AITA for letting my toddler destroy 200$?

A Reddit user recounts a frustrating incident at their one-year-old child’s birthday party. A relative insisted on giving $200 directly to the toddler despite warnings that the child might destroy it.
Predictably, the money ended up torn to shreds within moments. The relative was furious, accusing the parent of negligence. Curious about how this disagreement unfolded? Read the full story below!
‘ AITA for letting my toddler destroy 200$?’
At my 1yo child’s birthday some relative gave him 200$. (I) said I’ll take it and (R)elative denied. I: don’t worry, I spend it on him or put it in his saving account; R: no, i want to give him money myself;
I: *surprised pikachu face* that’s not the best idea, he will eat it or something; R: but that’s his money and i want him to have it. At this point I’m just tired of this fruitless conversation and said sure, go ahead.
And then i watched my son grabbing this money, rotate it in his little hands and tear it to pieces in like 3 sec. Relative called me names because “I knew it’s gonna happen” and i obviously knew so i couldn’t denied.
But really is it that shocking, he’s 1 for f**k sake and I told her to not give him this money
(On mobile and not native speaker, of course it wasn’t 200$ but equivalent in my currency)
Let’s dive into the reactions from Reddit:
jackalope78 − NTA. I mean, you told him not to give it to her, what did he think you were trying to do?
[Reddit User] − YTA don’t tell your son what to do with his money
museisnotyours − NTA. You hand a toddler a toy, not actual money.
AnnieJack − NTA. You said he’d eat it or something, the relative insisted on giving it to him.
When the relative said you knew he would do that, did you reply, “Yes, I knew and I told you less than 5 minutes ago.”
Pause_And_Breathe − NTA. It’s your child, and if you don’t want something in his mouth, don’t allow someone to bully you into them putting it in their mouth. You knew what was gonna happen.
RollingKatamari − Lmaooo NTA-why give money in bare cash to a 1-year old, kids that age either put everything in their mouth or f**k s**t up.
thatsnotacracker − NTA- What did they think was going to happen,
that the 1 year old was going put that money in the stock market?
trujace − Thank you all for answers, I, in fact, keep the pieces for a entertaining purposes and try replace it in a bank following your advice. Some of you wonder why I let this happen and this can’t be real,
well, I’m kinda tired-of-your-s**t person and that’s my way to cope with dumb persons – I let her do her ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Have great day everyone and don’t let toddlers to dig in your wallet
shenaniganrogue − NTA, of course! What did they expect?! Although I originally read this as “AITA for letting my toddler destroy 2020?” and my immediate reaction was that’s a pretty outrageous burden to lay at the feet of a young child.
[Reddit User] − X: Don’t do it, that is a bad idea. Y: I am going to do it. X: Don’t do it. Y: I am going to do it. X: Fine.. Y: How dare you let me do it?!?!. WTF? NTA
Was the parent wrong for letting the relative give the money directly to the child, or should the relative have listened to their warnings? How would you have handled this tricky situation? Share your opinions and experiences in the comments below!