AITA: for refusing to sign anything while my eyes are blindfolded?

A Redditor shared a troubling situation where their husband repeatedly pressured them to sign papers while blindfolded as part of a “game.” Despite their refusal and request to see the papers.
The husband insisted on following his “rules” without explanation, leading to a heated argument about trust. Was the Redditor wrong to refuse, or are their concerns justified? Read the original story below for the full context:
‘ AITA: for refusing to sign anything while my eyes are blindfolded?’
Eversince I got out of the hospital for chronic problems, My husband has been introducing me to some games every evening. One game used to be about doing things while my eyes are blindfolded. involving puzzles, ruby’s cube, shaped objects et cetra…. We’d take turns to do it just for entertainment.
Just a couple of days ago, he’s been trying to get me to sign papers while wearing a blind fold. I refused to do it because he never lets me take a look at what I’m signing neither before or after. He says that he was just trying to see if I could leave the same signature everytime I sign but I couldn’t help feel uncomfortable.
I told him I don’t want to play this game unless and until he shows me the papers first, he said “nevermind then” and stopped bringing it up. Last night, he tried to convince me to give it a try and even volunteered to go first, I asked if he was going to show me what I was going to sign and he made a face and said no, it’s the rules and I should respect them.
I refused and he kept on about how I keep acting worried and suspicious for no reason. he said I clearly don’t trust him and he was hurt by finding that out now after everything we been through. We had an argument and I told him to drop it and not bring it up again, period.
He was mad despite saying it was no big deal, he was obviously upset with me and kept talking about how I don’t trust him and that I was out of line to assume or suspect anything from him like this. I might be paranoid but I couldn’t help it. I do think I was ta to him after he stood by my side when my own family didn’t even visit.
Here’s what people had to say to OP:
Haunting-Row-3961 − NTA NTA NTA. This is extremely suspicious 🤨 obviously he wants you to sign on something important… Financial documents, loan, will, property, divorce papers???? List could be endless… Do not sign on anything blindfolded- I would add do not sign on any blank paper from now on…
[Reddit User] − NTA. The fact that he won’t let you see your signature is a huge red flag. I’m concerned that all of the games he introduced you to were just a way of conditioning you to believe the signature is innocent.
OP— please be sure you tell a trusted person what has happened. Perhaps an attorney can help you draft a document that says that anything you did sign since you left the hospital was not signed under your own free will. Your husband needs to know that other people are familiar with these ‘games’ he has been playing.
milktaco − NTA. This is f**king creepy. If he really just wanted to see if you could sign your name the same time, he’d let you see the paper. I wouldn’t drop this, OP. He’s up to something really fishy. Also, straight up g**lighting you by taking the focus off his creepy “game” to you not trusting him.
[Reddit User] − NTA. Ask to see those papers. They exist. Do not take no for an answer. If you see those papers, you might not decide to divorce. If you don’t see them, get a divorce.
lovely_aria_ann − NTA. Something is very fishy here.
Useful-Importance664 − NTA but if i was you, i would say yes. Pretent you’re gonna sign and quickly grab the paper (if that is an option ofcourse). You really need to know what is going on, this is really disturbing.
Koniguen − NTA. Hugeeee red flag like wtf, change hospitals if you can, hoping things get better for you
snicketysnackety − Most definitely NTA. This sounds like something you’d hear about in a true crime retelling – next step being some sort of sneaky poisoning
HoneyBadgerMarmalade − NTA. He’s waiving more red flags than a Chinese parade. My mind goes to divorce papers or obscene loans.
widefeetwelcome − NTA. Maybe I watch too much dateline, but he’s probably trying to kill you. Was your recent hospitalization suspicious at all?
Was the Redditor justified in refusing to sign papers blindly, or should they have trusted their partner’s intentions? How would you handle a situation where trust and boundaries collide in a relationship? Share your thoughts below!