AITA for refusing to cook after my BF tried to “critique” my cooking with a literal PowerPoint presentation?

A Redditor recently shared her experience of feeling disrespected after her boyfriend created a PowerPoint presentation to critique her cooking. Having always enjoyed cooking for the two of them, she was shocked when he used humor to address what he perceived as flaws in her dishes.
After his detailed critique, she felt hurt and unappreciated, leading her to stop cooking altogether. Now, her boyfriend is sulking over her refusal to prepare meals, claiming she’s overreacting. Is she justified in her response, or is she being too sensitive?
‘ AITA for refusing to cook after my BF tried to “critique” my cooking with a literal PowerPoint presentation?’
The article has the next update at the end.
So, this happened a few days ago, and I’m still trying to process it. For context, I (28F) have been with my BF (30M) for about 2 years. We live together, and I’ve always done most of the cooking because I genuinely enjoy it, and he claims he can’t “even boil water” without setting off the smoke alarm.
The other night, I made one of our favorite meals, and while we were eating, he got a weird smirk on his face. He then says, “You know, I’ve been taking notes.” I laughed, thinking he was joking, but then he said, “No, really. I made a presentation.”
I still thought it was a joke until he got up, connected his laptop to the TV, and opened a PowerPoint titled “Improving Our Home Dining Experience.” I was in disbelief as he went slide by slide critiquing my dishes: “Slide 1: Too Much Garlic,” “Slide 2: Pasta Consistency,” “Slide 3: More Salt, Less Sass.”
The kicker was Slide 8, which was just a photo of Gordon Ramsay facepalming with the caption, “What he’d think.” I was stunned. I told him if he had such detailed opinions, he should cook himself. He tried to backtrack, saying it was “all in good fun” and that he was “just trying to help.” But I wasn’t laughing.
I haven’t cooked since, and now he’s been living off cereal and takeout. He’s sulking, saying I’m overreacting and “ruining the joke.” So, Reddit, AITA for refusing to cook after my BF presented me with a PowerPoint critique of my cooking?
Next update:
Here’s what the community had to contribute:
WebInformal9558 − Holy s**t, what a d**k. If he can make a Powerpoint about all his complaints about your cooking, he can learn how to follow a recipe like a big boy.
choppedliver65 − Make a PowerPoint presentation about how he can improve his s**ual performance. NTA.
redditlurker1981 − I’d make a presentation about how he can move the f**k out and cook alone in his new bachelor pad. Why are you tolerating this?? Do you want your bar so low the occupants of hell trip on it?? Couldn’t he have used that time to learn how to boil water? The weaponized incompetence in this one is staggering
wigglepie − NTA. He claims he can’t “even boil water” without setting off the smoke alarm. If he had the time to make a powerpoint, he has time to learn to cook
Glaucus92 − NTA. Also, if you have the PowerPoint, you could try @-ing Gordon Ramsay on social media and have *him* tear your BF a new one. I don’t think he’d take too kindly to your BF using him to be a s**t
wengelite − He’s sulking, saying I’m overreacting and “ruining the joke.” When he says this again; ask him, ” I’m sorry, I’m just not getting it; what is the joke? What’s funny?”
hetfield151 − Make a powerpoint presentation about his cooking. Its endless slides that say: “You dont cook at all. Better start now.” in different fonts. Make him watch at least 30 of them. The last one says: “Maybe dont bite the hand that feeds you.” After that say, it’s just a joke. When he sulks, say: “Dont ruin the joke.”
changelingcd − What the absolute f**k was he thinking? I’d never cook for that particular a**hole again either. NTA.
samijo311 − Absolutely NTA. First, he is weaponizing incompetence. If he’s such a great food citric that he can out together an entire presentation on the laptop and display it to the tv… pretty advanced skills there buddy, then CLEARLY he understands enough to read a recipe and follow directions.
He can cook hamburger helper. Eating cereal is a pretty basic display of him signaling that his pathetic situation is somehow your fault. Second, Does he show any gratitude or appreciation for you doing all the cooking? I thank my husband every single meal – he loves to cook.
Sometimes I say “could use more salt” or whatever but ONLY when he asks! Because I cherish my relationship and I am not looking a gift cooking horse in the mouth lol. It’s okay to say “hey this meal is great. I probably prefer more salt but thank you so much for making it!” But a whole ass presentation is so wildly passive aggressive.
If he’s going to continue to pout, you should sit him down and offer to teach him to cook. Otherwise he needs to keep it cute or keep it mute when it comes to his options about your food unless asked.
tonyrains80 − NTA. I would make a power point.. Slide 1 YOU,. Slide 2 ARE,. Slide 3 A,. Side 4 F**KING,. Slide 5. A**HOLE.