AITA for yelling at a lady who was looking into my windows to stalk her son?


A young woman had enough of a neighbor’s intrusive behavior after she caught the woman peeking through her windows to find her son. After a heated confrontation, she’s now dealing with backlash from her mother and the neighborhood. Read the full story below:


‘ AITA for yelling at a lady who was looking into my windows to stalk her son?’

I’m 19f and live at home with my family. My younger brother ‘Mike’ is 14. He is has a group of friends in the neighborhood that he always hangs out with, they all enjoy skating and longboarding and stuff so that’s what they’re doing most of the time. The boys are 14-15 and really nice kids but most of their parents are hella weird.

They have a groupchat where they’re secretly supervising the boys basically constantly updating where they are in the neigborhood. My mom was added to the chat and showed me the messages to have a laugh about it and it’s honestly ridiculous they’ll sent texts like “I saw them at xy street 15 minutes ago”


“They were in our garden 5 minutes ago I think now they’re headed to the skate park”. I think it’s hilarious because our neighborhood isn’t dangerous at all. One of the moms in the chat is especially annoying because she keeps calling our house and asking if her son ‘Jake’ is there.

We once were put in a groupchat together for a church project and since then she has my number and texts me all the time asking about the boys, because my mom won’t respond. Now yesterday I was home alone at about 2pm because my mom was at work and my siblings were out.


Jakes mom had called my phone two times but I didn’t answer cause she was annoying me. My boyfriend came over and we were just sorta chilling in the living room talking and listening to music. We were sitting on the couch and started to kiss and make out a bit. It was all nice and peaceful and suddenly I hear a really loud knock.

It really made us jump because it was just so sudden. I turn to look and there’s Jakes freakin mom outside, knocking at the window. I nearly hit the ceiling I was so angry. I go outside and she’s all like blah blah sorry to interrupt I just wanted to ask because I haven’t seen Jake in almost two hours ect.ect.


Apparently we didn’t hear the doorbell because of the music so she just walked around the house to investigate and look in the windows. I really blew up at her saying that she’s a weirdo who stalks her son everywhere and a freak to look in other peoples windows. I also asked her if her obsessive stalking was the reason for her divorce which probably went a little to far.

My boyfriend thought I was justified and my brother thought it was funny but my mom is mad at me because all the other parents are now blowing up her phone. She also thinks I shouldn’t have said that stuff about the divorce. I feel sorry for putting my mom in this position but I feel like someone needed to tell that lady how annoying her behavior is.


Here’s what the community had to contribute:

pukui7 −  NTA. She’s an obnoxious pest with no legitimate business at your house. Peeking through your windows was especially creepy. This all allows a certain level of belligerence from you, including the divorce comments in the heat of the moment.

foxholder7 −  I would call the cops when she peers in my window so she would just learn the hard way to stop trespassing


[Reddit User] −  I can’t stop laughing at this. NTA, I think? The divorce comment kinda sucked, but I don’t blame you for being pissed.

NancyLouMarine −  NTA. And what she’s doing is illegal. It’s called being a Peeping Tom. Your mom needs to tell the other moms they need to stop with the illegal activity.


FireSafety101 −  NTA. That is hilarious. I do feel for your poor mom, getting the short end of the stick though. But s**t. How does this lady just going to stare at you through the damn window, unashamed, and say “sorry for interrupting”. 😭

M_K_1990 −  ESH it’s definitely intrusive for her to be looking in other people’s windows and her not knowing where her kid is hanging out isn’t your problem at all, but you were totally out of line to bring up her divorce and I honestly think that kind of low-blow is worse than what she did.


[Reddit User] −  NTA That poor kid. I don’t even think it’s that bad you blew up on her. Sometimes a kid doesn’t even know how psychotically intrusive their parent is until an incident like that happens and someone says *This is insane.* If possible though, my vote is don’t engage with her again. She sounds very unwell and you or your brother could be her new target.

lubbaloba −  this is hilarious but tbh esh i think you wouldve been completely justified if you didnt bring up her divorce but im sure u felt great in the moment LMAO


Dontfeedthebears −  NTA- holy lack of boundaries, Batman! You were well within your rights to let her have it. I couldn’t help but laugh at the absurdity of the story. These women seen like a nightmare. You can’t go Peeping Tom level because your kid is gone for a while.

It’s not up to you or your mother to watch the kids who, by the way, could be getting into some n**arious s**t and instead are just skating around. She was completely inappropriate. Are all the moms named Karen, by chance? I can’t imagine they can’t find something better to do.


beepborpimajorp −  NTA. Next time just call the police. That will pretty much take of the situation and absolve you of any responsibility. The other moms can’t really get mad at you being concerned for your own safety when someone is trespassing and you have no idea who it might be.

Just call the non-emergency line and tell them there’s someone trespassing and you don’t know who it is. Then sit back and enjoy as a squad car rolls up on this nosy woman who thinks she has a right to violate other people’s privacy on their property for no reason.


Was the woman justified in confronting the intrusive neighbor, or did her comments cross the line? How would you handle such a situation? Share your thoughts below!

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