AITA for not splitting the proceeds of the sale of our parents house?

A Redditor shares a contentious situation with their siblings over the sale of their late mother’s house. After buying them out of their shares to keep the property, the value of the house skyrocketed. Now that it’s sold, the siblings demand a portion of the profit, claiming it’s only fair, leading to family tensions. Read the original story below to see how this inheritance dispute unfolds.

‘ AITA for not splitting the proceeds of the sale of our parents house?’

When my mom died, back in 2018, she left me and my siblings a decent chunk of money and her house. My siblings wanted to sell the house and split the money. I wanted to keep the house. It’s a unique property with a pretty big lot in the middle of the city. The house is 4/3, there is a pretty awesome deck and most importantly not in an HOA.

I had some sentimental attachment to it, but mostly I thought the house was a better for my situation than a pile of cash. I asked them if I could buy them out. They were pretty excited about the idea. The house would stay in the family and they still get their cash. We got it appraised, hired an attorney and went through with it.

My portion of the inheritance and a chunk of my own savings were enough to cover their shares. As soon as it was done, me and my then fiancé moved in. We saved a bunch on rent, the house was paid off, location was great, we were really happy with the house.

My brother burned through the cash in two years. He fancied himself and ‘influencer.’ He bought a Maserati for cash, went to expensive nightclubs, vacationed in exotic places. Good for him, but money is gone. My sister and her husband bought a really expensive boat.

I guess that’s better, they did use it pretty often, my nephews love it. But from what I understand her portion of the money is gone too. I got married and we had a son. We would host my siblings on holidays and the Christmas before Covid I started to notice it. They were making snide comments about how much the house must be worth now.

Since 2018, we had an influx of people to my city. It’s growing rapidly and the price of the house essentially tripled. We’ve had a bunch of all cash offers on the house when we weren’t thinking of selling. But this year, we decided to move. My wife was pregnant again and we were going to relocate closer to her family.

I talked to my boss, and I he said the place we were moving to had an office I could commute to on the days I work in the office. So we put the house on the market. It sold pretty quickly and that’s when the trouble started. Both of my siblings think that I owe it to them to split the profit I made, because it’s only fair.

We were in the middle of a move and house hunting in the new place, so I didn’t really have time to go on about this. Well, it’s been months, and they have not stopped bothering about how I cheated them out of a portion of their inheritance, and I was being really s**fish.

They point out that the process of me buying them out was pretty smooth, we didn’t have any problems or hiccups, they did me a favor by not kicking up a fuss. Now they want to split the profit because it was their house too. This has become really t**ic and most of my family is on their side.

My mom’s sister says it would have broken her heart to see her kids fight like this and I should split the money with my siblings. My dad’s sister thinks I should buy them off so they shut up. AITA for refusing to split the money?

Here’s how people reacted to the post:

Ok_Conversation9750 −  NTA. The fact that they didn’t understand that you can either invest or spend an inheritance is not your problem. They chose to spend their inheritance while you chose to invest yours. Now that they’ve pissed theirs away, it’s on them.. Edit: typo

Low-Wear-6259 −  NTA. It’s not your fault that the house is worth more now than when you bought out your siblings. I’d point out that all 3 of you invested your inheritance in different ways and yours is the only one that paid off financially.

SpaceJesusIsHere −  NTA. Repeat after me, or face a lifetime of this bs over and over again (I’m old and learned the hard way that leeches only ever demand more and come to feel e**itled to, and resent, your success no matter how much money you give them.) “We each got the same amoint of money. You both made the adult decisions to spend your share. I kept my share invested wisely.

No one else is e**itled to the proceeds of my investments, just like I am not e**itled to a third of your boat or mazzersti. The proceeds from my good financial choices will all go to my children, as I am the adult responsible for their care. No one will take away one cent from my kids’ college fund because other adults made poor financial choices.

We all started with the same amount of money. You could all have bought houses, stocks, etc. with your shares. You chose not to. No one else is responsible for your choices but you. Movong forward, I do not expect this to be an issue ever again.The next time someone tells me that they are e**itled to my children’s money will be the last conversation I have with that person.”

mizfit0416 −  er, no. You bought them out fair and square. The profit is yours to do with as you please. Greedy, greedy greedy siblings. NTA

TogarSucks −  INFO: Say the market had gone in a different direction and the house lost value between the time you bought them out and the time you sold it. Would they have paid you a for a portion of the loss??

Zealousideal-Tea3296 −  NTA- if they used their inheritance on investments and not things that depreciated, would they have given you a part of their profits?

Flashy-Promise-6915 −  F**k that for a wank. Appraised and paid market rate at the time. Siblings need to wind their necks in and think about the goods times with their status symbol car and boat. Do not pay them. NTA

Ok-Context1168 −  NTA. They are being ridiculous. You literally had it appraised and gave them what they would have gotten if you had sold back in 2018. They have no argument and no standing. The people in your family on their side are idiots. Why is it okay for them to get paid **twice** but you need to give them cash for the buyout AND to split the profits? Answer: it’s not. Hell no!

quitcute5264 −  NTA. This would be like the previous owners of my house asking to split the profit with me when I choose to sell. Your siblings agreed to a buyout knowing full well that you could or would sell in the future. This nullifies any rights they have to ownership and/or future proceeds from the house.

They had the option to buy the home for themselves and chose the cash option instead. The only thing I would have done differently is offer them the opportunity to buy the house back at the current market value. And since it sounds like this would not have been an option for them since they spent all their inheritance, that’s not really your problem.

lonnielee3 −  NTA. Hell no, you are not an AH and your siblings are not e**itled to any proceeds if you sell *your* house. You think your siblings are gonna share if they sell the Maserati or the fancy boat?

Do you think the user was justified in refusing to share the proceeds from the house sale since they bought out their siblings fairly, or should they have considered splitting the profits due to family ties? How would you handle a situation where financial decisions create rifts in the family? Share your thoughts below!

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