AITA for leaving dinner when being told to?

A Reddit user shared a story about a tense Thanksgiving dinner with their father. After politely asking him to chew with his mouth closed, the father responded harshly, leading the user to leave the dinner and stay at their mother’s house. Now, they wonder if they overreacted or were justified in their actions. Read their story below.
‘ AITA for leaving dinner when being told to?’
I 19F came home from college for thanksgiving and had thanksgiving with my father 49M. This did not occur during thanksgiving day. A couple days after we were eating together at the dinner table. My father who was next to me was eating with his mouth open and smacking his lips obnoxiously.
I took a deep breath because I knew if I hadn’t I’d be rude. When something’s bothering me I tend to overreact so I took a second and then asked him “dad, could you please chew with your mouth closed? It’s bothering me.” I made sure to ask in a soft tone so I didn’t get misinterpreted as rude.
My father then responded “f**k off, eat somewhere else if you don’t like it.” It shocked me for a moment because I really didn’t expect him to say that. I then got up, took care of my plate. Then I drove to my mother’s house and stayed at her home for the night. Am I the a**hole? I really don’t think so, but my father’s wife said I should have never said anything to begin with. I do think I may have overreacted with leaving his house all together.
Take a look at the comments from fellow users:
Alternative-Drop-664 − NTA, i mean…he did tell you to f**k off and eat somewhere else. probably didn’t expect you to go to another house entirely, but he was a bit too vague with his statement LMAO. you didn’t ask him anything rudely, though. even took the time to collect yourself before asking him to stop but he was rude to you in response. you only did what he said!!! i’d say that’s polite and obedient
doodie_francis_esq − Nta. There is something so egregiously disgusting about sloppy eating. But not nearly as disgusting as a 49 yo father telling his 19 yo daughter to f**k off.
mche11ie − NTA Good for you. He was gross and then rude. You are not required to put up with that. May be time for LC or even NC for a while till he learns some manners.
Sassypants2306 − NTA.. Simply rey to step mum. “I don’t need to be verbally abused so I complied and left the situation. I do not think I was out of line for asking g my father to simply chew with his mouth closed like an adult.”
SnooChipmunks770 − NTA. What grown ass adult chews with their mouth open when they can choose not to? Ick.
Tdluxon − NTA. Asking him to chew with his mouth shut is not a huge or unreasonable request and even if it was rude, his reaction seems way over the top. All you did was exactly what he told you to do, eat somewhere else.
adzeram − NTA. He potentially could have been offended, as soft-spoken as you were, but he totally blew up on you. You were justified in leaving
Walktothebrook − NTA. The F Off reply did for me.
MadTownMich − NTA. It is disgusting to eat with your mouth open, and you asked politely. His response was aggressive and obnoxious. I would have left too.
CurrentTea3987 − NTA that’s just n**ty. Also you’re a legal adult stop going there
Was the user justified in leaving after their father’s response, or should they have stayed and tried to smooth things over? How would you handle such a situation with a family member? Share your thoughts below!
Some of us have a real problem with those types of noises. It triggers something in our brains. When people do it I now just get up and walk away, leaving everything on the table. It’s called misophonia and it definitely is real.