AITA for telling my grandparents about my stepsiblings destroying my jewelry?

A Reddit user shared a heated family conflict involving their stepsiblings destroying a valuable jewelry collection, including family heirlooms. The user, who inherited their late mother’s jewelry, found the children smashing the pieces and shooting at them with BB guns.
After their father and stepmother dismissed the damage and offered a dollar-store necklace as an apology, the user contacted their grandparents and exposed the incident. Now, their grandparents are suing the stepmother for $50,000, and the family is divided. Read the full story below to see if the user’s actions were justified.
‘Â AITA for telling my grandparents about my stepsiblings destroying my jewelry?’
My mother died when I was 10. My father married a goyishe woman less than a year later, who promptly did her best to have as many children as she could, and had 3 in as many years. She has two older kids too, who are 8 and 7 now. 6 kids is a lot, but it’s a pretty big house.
I’m the only grandchild on my mother’s side, and the only granddaughter on either side. My grandparents typically gift me jewelry, and I got my mother’s collection when she died. As a religious custom, we don’t really do costume jewelry. All of my jewelry is real and not cheap. It sounds vulgar, but my entire jewelry collection is worth about 100k easily.
I came home from seeing a friend and the oldest three had a PILE of my jewelry on the floor of their playroom. They had been jumping on it, smashing it and shooting at it with BB guns (yeah, my father allows that apparently). I screamed and got my father, who came with his wife and dismissed the entire thing.
They destroyed multiple pieces, several of which were heirloom. My stepmother didn’t really care. She pretended to yell at her brats. She later came home with a dollar store necklace that she “made” the kids get me and said that that should be enough and that I shouldn’t have such “idols” or wear such “sacrilegious crap” (one of my necklaces is a star of david).
I saw red at that. I got her to repeat it so I could record it. I emailed all of my grandparents, aunts and uncles detailing what happened, attaching the recording and pictures of the damage, and then I went to those brats’ playroom and destroyed one of each of their favorite toys.
My grandparents are now suing my stepmother for $50,000 and half of my family now hates her. My father is furious and thinks that I should have kept it within the family and let him “work it out”.
Here’s the feedback from the Reddit community:
bi-fly − NTA I’m glad your grandparents are suing because seriously letting her kids destroy jewelry is pathetic. OP I really suggest moving all the jewelry you have left to your grandparents because I wouldn’t be surprised if she will steal some.
Maybe move in with your grandparents as well(if possible because it sounds like your step mom will make your life hell. Edit: Wow thank you for the award! Also I discovered my comment blew up from a Reddit Instagram which threw me through a loop to be honest.
[Reddit User] − I screamed and got my father, who came with his wife and dismissed the entire thing. Sounds like your dad had a chance to work it out within the family and decided not to. Like s**t, $50k-$100k worth of jewelry and everyone is just going, “lol whatever?” and that’s not even considering the sentimental value in them. Yeah I’d be livid too. NTA.
CobaltAce51 − NTA she let them do that and she’s anti Semitic? Wow you need to get out of there if your father won’t do anything.
NixiaDecorum − NTA. Gifts from passed loved ones are so so so special, and they’re old enough to know that, you did the right thing and now she’s getting the consequences, hope you’re okay also!
xaledonia − NTA. They destroyed your property and your stepmother lowkey sounds antisemitic.
the_last_basselope − NTA. Tell him you gave him a chance to “work it out” by telling him first; you only told your grandparents when he failed to do anything.
Twolegging − NTA; those kids need discipline, and the step mom needs a reality check
ThingsWithString − NTA for letting your grandparents know, but definitely the a**hole for destroying the kids’ toys. Don’t take revenge on an 8-year-old for what’s the child’s mother’s fault. I’m not sure how your father could “work out” his children’s destroying irreplaceable jewelry. That sounds like he was hoping if he ignored the problem it would go away.
grw313 − NTA. Your step siblings sound like spoiled brats. Your stepmom sounds awful and yohr dad is clearly enabling her. Good for you for standing up for yourself and hopefully ensuring that there will be consequences for this. Also calling a star of David sacrilegious crap? Yeah no.
Vivid_Wings − NTA. In many cultures (possibly including yours) jewelry collections are wealth that is inherited and grown over generations. It’s appalling that your father didn’t handle it by taking the jewelry to a reputable jeweler and seeing if they could be repaired, which is the only reasonable thing he could have done. May I suggest moving your jewelry collection to your grandparent’s house for now? So it can be safe?
Was the Redditor right to expose the incident to their extended family, or should they have handled the situation privately with their father? How would you react if irreplaceable family heirlooms were destroyed? Share your thoughts below!