AITA for Refusing to Pee Sitting Down?

A Redditor shared a story about a disagreement with his girlfriend over bathroom habits while on vacation. After she found a few drops of pee on the toilet rim, she insisted that he start peeing sitting down to keep things cleaner. He offered to clean up any stray drops, but tensions rose as they argued about it, leading to a larger conversation about her reactions to small annoyances. Read the full story below!
‘ AITA for Refusing to Pee Sitting Down?’
My girlfriend (28F) and I (33M) are currently on vacation, staying in the same hotel room. This morning, while she was in the bathroom, I came in to pee. When she saw me, she expressed her frustration about finding pee on the toilet, which, admittedly, I am sometimes guilty of when I pee in the middle of the night.
I apologized and offered to make sure I clean up after I pee or in the morning when I wake up. However, she was livid and insisted that I need to pee sitting down because the toilet would still be dirty otherwise. It was early, and I didn’t want to keep arguing, so I sat down to pee in front of her.
Despite this, she continued to raise her voice at me, and admittedly, I got defensive, leading to a shouting match. This isn’t the first time she’s blown up on me for something small. For example, the other night, she got up to go to the bathroom and woke me up.
After she came back to bed, I was moving around trying to get comfortable because I couldn’t fall asleep, and she got super angry, yelling at me to not move at all. Every time I made a slight movement, she would passively aggressively sigh or just tell me to stop.
AITA here, or should I be more accommodating to my girlfriend’s demands? Edit just so we are clear I always lift the toilet seat up and have never peed on that just the rim of the toilet when the seat is lifted. Also we are talking about a few stray drops not a huge amount I think some people are picturing.
These are the responses from Reddit users:
Paevatar − YTA. Speaking from experience, I doubt you have any idea of how gross and disgusting it is to sit down on a toilet seat covered with somebody’s urine. Especially in the middle of the night when half-asleep, and one has to wash one’s soiled rear end before going back to bed.
RawChickenButt − YTA. Dude. Just sit down to pee. Especially at night when you can’t hit the toilet. It’s not going to make you less of a man
[Reddit User] − ESH but I have a feeling that you are leaving out vital information like HOW you clean up the pee. Cause from her reaction? You are not cleaning it up properly with cleaning supplies… It would be clean if you did that. Wiping it with toilet paper isn’t “cleaning” it.
Mindless_Clock2678 − You’re not a dog, stop peeing on the toilet seat and clean it up if you do. I can’t believe a grown adult can’t figure that out without asking Reddit. “Girlfriend’s demands” wouldn’t happen if you could control your pissing habits YTA
Sea_Mycologist4936 − ESH. You shouldn’t have had to be told to clean up your damn pee in the first place, she shouldn’t care how you pee as long as you show you can clean up after yourself.
DabsAndDeadlifts − YTA for peeing on the seat at all. Are you stupid or something? Functioning males manage not to miss and it always sounds so stupidly pathetic when a dude says “it just happens” like your laziness should be the standard for the rest of us.
feetflatontheground − YTA. Sitting is better for your health. If it makes you feel less masculine, then you’re clutching at straws and probably should just embrace your true self.
aps-pleb42 − YTA – I had my father stay over at my house and he did this, and there was a splash on the floor. 🤮🤮🤮. I was horrified.
Know your limits and pee sitting down of a night if you don’t want to put a light on. She doesn’t deserve to have a urine stained bathroom for her holiday.
PandaMime_421 − Just sit down to pee. It’s much easier this way. You say it’s just a few drops, but if you sit there are zero drops. Nothing to clean up.. Why are you so opposed?
Jmac_files − YTA for pissing all over the seat and not immediately cleaning it up.
Do you think the request to sit down was reasonable for the sake of cleanliness, or was the reaction too extreme for the situation? How do you handle shared space disagreements with your partner? Share your thoughts below!
I remember this lovely hotel I once had, where the bed was just too cheap. I got hit by my friend several times while this person slept and that was BETTER than when my friend was awake as the whole bed was moving like a ship. I got annoyed at my friend for ruining my sleep… but I should probably have asked for an upgrade of the bed. Im thinking your bed is the same?
Dont pee during the night! You are not 80! Then you can stand up all you like.