AITA for telling someone to wait their turn?

A Redditor shares their experience at a tire center, where a woman cut in line just as they were about to speak with the employee. After politely trying to address the issue, the Redditor became frustrated and told the woman to wait her turn, which led to a confrontation.
The woman insulted the Redditor, and later, even returned to demand an apology. The Redditor is now questioning whether their response was justified, or if they were too harsh in the situation. Read the full story below to see how it all unfolded.
‘ AITA for telling someone to wait their turn?’
I waited in line to ask the tire center person if they had time to work on my issue. The moment I got to the front of the line and before I could speak, a woman came in and said “Hi I just have a quick question.” The question was not quick, I turned around with my arms crossed looking at her like, seriously?
I finally said ” Excuse me, I waited in line. It is now my turn. Please wait your turn.” She replied, “You don’t have to be such a b**ch.” I was shocked. I managed to say, “Please leave” and she turned around and left.
Honestly, I know I don’t own the tire store, nor it is my place to police the crowd. I felt so attacked. I turned around and apologized to the gentleman working, addressed my issue and discovered that they would not have time for my car.
I thanked him and apologized again for the interaction, at some point the woman snuck back in and heard my second apology to the man and yelled “OH IM THE WOMAN YOU YELLED AT YOU CAN APOLOGIZE TO ME.”
I ignored her and left. I normally don’t talk to people like that. I let a lot of things slide off my back, this time. I can’t tell if I stood up for myself or if IATA. I recognize I was incredibly grumpy about my car issue.
Here’s the comments of Reddit users:
rockology_adam − NTA. The entitlement behind people who just want a “quick question” when there is obviously a line is ridiculous. You are not out of line for making her wait to ask her question, which was very likely the same, or similar to yours.
There’s a line, for questions and payment and all of the other things. If you really must jump the queue, use the phone.
blueeyedwolff − NTA for getting upset and telling her to wait, but wanting to go back and yell at her some more makes you an AH here as. You were just going to wait to p**s her off and stir the pot. Doing that now days could get you killed. Edit had some problem posting so I apologize if my comment gets posted twice.
donnacus − NTA. Quick Question: May I use your restroom?… Where is it? done. That is how long you get to interrupt. Beyond that, wait your turn.
National_Pension_110 − NTA for telling the woman to get to the back of the line. She wasn’t just cutting in front of you, she was cutting in front of everyone behind you. TBH, if I had been behind you and you let her cut the line, I would have thought you were T A.
At best, the woman could have gotten the front of the line and called out to everyone, “Hi folks, I just have a very fast question, and if it takes more than 1 minute to answer me, I’m going to get back in line.
But she didn’t want to do that. I also think the clerk could have helped here—by telling the woman that her question was not a trivial one, and that you need to take care of customers who were there before her.
EchoShades − NTA, you were right to ask her to wait. It’s frustrating when people cut in line. I’ve been in similar situations and it’s important to stand your ground. Just try not to let it get under your skin too much next time.
DieWitKaffir − NTA. I’m a Brit. We queue properly.
TeenySod − I hate it when I see red and put myself in the wrong, so actually sympathise. Unfortunately, waiting around so you could have another go – ESH.
Far more satisfying to remain polite – as you started out by being – and have the other person even more seething with rage because they have nothing to ‘reasonably’ work with except more abuse, which is more likely to make them look stupid than you. I’m getting better at this …
zepticvoid − NTA. Both that woman and the clerk were tho. You should not have had to tell her, the clerk should’ve told her to wait her turn. Can’t say I wouldn’t have been angry after the whole thing played out, too
Back-to-HAT − NTA, good for you for calling her out. It is people like her that make life frustrating for others. If I would say something would totally matter on the kind of day I was having. Sometimes I’m annoyed, but more like “whatever”, and sometimes it’s “oh hell no you didn’t just do that”
The woman was either trying to save face and redirect the focus on you, or she was clueless and really didn’t think she did anything wrong. Either way she is the one owing an apology.
GuyFromLI747 − NTA but you have to work on that anger issue ..people like that aren’t worth round 2
Do you think the Redditor was justified in standing up for themselves and asking the woman to wait, or did they overreact? How would you handle a situation where someone cuts in line or disrespects you? Share your thoughts below!