AITA for telling my dad he’s the one who gave me the ultimatum so he needs to deal with the consequences?

Family dynamics in blended families can be incredibly complex, and this situation is no exception. The narrator, a 17‑year‑old, recounts years of tension involving his father’s decision to limit his contact with his maternal side of the family.
After a long history of family conflicts—stemming from his father’s remarriage and the subsequent rift with his mom’s side—the father eventually gave him an ultimatum: choose between his mom’s family (the extended family he’s always known) and his dad’s new family. When the narrator chose his maternal family, his dad became angry and accused him of disrespect. The narrator’s response was to remind his dad that it was his own ultimatum that set these consequences in motion.
‘AITA for telling my dad he’s the one who gave me the ultimatum so he needs to deal with the consequences?’
Experts in family dynamics often stress that ultimatums—especially those that force a child to choose between different sides of a blended family—are inherently unhealthy. In this case, the narrator’s father imposed a stark ultimatum, forcing him to decide between the maternal family that had provided him stability and support after his mother’s death, and the father’s new family. Dr. Brené Brown and other family therapists note that such forced choices can create long-term emotional scars and resentment, as they place an unfair burden on the child to resolve conflicts that are fundamentally the responsibility of the adults involved.
According to specialists, the narrator’s decision to stand by the maternal side is a natural response to years of feeling sidelined and pressured by his father’s attempts to control his family relationships. Rather than reflecting a lack of respect, his reaction—telling his dad that the consequences of the ultimatum are on him—is an assertion of his own emotional boundaries and a defense of his identity. Experts emphasize that children in blended families often struggle with divided loyalties, and when a parent uses ultimatums as a means of manipulation, it only deepens those internal conflicts.
Ultimately, therapists would suggest that the father’s approach was less about fostering unity and more about exerting control, which can backfire by alienating the very person he wishes to influence. The narrator’s response, though blunt, aligns with the advice that individuals must honor their own emotional truths and stand by the relationships that have consistently supported them. This situation underscores the need for more empathetic and collaborative communication in blended families, where all parties work together to honor each other’s emotional needs without resorting to ultimatums.
Check out how the community responded:
Community responses to similar stories often reveal a split perspective. Many feel that the narrator is justified in holding his father accountable for the ultimatum he imposed. They argue that it’s not the narrator’s fault that his dad tried to force a choice and that he has every right to choose the side of the family that provided him with love and support during his formative years. Others might say that the situation is complicated and that family loyalty should be more nuanced, but the overwhelming sentiment tends to support the idea that ultimatums in family relationships are damaging.
In conclusion, the narrator’s response appears to be a natural outcome of a long-standing and deeply hurtful family dynamic. By reminding his dad that he set the ultimatum in the first place, the narrator is asserting his right to choose the family that has consistently been there for him. Do you think it’s fair to hold someone accountable for their own ultimatums, even if the choice is painful? What would you have done in a similar situation? Share your thoughts and experiences in the comments below.