AITA for not moving out of my parents house?


A Reddit user (22F) shares a dilemma about living at her parents’ home with her young daughter (1F) while contributing to household expenses and helping out. Her twin sister, Jade, who is 9 months pregnant and preparing to move back in, is pressuring her to move out so that Jade’s baby can have its own room.

Despite working two jobs and covering her share of bills, the user explains that moving out would limit her ability to provide for her child and secure childcare. Read the full story below.


‘ AITA for not moving out of my parents house?’

I (22f) have lived with my parents my whole life, I have one daughter (1f). Even though my situation isn’t perfect I help out, I buy groceries as well as help pay for wifi and bills. I put in my share for money as much as I physically can, I’m currently working 2 jobs however I’m not a burden to my parents in anyway.


My daughter is in bed asleep by the time I’m working and she doesn’t require anything from my parents. Although my parents are happy to help if needs be. I’m a single mum and she’s with her dad every other weekend.

My parent’s house is four bedrooms, they have the master bedroom, then me, my daughter and my younger sister (19f) have three of the smaller bedrooms. It definitely is a tight fit however all of us have enough space.


My twin sister (also 22f) who I’ll call Jade is currently 9 months pregnant and planning on moving back in with my parents. Jade doesn’t have a job and is very much the type of person to sleep around. She doesn’t even know who the dad is, I told her she could have my daughter’s room and I’ll move her into my bedroom with me.

She told me I should move out and get my own place as she wants her baby to have her own room, that I had a job and could move out. I explained to her though I do work and make money I wouldn’t nearly be able to give her as many wonderful things as I’m able to give her if I was living on my own.


The cost to live right now is so expensive and I wouldn’t be able to just leave my daughter in her bed going to work without an adult in the house. I told her I’m not moving out and she’s calling me and b**ch and an a**hole which I really don’t think is fair so I’ll ask you; am I the a**hole?

Let’s dive into the reactions from Reddit:

forgeris −  NTA, your sister is an ah though – she has no right to demand that you move out just because she wants two rooms. Every sane person would thank you for taking your kid to your room and freeing that room for them, clearly not your sister.


Also, people who immediately resort to insults after being rejected do not deserve even what you are giving them. So do what is the best for you and sadly you will have to coexist with your sister, wouldn’t be surprised if she dumps her child soon enough to you or your parents.

Shot_Western_2755 −  INFO- what do your parents want?


[Reddit User] −  Why do you all keep making babies if you don’t have jobs and have to live with parents after getting impregnated? Blows my mind.

TreeHuggerHannah −  NTA for not moving out so she can have two rooms, but you… honestly are both coming off as a little e**itled arguing about how to divide up rooms in your parents’ house like you own the place when neither of you are actually independent of them.


SlinkyMalinky20 −  So interesting to see so much judgment to women who have babies young and not ready who are utilizing willing family support…. At the same time the US is hurtling backwards in a**rtion rights. It’s like people want to force women to have kids, cut any social safety net to help support them, cut s** Ed to prevent them, make Plan B harder to get and then shame the hell out of them forever.

oo_rakshashi_oo −  These Y-T-A votes and entitlement comments on OP is lowkey wild. Y’all are so brainwashed into thinking independent lives from the family unit is what being an adult is. In most Asian/Hispanic countries it’s totally normal and expected for multiple generations to live together.


While this circumstance is definitely different than the average situation, it’s really common. The younger sister is e**itled and being an AH but every single adult in that household should be paying forward their fair share of expenses.

Whether that be bills, chores, etc. there’s absolutely no reason for anyone to be living at home with their parents and not helping in major ways around the house. NTA.


Alarming_Trip4901 −  Honestly, you & your sister need to get an apartment together to support yourselves and the children. Then, your parents, who didn’t sign up to take care of your children, can have their home again.

hesathomes −  ESH. You, your sister, and your parents. Sister is e**itled, you are e**itled, and your parents raised e**itled children.


Sutech2301 −  can, I’m currently working 2 jobs however I’m not a burden to my parents in anyway. My daughter is in bed asleep by the time I’m working and she doesn’t require anything from my parents.. Yeah, sure

PaleontologistHot450 −  Unpopular opinion looking at the comments but getting yourself pregnant while you’re living under someone else’s roof? AH behaviour. Regardless of the additional drama 🥱


Do you think the user is being unreasonable for staying in her parents’ home for financial security, or should her twin sister’s situation take priority? How would you navigate this delicate family arrangement? Share your thoughts below!

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