AITA for Telling My Friend She’s Too Sensitive After I Bought a Jacket She Owns?

A 19-year-old woman bought the same jacket as her 25-year-old friend, Sarah, because she admired Sarah’s fashion sense. When she wore it around Sarah, Sarah reacted negatively, accusing her of copying her style.
The woman tried to brush it off, calling Sarah “too sensitive,” but this response only made things worse, with their friendship becoming tense. Some mutual friends also sided with Sarah, saying the woman was wrong for downplaying Sarah’s feelings. read the original story below…
‘AITA for Telling My Friend She’s Too Sensitive After I Bought a Jacket She Owns?‘
I’ve always admired my friend Sarah’s sense of style. She’s 25, and she’s always been super into fashion. I’m 19, and I’ve recently started paying more attention to how I dress and express myself. I’ve been trying to find my own style, and it’s been a fun journey so far.
A couple of weeks ago, I came across this jacket that Sarah owns. It was so stylish, and I loved how it looked on her. Honestly, I was just inspired by her and thought it would be a great piece to add to my wardrobe. So, I decided to buy the exact same jacket.
I didn’t think much of it at the time; I just thought it was a nice way to express my own evolving style. Plus, I figured she’d be flattered that I liked her fashion choices so much. When I wore it to hang out with her, I could immediately tell something was off.
Sarah looked at me and froze for a second before she said, “You’re copying my vibe.” I was taken aback because I didn’t think it was a big deal at all. I thought she’d think it was cool or at least flattering, but instead, she looked upset. I told her it was just a jacket, and I honestly didn’t see what the big deal was.
I told her, “Come on, you should take it as a compliment. I love your style, and I wanted to try something similar.” But she wasn’t having it. She called me “obsessive” and said it was weird that I was imitating her. I was confused. I didn’t think it was that serious, but she kept going on about it.
I could feel myself getting frustrated, and I said, “You’re being way too sensitive over something so small.” It was just a jacket! But she wasn’t listening to me. She seemed hurt, and I could see the anger building up in her.
Now, things have gotten really awkward between us. She’s barely talking to me, and our mutual friends have started chiming in, saying I crossed a line. Some are saying I was wrong for not taking her feelings seriously, but I’m still not sure. I just thought she would appreciate the gesture, but now I feel like I’ve ruined the friendship.
I’m seriously wondering if I’m the a**hole here. I didn’t think it was such a big deal, but apparently, it really upset her. So, AITA for telling my friend she’s too sensitive? I honestly don’t know what else I could have done differently.
Take a look at the comments from fellow users:
First_Car7204 − Seems you’ve left something out here. She didn’t just go off about the jacket but that she’s been feeling this way for awhile. She told you she feels like you’re stealing her vibe so I’m sure this isn’t the first issue with topic. I’m apt to say NTA well because it’s clothes. But if you have been copying her vibe and trying make it your own. Then yes YTA
morgaine125 − Everyone else taking her side over something ostensibly so small suggests this may be part of a broader dynamic/issue. Theres also a pretty big age difference between you for this stage of life. How did you become friends with this group?
cecilialoveheart − hmm what else have you copied beyond the jacket? if your style has changed recently (as you said it has), and you’ve copied more than just that jacket from her it’s definitely weird
FairyFartDaydreams − Info was the jacket the only thing you copied?
PlayingGrabAss − NAH for the original interaction: you’re allowed to be a copycat and she’s allowed to find it offputting. YTA for seeming really clueless about how friendships work.
I think she’s right that it’s annoying when someone else suddenly starts dressing like you/buys the exact same staple item you have because they thought it looked good on you.
I’ve known people who did that, and while I never thought they were assholes, it was usually one part of the larger issue where they seemed approval-seeking and inauthentic, which I find offputting enough to be a friendship k**ler. In her shoes,
I would have skipped the confrontation and just quietly move on from the friendship. When my friends tell me I do something that bothered them and are mad at me, if I value the friendship then I either apologize or at least discuss it respectfully.
If my response is “your feelings are silly and I don’t care about them. I’m going to keep doing what I’m doing, so feel a different way so I don’t have to hear about it again” then that means I’m ending the friendship. I’m not sure why you would be surprised that this friendship is over or that your mutuals think you seem like an a**hole.
Comfortable-Ebb4514 − You bought a jacket after seeing her use it, you quite literally are copying her style. That being said, unless you continue to copy her style after she already told you it makes her uncomfortable NTA. Its one article of clothing, unless you repeatedly do it, who cares. Maybe just dont wear the jacket near her lol
lihzee − I mean, you did copy her style. She may be being too sensitive about it, but she’s not wrong.
ripmyringfinger − YTA. There’s a lot more missing. You definitely did not “just” bought a jacket. She wasn’t wrong when you are copying her though
cecilialoveheart − also you literally did copy her…. it’s not a big deal but she’s not actually wrong
Is OP wrong for not understanding why Sarah was hurt, or was Sarah being too sensitive about a jacket? How would you handle the situation? Share your thoughts below!