AITA for the food I got for my girlfriend?

A Redditor recently faced criticism from his girlfriend after he brought her what he thought was a healthy dinner. After she asked for a low-fat meal and told him to “surprise me,” he chose a “Chocotella Bowl” from his favorite restaurant, believing it fit the bill. However, when she saw the chocolate toppings, she was disappointed and felt he didn’t respect her dietary preferences. Now, he’s questioning if he misjudged the situation. Read his story below.
‘Â AITA for the food I got for my girlfriend?’
We started dating two months ago. She(21) is an athlete and takes her food/calorie intake very seriously. Yesterday, she asked me(22m) to get her a heathy, low fat dinner. She said ‘Surprise me.’ I went to my favourite restaurant and they have this set of ‘Healthy Bowls.’
I chose the ‘Chocotella Bowl’ which has acai and yogurt as base, with banana, strawberry, Nutella, crumble, crispy brownie and cacao nibs as toppings. I figured this would be healthy enough but she was upset and said I shouldn’t have gotten anything with chocolate in it when she requested a healthy meal.
Here’s how people reacted to the post:
Kasparian − First off, she asked you for dinner and not dessert, and in no way is a yogurt-based brownie and chocolate nib bowl *healthy*. It’s healthy in the way Jamba Juice claims to be healthy. Your girlfriend shouldn’t do this whole surprise me stunt, but you did pretty much the exact opposite of what she asked.
medsforheads − YTA, not a huge one because you made some kind of effort, but she said “healthy” and “low fat” and you got her nutella and brownies for dinner…which I can only assume was one of the least healthy bowl options at a health conscious person’s favorite restaurant. That said, she did say “surprise me” and it seems like you delivered on that front.
Filrouge-KTC − YTA- you’re 22 and your idea of a healthy dinner is a Chocotella Bowl ? I would have been upset too.
HeyThereFancypants- − ESH. I have a hard time believing you really thought a meal called “chocotella bowl” was the most appropriate option, to the point that I wonder if this is an example of weaponised incompetence. Having said that, if she takes her diet that seriously she should have been much more specific or sorted out her own dinner.
GrossWordVomit − Need healthy dinner. Buys sugary chocolatey dessert. Makes sense. (YTA)
Easthampster − Your favorite restaurant is a bubble tea shop?
Tsiptsou − YTA – what even is yogurt for dinner?
iheartwords − In what world is that healthy? Seriously, I cannot understand how can you possibly think that such a sugary concoction is healthy. YTA
Specialist-Pipe-7921 − I guess ESH. You gave her… dessert for dinner? How did you think that a health nut would want dessert as a whole dinner meal?? And it sounds like you went for the least healthy “health bowl” they had.
That being said she, being a health nut and only dating you for two months, shouldn’t be asking you to surprise her. I’m just so dumbfounded how you thought a brownie and Nutella topped, yogurt and fruit paste (sugar) based bowl was a good meal for dinner???
Adjmom − YTA. Please set up an appointment with a licensed nutritionist and learn how to pick healthy foods. Of course, I believe that the girlfriend wrote this so she could show him how stupid he was being.
Was the boyfriend in the wrong for misinterpreting his girlfriend’s request, or did she overreact to the choice he made? How would you navigate dietary preferences in a relationship? Share your thoughts below!