AITA for refusing to buy a coworker lunch


A Reddit user shares a story about refusing to buy lunch for a mooching coworker. This coworker frequently tries to manipulate others into buying him food by twisting casual conversations into “offers.” After overhearing him brag about scamming free lunches, the user decided enough was enough. When the coworker complained to the boss, the truth came out — and now the office is turning against the mooch. But some coworkers think reporting him was unnecessary. Did the user go too far by “narc’ing,” or was it justified? Read the full story below.


‘ AITA for refusing to buy a coworker lunch’

I (23M) have a coworker (25M) who is a mooch. If you get something for lunch, he wants you to get him something too, but expects you to buy it for him because since you mentioned it, he says you offered.

At first I thought maybe he had money problem, but then overheard him laughing and bragging to someone in another department about how he was able to scam lunches out of his coworkers, and he’s attempted to bully a free meal out of someone more than once. His general entitled attitude is one of the many reasons I don’t like him.


So yesterday my girlfriend and I had lunch together. He overheard me confirming before I left and asked what I was bringing him and I said nothing. He said I brought it up, and I corrected him. No, I was confirming we were still good and he was eavesdropping on my conversation.

He started complaining so I had if he gave me money for his food I’d bring him something but I wasn’t going to buy him food. He started complaining about it again and I got irritated and said no money no food, and then I left.


When I got back my boss said my coworker complained I was being hostile. I told him what happened and how he’s constantly trying to weasel free food out of people, even some of the people he knows are struggling. So my boss asked around and several others collaborated what I said.

My coworker got dragged into the office and now he’s pissed that I “narc’d” and how he was just kidding. Most of the office thinks he got what he deserved but a few think it wasn’t worth getting him in trouble over.


Today no one he asked told him what they were doing for lunch, and he’s whining that we’re alienating him. I said he alienated himself because of his behavior. He said I’m an a**hole, but I don’t really feel bad that a mooch who thinks it’s funny to scam his coworkers thinks I’m an a**hole. My little brother is on here a lot and suggested I post though, so AITA?

Here’s what Redditors had to say:

LizardManelli −  Definitely NTA. He got what was long overdue. It’s not like you went out of your way to narc on him – HE is the one who narced on himself by whining to your boss about you. Had he not brought up the issue and forced you defend your actions (what did he think was going to happen?


That you were just going to roll over and let your boss bollock you for no reason?!), none of this would have happened. Good on you for standing up for yourself and your coworkers and hopefully, giving him a life lesson.

_Julanna −  NTA. You didn’t narc…he did. So if I understand correctly, some of your office thinks that it’s fine for him to try to get you in trouble, but not fine for you to defend yourself with the truth. Guess you know who to avoid going forward.


TimeandEntropy −  NTA People that are “just kidding” don’t complain about hostility to the boss. He’s just pissed his con stopped working so no, I wouldn’t worry what he thinks. It’s absolutely worth getting him in trouble over when he’s trying to get you in trouble. Protecting yourself from the scammer isn’t an AH thing to do at all.

emmany63 −  NTA. Moving forward, you’ll want to take a step back and continue being the professional here rather than engaging with him. As Mark Twain said, “Never argue with an i**ot. They will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.”


So the next time he tries to engage with you and your coworkers on this topic, simply remark, “I’m sorry you feel that way.” He’s a m**ipulative mooch, so don’t give him room to maneuver, and don’t give him reason to go the boss about you (not that you’ve done that in any way, but he’s going to be looking for things now).

Remain professional, even be kind (outside of buying him anything, including food), but don’t give him a way in. This is a man with DEFINITE i**ot-level experience, and you don’t need him dragging you down. (also just an edit note: in the second to last paragraph I think you meant corroborated, not collaborated)


besupergood −  NTA- He literally complained to the boss because you wouldn’t buy him food, trying to get you in trouble. So you explained the truth to the boss. Not sure what he thought was gonna happen there.

[Reddit User] −  100% NTA. He lost the ability to play the “I was just kidding” card after he A.) openly bragged about scamming his coworkers and B.) forced your hand by getting your boss involved.


[Reddit User] −  Why even post this s**t? Jesus christ. He’s obviously the a**hole. What a s**t sub

Mondo_76 −  You know you’re not a d**k. take your karma and put this on pro revenge or smthn.


TooManyAnts −  My coworker got dragged into the office and now he’s pissed that I “narc’d” and how he was just kidding. Most of the office thinks he got what he deserved but a few think it wasn’t worth getting him in trouble over.

Baby cried to bossman lies about how you didn’t get scammed, and he’s having a tanty because you cleared the record? Today no one he asked told him what they were doing for lunch, and he’s whining that we’re alienating him. I said he alienated himself because of his behavior. He said I’m an a**hole, but I don’t really feel bad that a mooch who thinks it’s funny to scam his coworkers thinks I’m an a**hole.


You’re NTA, and also he feels alienated because *he’s* an a**hole and that’s why no one wants to be around him.. Put another way:. ————-. Me sowing: laughing and bragging to someone in another department about how he was able to scam lunches out of his coworkers,. Me reaping: he’s whining that we’re alienating him.

Fcuk_knows −  NTA. He wouldn’t have complained to your boss if he was joking.


Was it fair to report the coworker’s behavior, or should the issue have been handled more privately? Have you ever dealt with someone trying to take advantage at work? Share your thoughts in the comments — we’d love to hear your take on workplace boundaries and respect!

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