AITA for ruining our family dinner after a comment about my smile?


A woman with chronic pain describes how her mother made cruel comments about her smile while taking family photos before a holiday dinner. Her mother, who has a history of dismissing her pain and acting oddly competitive, accused her of making a “horrible” face, even demonstrating it mockingly.

Feeling humiliated and frustrated, the woman left the dinner, telling her husband and kids to go on without her. Now, she’s questioning whether her reaction ruined the evening for her family. read the original story below…


‘ AITA for ruining our family dinner after a comment about my smile?’

A little background… my mother is odd and my dad has commented as long as I can remember that she and l are like oil and water. I can’t even put her oddness completely into words, other than to say she feels competitive over my father’s attention- not even with just me, but also with her grandsons.


If my father wants to read them a story, or tuck them in bed, she interrupts and tells him it’s time for *him* to go to sleep?? It’s incredibly cringy to watch.
The other pertinent fact is that I have chronic pain- every avenue has been exhausted, my successful career is gone,

but my mother always downplays it acting like I just have a little headache when she knows that I am *never* **not** in pain. In contrast, she is constantly looking for a reason to see a new doctor- every tiny twinge is the end of the world for her. So tonight we were set to go out for our first family dinner.


We get to the lobby, everyone’s dressed up and it’s decorated for Christmas, so l’m getting pictures. I finally ask my dad if he would take a picture of our family of 4. As we’re posing with our children in front, I see my mother go right up next to my dad and yell out, “Stop that! You need to fix your smile.”

I honestly think she’s talking to one of our boys. Since I can’t see their faces, I add in, “ok, nice smiles”. However, my mom interjects again, “No, you, (my name)! Your smile is horrible! It looks like ‹she takes her fingers, puts them on each side of her mouth and pulls one up and one down while tilting her head›!


” I’m honestly baffled as I am genuinely smiling. I realize that my smile probably doesn’t extend up to my eyes like it used to as a result of the pain, but she’s acting like I was doing a goofy face. I go to reset and she once again yells, “Stop making that face!” At this point I’m angry.

I leave the pose, get the phone from my dad, pick up my purse and start walking towards the restaurant. But she’s not done. She hurries after me and continues to tell me how I need to look at the photos to see how awful my smile was. I did. It was not! There was NOTHING wrong with the picture!


The fact that she kept going on and on justifying her actions, l was finally just done. I stopped walking, told my husband I’m sorry but I’m going to go back to the room and that he and the kids can go to dinner without me. I was on fire with anger which gave way to tears as soon as I was out of her presence.

So in her mind (and maybe everyone else’s) I’m the one who ruined dinner, and I probably did… I should be able to just let her words roll off me. I feel such a shell of my former self from everything l’ve lost to this devouring pain- now I can’t even smile correctly! However, I’m pretty sure I’m being TA to the people I love the most and that makes the whole thing even worse.


Here’s what the community had to contribute:

WhereWeretheAdults −  NTA. It is past time to put some distance between you and your mother. She has serious issues if she is this jealous of you and your children’s interactions with your father. That is not mentally healthy. Realize two things.

First thing is what she is doing is what is known as mental abuse. That is all it is. The constant degrading is abuse. She is humiliating you in public for maximum effect. This is coming from her unhealthy need to be the center of attention.


She see’s you as competition for that, so acts to emotionally hurt you to eliminate the competition. She is not well. The second thing to realize is this. Being around her is teaching your children that it is OK to disrespect you and that they should tolerate disrespect from loved ones.

This is setting a terrible example for your children. Remove them from that dynamic. Dad is at best an enabler. He just let’s mom run all over you to her heart’s content. He’s not innocent in this story. So the TLDR – Your parents are terrible – time to focus on your own family and get some space from them.


MissNikiL −  NTA You did not ruin the dinner. Your mom did. She deliberately degraded you, pushed you, heckled you, and shamed you. All the other adults, including your husband, s**k. Your husband should have stood up for you. Period. Instead he watched her do all these things and knew you were hurt by them.

Your Dad has let your Mom get away with this behavior literally your entire life. He let her verbally and emotionally abuse you. Period. Your Mom is an a**sive, cruel, and narcissistic butthole. I’m sure she’s enjoying all the attention she’s getting by playing the victim.


For your mental health, please find a therapist to help you process everything. Chronic pain, a husband who won’t stand up for you, and parents that run roughshod over you are absolutely things therapy can help you with. And start going low contact with your parents now. They don’t deserve front row seats to your pain.

BabserellaWT −  NTA. my mother is odd. You spelled “needy and narcissistic” wrong.


elgrn1 −  Your mother sounds like a n**cissist. There are ways to handle them, by either grey rocking or going no contact. While you’re not in the wrong for leaving, you gave her what she wanted, which was an emotional reaction. Your father presumably enables her, but if your husband stayed,

and moreover is mad at you (as opposed to your assumption he thinks negatively) then you also have a husband problem. You should be working with a specialist therapist who can help you confront the trauma resulting from having a narcissistic parent.


And may find there’s a connection between the trauma and your pain issues (trauma can be mental and somatic, which means of the body, as it’s possible for trauma to migrate and cause physical issues. The body keeps the score by Bessel van der Volk and it didn’t start with you by Mark Wolyn are good resources on this).

Mathalamus2 −  NTA, your mother is an awful person.


EJ_1004 −  NTA Not everything needs to be commented on. Your Mom is being a butthole in all the worst ways. I’m sure your smile was beautiful. Don’t allow her to dim your light. I AM noticing that your Mom is the only antagonizer in this story.

If this is common behavior for her I highly recommend taking a break from her to see how you feel without her around. It might be difficult and it there may complain about it, but having mental peace can contribute to your overall happiness.


Fickle_Toe1724 −  NTA. Your mom is deliberately mentally abusing you. When she starts again, tell your husband “I’m sorry, but my mother will not be joining us. Dad can if he wants to, but not my mother.” Say it where she can hear. Warn him ahead of time of your plan. He needs to back you up on this.

If it is something with reservations, tell the hostess there has been a change of plans, it’s is only for 4 (or 5), and mother will not be joining you.  Do not leave your husband and children in her grasp. Your children need to see you stand up for yourself. Continue that for the rest of this trip. 


When you get home, you may want to think about going no contact with her. Physical pain makes it harder to deal with other people’s bs. Dealing with their bs makes it harder to deal with the pain.  I know.

My doctor, psychologist, and therapist have all been through this with me. Chronic pain for over 45 years has taught me a lot. I distance myself from people who are critical to often.. Good luck.


Suitable-Park184 −  NTA. I would keep my distance. And definitely not travel with them. But if it happens again split off with your husband and kids. Go somewhere together without your parents. Don’t punish your family by sending them off with her. Leave her behind.

Ziitiikii −  Time to get rid of the biggest pain in your life, your Mom. Go NC, I have a feeling your chronic pain may be your body on overload from the constant tension and mental abuse from your Mom. As for your Mom, I know some are saying narcissists, which may be the case, but does definitely sound like some undiagnosed mental issues.

ByebyeWNY −  This is a competition over whose pain is more real.

Was walking away a necessary boundary for self-respect, or should she have stayed for her family’s sake? Is her mother’s behavior crossing the line? Share your perspective below!

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One Comment

  1. Lottie young 7 days ago

    Ynta . As sumone knows what it’s like my mother has be centre of attention .as child sum bad shxx happened to me . When my mum found out accused me ruining her life that I hadn’t told her first . Then shouted at me do u know what sex is like when your 11 . Told everyone anyone that her dad had abused her .my grandad love my grandparents very much and put up lot of her crap in past but this cut contact . One day we bumped into grandparents friends heard had tough time how are you (me) . My mum been awful u know it really got me the sw courts oh neibour im sorry yeah hitting me b4 cud say anything and rest don’t forget that since you told everyone .(the police ss . Many yrs later after put myself in care etc ran away been homeless . Myr my husband at our local pub mum visiting Norfolk see us she started crying so awful you know she hates me u no idea Been through I hate him for s.a you now whole pub knew . Then couple yrs ago she acussed my husband brother living with us as homless of trying rape her . My big brothers wedding didn’t really want her there but younger sisters brother wudnt been able attend . My brother wife oooo I’m so happy you have made up your mum she’s here especially afther she left your dad an married bloke younger than you . Thankfully we live few hundred miles away only see her few times year and still poor me my family mum dad all my brothers want nothing do with me . My husband hates her all of us siblings live hundreds miles away from her and she can’t work
    Out why none is keep in contact with her . I’m from her first marriage my husband always sed surplus to requirement I remember hospitals gp consultants she took me to so called heart problems 12 diffrent medication most time off my face . Then admitted to hospital levels of various drugs in my blood system toxic . She kept marching me up down kids ward corridor I show them somthing wrong I need help support come on stop breathing . Many many yrs ago afther she divourced my dad got full custody found out she used leave me alone in flat . My grandparent always sed worst mistake ever made helping her get me back as foster parents loved me wanted adopt me . I used think if only cud make her love me despite physical violence never good enough tried steal her husband . I’ve realised she narcissist absolute looney . When in hospital many yrs ago placenta abrevia ? Of course baby live with me I bring it up my husband get her out now acting like I was dead. Then I don’t know how cope have give up work especially baby being disabled . Baby wasn’t isn’t and at time not been born yet . But all she cud think off was benefits money . Apparently she even told her employers she hasn’t been able come in as she has help
    Look afther dissabled granddaughters .