AITA for throwing out junk foods my parents buy for me even when I ask them not to multiple times?

A Redditor opens up about the struggle to maintain healthy eating habits after moving in with their dad and stepmom, who keep buying junk food despite being asked not to. Having lost over 100 pounds and worked hard to stay fit, they’re frustrated that their parents won’t buy nutritious groceries but repeatedly offer unhealthy treats. Tired of slipping on their diet, they’re ready to start throwing out the junk food altogether. Read the full story below.
‘ AITA for throwing out junk foods my parents buy for me even when I ask them not to multiple times?’
Some additional info I’ve always struggled with my weight since a child and my father and step mom have continually enabled my habits and once I moved in with my actual mother she helped me get foods I needed to lose weight and lost over 100lbs and after a few years became the fittest I’d ever been.
Fast forward I moved in with my dad and step mom gained 30 pounds and recently lost it back but they refuse to buy me healthier foods and make me buy it. Things such as ground meats, chicken, fresh veggies they make me buy because they say it’s too much to spend when they make their own dinner so I agreed and started buying stuff myself.
But the kicker is at least once a week they go get ice cream and they ask if I want any knowing I’m trying to stay healthy and I repeatedly say no no and no and my step mom always jumps in and says well I don’t want you eating mine so I’ll get you some.
(I did this when I first came here and was still struggling with getting back to healthy eating) but now she knows I’m trying to be healthy and makes sure to spend money on it when they won’t even buy me the foods I actually want.
This causes me to slip on my diet so from now on I’m just gonna throw it away. Sorry for the s**t grammar I’m just pissed. They’ve always neglected me by never providing nutritious foods just junk that makes you fat.
Check out how the community responded:
HarlotteHoehansson − Don’t throw it away, just don’t eat it. The more the ice cream piles up the less they will buy it. You have to teach yourself how to not give in to the cravings.
Ok_Perception1131 − NTA. Inagine you’re an a**oholic and someone keeps buying you alcohol as a gift, even though you beg them not to. It would be acceptable – and a good idea – for you to give it away or throw it away.. It’s the same thing here. People who are saying “Just don’t eat it” or “Just eat a little bit” lack any understanding of addiction.. NTA
clyde_and_bonnie999 − I’d also like to say to those who are saying YTA I get made fun of when I run by my father he calls me insane, he calls the foods I eat silly and a waste of money even when I’m buying it, he has told me I’m a health nut etc. This is just a single example.
This is a quite deliberate act to try to get me to slip up in my personal opinion. I agree I should have more self control but you wouldn’t offer a smoker trying to quit a pack of smokes when they say they’re trying to quit would you? Its simply not helpful
[Reddit User] − Everyone saying don’t throw it away, just don’t eat it. THROW IT AWAY!! You are not in a place to be able to manage that temptation. Don’t feel bad about it.
Take it straight from their hands and put it in the trash. That will stop them from buying it quick! I am literally a Cookie Monster. I have no control when cookies are around. Therefore I don’t keep cookies in the house.
ArreniaQ − Can you move back with your mother? Just get away from them.
msackeygh − Yes, throw it away. It’s bad enough that your folks intentionally or unintentionally tempt you with unhealthy food. Throw it away for your own health
Present_Custard_5315 − NTA. Don’t throw it away. Just don’t eat it! But it even seems that they want to totally sabotage your diet and don’t want to see you healthy. That’s a bit strange.
NoHorseNoMustache − Yeah NTA, I was a little fat kid because my parents supplied me with junk food, they don’t comment on the small amount I eat anymore(lost the weight 20+ years ago, mom kept pushing food for a good decade before stopping)
Since I moved back in with them they buy loads of junk food that I really have to keep up the willpower not to p** out on. You have to take care of yourself, if they won’t stop buying stuff for you then chuck it and maybe they’ll learn.
AbelardK − NTA at all. They are. They’re stuffing your face with junk that doesn’t suit you, and ignore your opinion on the matter. They want a baby to feed, not a mature person able to make their own choice. If I were you I’d move away ASAP. That should help them cut the cord.
Amiedeslivres − INFO: Are they buying single takeout servings from an ice-cream place? If so, always NTA if you’ve said you don’t want any. I don’t think donating ice cream is super practical in any case, especially since, as you say, you are in Florida. It would be hard to transport it anywhere.
I’m not a fan of food waste and I’m usually for personal responsibility for one’s food choices, but in this case I would say all blame falls on the people who insist on buying something that you explicitly have said you don’t want. It adds to your struggle with managing your eating disorder. This is at best inconsiderate and at worst deliberately cruel.. Chuck it in the bin, right off.
Is the user justified in tossing out the junk food, or is it an overreaction to their parents’ behavior? How would you handle this situation if your healthy choices weren’t supported at home? Share your thoughts below!
Remember, they are not buying food. They are buying junk. They are deliberately trying to give you stuff that is bad for your body. Obviously they have a larger problem that we are not dealing with, but for this part of it, do not respond with drama. Don’t get pissed. Just walk silently to the trash can and throw the junk away. Don’t say a word. They will catch on eventually. I am curious to know how old you are and if it is necessary for you to continue living with them if there are any other options. This becomes a form of bullying eventually. Do not put up with it any longer than necessary.