AITA for not taking down my video that was a gift from my best man.


A Reddit user shares how his parents skipped his wedding to comfort his sister, who was upset about her sick dog. Hurt by their absence, his best man created a heartfelt wedding video featuring his mom’s voicemail as the background audio.

When the video went viral, it caused an uproar among his family, who demanded he take it down. The user refused, insisting they make up for missing his once-in-a-lifetime event. Read the full story below to decide if he crossed a line.


‘ AITA for not taking down my video that was a gift from my best man.’





Here’s what people had to say to OP:







Was the user’s decision to keep the video up justified, given the emotional weight of his parents missing such an important day? Or should he have prioritized family reconciliation over making a point? Share your opinions below!

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  1. Lori 2 months ago

    Definitely NTA. Is your sister special needs? That is the only reason I could ever see them making these types of choices but even then, only ONE parent need stay behind in any of those instances. That is how other parents handle it, the parents split up. Even now, I am not really sure if the parents are asking you to take it down due to their own embarassment, or just because sister has been crying for a week!

  2. Jacob 2 months ago

    NTA I had my family show up just long enough to say they were there and then left to go party at a friends house instead and that was years ago and it still bothers me. They made their bed. Let them lie in it. Your friend is sounds more like family than your actual family does

  3. Michelle 2 months ago

    Take it down. The point’s been made. Take it down and get on with your life. If they understand how unfair they’ve been, and try to make you a reasonable priority and make amends, then hey, they can walk alongside you when you want them to. If not then enjoy your life and let them miss out. Don’t give this more head space than they deserve.

  4. Toni Thomas 2 months ago

    So not the Ass. They are, clearly the ones who can count on are your best friend and spouse. I agree with the thinking that your family is upset only because they were called out on it. Stay strong, you are better than them. Their loss – unfortunately we don’t get to pick our family. Keep the video up.

  5. Mary 3 weeks ago

    Not exactly the same thing but I’ve got five children. One son and four daughters. My son got married in November last year and my sister and her whole family didn’t come. She also has four daughters. She always has an excuse beforehand. I can’t help being really pissed off with her. My husband’s whole family were there but nobody from my side. My son claimed my best friend as his honary aunt since his real one couldn’t be bothered attending. She did however send them a gift.

  6. Kat 2 months ago

    NTA!!!!!!! Distraught drama queen vs neglected sibling. Parents are supposed to support all of their children. The sister is old enough to know right from wrong, and too old for petty sibling rivalry. Parents are neglectful narcissists to both by not correcting the sister’s entitled attitude or supporting the brother’s accomplishments and triumphs. As a mother myself, I’m always sickened by parents like those. I support and encourage all of my children and grandchildren when they deserve it, and correct them when needed. I even became a licensed minister to officiate my youngest daughter’s wedding when she was ghosted by the person who was supposed to do it. I went to another state to help my oldest daughter move into her new home, and several times for various reasons when she needed me. I take care of my youngest granddaughter for my youngest daughter so she can get her life sorted. I talk to my children on video frequently to be sure they can see the love and occasionally concern on my face and in my eyes, depending on the conditions of the topics.

    I would agree with the majority of commenters… Go no contact, or low contact – like major holiday greetings or wishes. You know they won’t be there for you and disappointment is guaranteed, so just wish them well and put you energies on your chosen family. Blood doesn’t always mean family, your family are the people in your life that will be there in good and bad times. They will support your triumphs and mourn your losses, while encouraging your attempts.

    I truly wish you all the best life has to offer, enjoy your time with loved ones.

  7. Kell 2 months ago

    Personally, I’d take it down if I were in your shoes, but not necessarily for their benifit. Watching wedding videos ought to spark warm feelings of remembrance and I predict the rewatching that will grow and strengthen the bitterness. Do yourself a favor: let the bitterness go and move on with your life surrounding yourself with people who have the capacity to show up in their caring.