AITA For laughing and saying “What goes around comes around” because my uncle’s daughter is hanging out with boys who were exactly like him?

A Reddit user (16) reflects on a family situation involving their uncle Tommy, who used to be a “skirt chaser” and now is upset that his daughter, Mariah (14), is hanging out with boys who are just like he used to be.
When the family discussed Mariah’s behavior, the user laughed and pointed out that “what goes around comes around,” essentially calling out the irony of Tommy being upset about his daughter’s actions when he behaved similarly in the past.
The family had mixed reactions, with some agreeing that it was true but others, including Granny, being upset. The user wonders if they were wrong for laughing and making the remark. Read the full story below.
‘ AITA For laughing and saying “What goes around comes around” because my uncle’s daughter is hanging out with boys who were exactly like him?’
Following my (16) uncle Tommy’s own definition of “whores,” Tommy was the biggest whore back in the day. He’d be messing around with multiple girls at once, chasing them wherever he’d go like a dog or something.
My mum and aunts would constantly tell Tommy it was wrong, but he wouldn’t care and my granny thought it was all cute and encouraged him. Well, fast forward to now, and Tommy is furious because my cousin Mariah (14) is talking to boys who are literally exactly like he was.
Tommy’s arguing with my cousin’s mum Sophia because Mariah is hanging out with/texting these boys instead of doing her schoolwork. Tommy even got Granny involved and they’re both blaming Sophia for who Mariah’s talking to.
Granny was over at ours the other day and was talking about how worried she and Tommy are about Mariah. I didn’t try hiding it and was just laughing. Granny was like this isn’t funny, Mariah can’t be behaving this way, and she shouldn’t be hanging around “skirt chasers”
I told her “What goes around comes around”
And basically that it’s karma because Tommy was a “skirt chaser” himself and now he has to be on the other end with his own daughter hanging around boys who were exactly like he was. Granny was so mad that she left early, which she never does. My Mum and two of my aunts were over as well.
All three of them agreed that what I said was funny and technically true. But I’m old enough to know that it’s one of those times when you laugh about it privately but not to their faces. And it was something for an adult to talk about in a serious matter, not to bring up as a joke I know I probably am, but still, AITA?
Here’s what people had to say to OP:
stephiijobot − I heckin’ love this, and your maturity and awareness. Yes, generally these things are laughed at privately, but granny needed to hear it! Good on you! It seems you’ve got good judgement, so keep making these comments! We need more of the younger generations speaking out on things like this!
LoveBeach8 − NTA. I, for one, find it hilarious! Sorry, but I do. To act otherwise would be sexist. Your granny and your uncle are of the old school of “Boys will be boys but girls need to remain virgins until they marry.”. Archaic nonsense.
Kaynico − NTA. Kids say the darnedest things… If people can’t handle hearing true comments, then they should be careful who they speak around.
garulousmonkey − NTA – but your mum and aunts are right, there are some things you laugh about privately, and this sounds like one of those. Have you considered that your Uncle may have grown since then, realized he was wrong and be genuinely worried about his daughter?
slendermanismydad − No, laugh to their faces. Don’t say anything behind someone’s back you wouldn’t also say to their faces. They’re mad because they were assholes and now they have to deal with it. my granny thought it was all cute and encouraged him.. Gross.
Rihannnxxx − Took some popcorn and enjoying comments 😀 (nta)
HUNGWHITEBOI25 − No i disagree completely, when you can point the hypocrisy of misogynists, it IS appropriate to laugh at them.
NTA but i think you should have phrased it more in the sense of like “why are you mad? I thought it was cute when Uncle Tommy did it? Whats wrong?”. Good luck Op
oranges214 − “Laughing about it privately” is what allows people like Tommy to be unaccountable and to go through life with no reflection on his own behavior. It’s good that someone pointed his own behavior out to his face. NTA.
anglflw − I’ve lived for a very long time, and never in all of my years have I heard a 16 year old use the term “skirt chaser.”
dembowthennow − NTA. Now the shoe is on the other foot and they don’t like it.
Do you think the user’s comment was inappropriate given the sensitive family dynamic, or was it a justified, funny observation considering the situation? How would you have handled the conversation? Share your thoughts in the comments below!