AITA for smoking food in my garden?

A Reddit user recently took up BBQ smoking as a hobby in his new home, but it’s creating tension with the neighbors. After he started using his smoker for long cooks, his neighbors complained about the smoke and smell, even citing what they claimed was a council-imposed 4-hour BBQ limit.
Though he agreed to reduce his smoking time and relocate the BBQ in his garden, he’s now wondering if he’s in the wrong. Read the full story below to see his perspective.
‘Â AITA for smoking food in my garden?’
I’ve (30s) recently bought my first house, I’m the middle terrace in a quiet family area. I’ve always been interested in smoking/BBQing, and now that I have my own place I bought an American style BBQ smoker. I’ve been watching shows and YouTube videos about it for years and have been really enjoying my new hobby.
Over the last 4 months I’ve used my BBQ for a long smoke (around 7 hours) 4 times. The garden is quite small, about 5m x 9m and I usually have the BBQ quite close to the house. My plan for this weekend was to smoke a brisket.
I went out to start the BBQ at 8am for a 10 hour smoke when my neighbour asked from over the fence how long as I was planning on BBQing for, they mentioned that they wanted to have their windows open, that they’d just put some laundry out, and also said that our other neighbour had complained about the smell (this is the first I’m hearing of this). I asked if I could start later and we agreed on 2pm.
Around 2:15pm I knocked at my neighbours door to let them know I was going to start cooking, that I’d reduce the cook time to 4 hours, and that I’d moved the BBQ to the back of the garden.
Their response was to tell me that they had looked up on the council website that I was not allowed to BBQ for more than 4 hours, I just said okay and I’ve now started my cook. (I haven’t been able to find anything to backup their claim there is a Council enforced 4 hour limit BBQ limit)
I feel I’ve done my due diligence by letting them know I was starting and checking their laundry had been taken in, AITA for using my new BBQ?
Take a look at the comments from fellow users:
Dry-District-4496 − Don’t apologize for cooking especially bbq. They can either join in and enjoy or kick rocks.
ResolveResident118 − The Americans in here don’t understand that most people in the UK hang their washing outside to dry rather than use a dryer. We also have windows open as we don’t have air conditioning. If someone is smoking all day that stops then from doing washing all day which just isn’t reasonable.
If they were just having a BBQ in the evening I’d be on their side. There may not be a law against it but I’m sure there’s not a law about playing Hanson on repeat all day either. It’s about having respect for the people you live with. Especially in a terraced house where you are very close to your neighbours.. ETA: These are terraced houses.
th0ughtfull1 − YTA. A smoker in a terraced row of houses.. really. Neighbour from hell. The smoke gets into everything and lingers.
cloverandoak − When people can’t open their window in summer, can’t put their laundry out to dry, etc., because your plot is so small you can’t really get away from the homes with your BBQ, then you won’t be well-liked by the neighbors.
You just bought your first house. There’s a good chance at some point that you’ll want your neighbor’s assistance/cooperation. If they see you as being thoughtful of them, you might get it. If they dislike you, you’re on your own. Is irritating them with invasive BBQ smoke worth it?
blue_sidd − are you the a**hole for long smoke times in close quarters living? yes. is it illegal? doesn’t sound like it. is it dangerous doesn’t sound like it. is it self centered and in denial of what it means to share space with other people? yes. can you do it anyways? sounds like it.
AlternativeParfait13 − YTA. And it pains me to say that, I love BBQ and wish I could do long cooks too. The thing with terraced housing is that there’s absolutely no space- if you’re doing something which smells in your garden, it’s totally unavoidable for your neighbours whether they like it or not.
On a hot day they can’t just keep the windows shut, so their whole house ends up smelling like brisket. And if they’re hanging washing out, it’ll smell like brisket too unless they wash it again. It’s a lot to impose on someone, regardless of what the council rules might say.
[Reddit User] − disgusted absurd versed piquant cagey sense afterthought tub bake axiomatic
what_a_dumb_idea − As someone who has a smoker and uses it frequently – YTA. You don’t have the right setup to do it without screwing your neighbors over.
majesticjewnicorn − As a fellow Brit… YTA. Not only are you preventing them from accessing vital ventilation during the summer whereby we do not have air conditioning here, you are preventing them from cleaning their clothing which requires drying (and many people here cannot afford a dryer unit).
You are also not considering the smoke itself, rather than just the smell. There are people with respiratory conditions such as asthma, cystic fibrosis, COPD and so forth.
With the NHS at breaking point, difficulties getting ambulances and delays in A&E services, your actions could cause neighbours with respiratory conditions to end up severely unwell and could even be fatal, with the smoke you are producing for prolonged periods of time.
You are new to the neighbourhood and starting off on a wrong foot by pissing off your neighbours and preventing them from breathing, washing clothing and accessing cooler air for ventilation is not the right way to build a relationship with those who share your street with you. You may need the neighbours in the future for something.
You may need a neighbour to help jump start your car if your battery is flat. You may need to build an extension or loft conversion and need their support where planning permission is concerned.
You may get burgled someday and need to request footage from a Ring doorbell to show the police and the people next door could hold that information. The neighbours would be well within their rights to not want to help you because you have not been considerate towards them at present.
ThinkCow83 − YTA. There is nothing worse than hanging your washing out only for it to smell of your neighbours smoke…. Let alone 8 hours of it!!! Smoke your meat when others aren’t drying their washing!
Sad to say, but yes, YTA.
BBQ is one thing, but pumping out smoke for hours on end in a small garden in a terrace row is just not on.
I was going to side with the smoker as I like to do so also. However, it seems like when you are living in a different country and thereby different cultures, you need to be aware and considerate of the norm, and if there are things in particular that you want to do that are outside of cultural norms then you need to carefully consider the space in which you choose to live and it’s conduciveness to the things you want to do and how it affects your neighbors. Because I do agree that you don’t want to live in a situation where you have turned your neighbors against you.