these boondoggles. She is wrong for foisting these things on you.
If she continues to insist on dumping them on you, perhaps contact one of those companies that help people extricate themselves from time shares. I hear ads about those services all the time.
Perhaps you can preemptively avoid the potential problems if you have an “escape” plan in place. And you are NOT ungrateful for Not wanting to be stuck paying all the administrative costs! Good luck!
Jacob1207a − NTA. Do not accept a timeshare! They are such a s**m that there’s an entire industry to help people get out of them and THAT industry is also mostly a s**m that takes desperate people’s money.
Talk to the lawyer and make sure you know how to disclaim them when the time comes. You may have only a limited time to do that. Do NOT get involved with any time shares!!
dragonetta123 − Here in the UK, you can reject a timeshare left to you in a will (via a disclaimer of interest). So check with a lawyer in your area to see if there is anything similar.
Oldpuzzlehead − NTA. Just because she leaves them to you in her will doesn’t mean you have to accept them. You told her you don’t want them. When she dies all you need to do is not sign the agreement to transfer them to you.
Life_Repeat310 − You can disclaim it when the time comes
loons_aloft − I paid a Florida lawyer to send a letter to the timeshare company claiming fraudulent sales tactics or something. They terminated my mother’s ownership. That’s the system. You can’t resell these things.
LouisV25 − NTA. Just disclaim it after her d**th. No need to argue in life.
Should they accept this “gift” despite the financial strain, or were they right to express their concerns? What would you do in their situation? Share your thoughts below! Read the original story below…